Chapter 5: Bloody Fight

Mary was looking through the back window of the carriage, watching over John as he charged towards the robed figure.

She thought to herself, I'm sure he can handle himself for a bit now that he's aware of the enemy. I had a thought that something like this might happen though. Also, John confirmed that Floyd was dead, I wonder how Ashur is taking it…

She turned around to see Ashur who was sitting in a crossed-arm position. Mary started to say something but right then, an intense bloodlust aimed at the carriage caught her attention. She immediately activated her gift, covering the carriage all over with chains as a form of defense.

In that instant, she heard a clunk along with feeling a sharp vibration bouncing off her chains.

Mary could sense that multiple adversaries had attempted to cut the carriage but couldn't, due to her defensive maneuver.

Her eyes widened at the sound of a scream which came from outside the carriage. Wait, I forgot about the rider!

"Don't worry about that, Mary." Ashur's sudden statement caught her full attention. It was like he'd read her mind, or at least noticed her panicked expression.

"I'll handle all the adversaries outside. You just guard the carriage."

With that, Ashur stood up, turning to walk out the carriage door. Without looking back he spoke. "I'll be done shortly, Mr. Meyers."

"Alright. Be safe." Despite his words of compliance, A worried look lay on his face, as if he wanted to say more.

Mary opened her mouth, about to say it was a bad idea to go alone but the words never came. She recognized that look in his eyes. It was one of determination and resolve. His expression reflected his thoughts perfectly. No matter what she would say he wouldn't listen. He appeared to have complete belief that his choice of action was correct, so she submitted.

The robed man quickly got in a squatting position and in an instant, he seemed to disappear.

John's eyes darted around as he was trying to find him in a hurry. He scanned and scanned but to no avail.

John felt extreme bloodlust, however, so he knew the robed man didn't simply run away. He was definitely planning some kind of sneak attack on him.

He's incredibly fast and despite me charging at him I lost sight of him… let me try something.

John closed his eyes letting his hands fall to his sides, taking a deep breath before exhaling. All of a sudden, he felt a warm sensation all around him, he was focused.

Ha, if I can't see my attacker, all I have to do is sense him. I hope this works, I haven't done this in a while...…There!

John opened his eyes and turned behind him right as the robed figure swung down with his blade. He was able to catch it with his hand and in one movement gave a quick counterpunch straight to the man's gut. This sent the figure flying back a bit which gave John time to assess the situation.

His hand was bleeding from catching the blade, but it wasn't a serious injury. John decided to take his free moment to turn back towards the carriage and what he saw surprised him.

He saw Ashur, facing down eight enemies. One of them was holding the rider hostage while the rest were staring him down, eyes filled with malice. Despite this, Ashur stood tall, unflinchingly. Mary wasn't outside with Ashur but John noticed her chains covering the carriage.

Ashur pulled out a small dagger from his hip, shortly getting into an unorthodox stance. It seemed to have no form yet when he took the stance, he gave off a fierce aura.

The robed figures took a step back cautiously and for some reason; John started sweating slightly despite being on Ashur's side.

Wow, that pressure he's giving off is incredible. If I was facing him, I'd be worried, not only does he give off a mean aura, but his stance also has no openings despite its unorthodox nature.

Ashur suddenly glanced toward John before shouting. "Pay attention. Behind you!"

Ashur's yell snapped John out of his thoughts and right on time too as the second John turned; the robed figure was in his face once again. But this time he was a little more prepared mentally for a sudden sneak attack.

A flurry of slashes flew John's way, however, he was able to dodge each one at the last second before lunging at him. He went for a jab with his fist, aimed at his face but the man dodged as well, leaping back slightly. Now the two stood, staring each other down.

The robed man grumbled quietly. "Honestly, I feel like this game of cat and mouse might go on for a while. Why don't I fight you fair and square?"

In that instant he dropped his blade, getting into a boxing-like stance.

John had a wide grin on his face at the gesture. "Glad you get it."

Ashur scanned all around him, analyzing the situation silently.

So, the two closest to me have daggers concealed under their robes but I don't sense much aura from them so that's good. The four in the middle are pretty weak as well but the last two are strange. While they're clearly in front of me I can't sense their presence or auras. What makes things worse is the rider being held captive by those two, and they're the furthest from me.

In an instant, Ashur rushed the two in the front and they barely had time to react.

One pulled out his dagger, but it proved useless, getting knocked away with his blade before cutting the man clean in two. Next, he slashed at the other beside him, decapitating him instantly.

"Argh, get him! He's just one man!" One of the four men standing in the middle shouted out, in an attempt to boost morale. It didn't seem to help much however as Ashur dashed past them effortlessly. He'd closed the distance to the rider almost instantly. The man was now in reaching range, so he leaped to grab out but-


Ashur was sent flying far away from the rider.

He was able to maneuver in the air so he landed on his feat cleanly though. He looked forward, seeing who his attacker was. When he saw the being standing before him he couldn't help but stare in awe.

Wow, that thing is incredible. What he saw was a beast that had reptile-like legs and forearms along with claws. It opened its mouth, salivating to reveal rows of sharp teeth, it also had a spiked tail. Despite its menacing features and being twice his size, Ashur was mainly focused on its dangerous and murderous aura.

Alright so, this is a variable that isn't too favorable. I'm sure I could take that beast but since there are bugs around as well It might be more difficult, especially since I want to save the rider.

He got into his unorthodox fighting stance once more. His lips curved into a widened smile as he took in all the different variables. This is almost exciting. Eight assassins plus that beast... I'll just do what I can, looks like the only way past this situation are through it!

John and the robed man traded blow after blow now. John would strike his stomach, just for the man to reply with a fierce counter. Neither gave an inch and while John was starting to feel battered, he could tell that he had an edge when it came to hand to hand combat.

He slugged the robed man using a fist with a little more force packed into it. His opponent didn't expect the increase in power so he was appeared stunned momentarily. This was his chance.

He arched his arm back to give a finishing blow but to John's surprise in a split second, the robed man seemed to disappear before his punch could connect. Panicked- John looked left to right in a hurry but he didn't spot his robed adversary.

Suddenly he felt a flash of pain coming from his abdomen. He lowered his head to see a dagger jabbed through his stomach.

The instant he processed that he'd been attacked he twisted to deliver a powerful sidekick behind him which sent the robed man back a couple of feet.

John clutched his stomach which was oozing blood now. The robed man released a crazed chuckle.

"You're a fool. Did you really think I was going all out!? Not to mention the whole fighting fair and square bit."

John could do nothing but smile, realizing his stupidity at taking the man at his word. He was slowly backing up, attempting to gain a bit of distance now that he was injured.

"Guess that was a rookie mistake."

The man disappeared again but this time, John knew his number already. He closed his eyes once more, to heighten his senses. All he had to do was wait for it… The moment right before he'd be attacked, when bloodlust would slip through ever so slightly.

Once he got a lock on the man, he opened his eyes and raised his left hand- catching the raw blade right before it stabbed into the back of his head. The robed man was now suspended in mid-air as he didn't let go of his weapon. Now was his moment!

John gripped the blade with so much force that his hand bled before using it as a catalyst to fling the robed man back; and while he was able to land properly after he brought his attention forward again, he couldn't spot John anywhere.

He started sweating as his eyes darted quickly all around him. The last thing he saw were some trees in the clearing.

"Huh?" The robed man spoke, confusion rising in his voice. "Why are the trees hanging upside down….oh….I see. He got me."

The robed man's head was completely twisted, with the top of his head facing the ground while his chin faced the sky.

It happened in an instant, not only did John seemingly copy his vanishing technique- but he also killed him so fast that his brain still had time to process it.

John muttered. "Guess I was just stronger."

Mary was peering through the slight gaps in the chains covering the carriage. She was staring in disbelief as she watched the man fall lifeless, John standing over him with a blank look in his eye.

She thought to herself, John's better than I thought. For a second it looked like he'd lose. I'm surprised at not only how he copied that man's technique but also how brutal he was. I knew he was determined to complete his job, seeing how he was willing to risk a kid's life earlier but he's pretty hardcore. But now… that just leaves Ashur.

Ashur yelled out. "Come! All of you at once! You chose the wrong person to assassinate!!"