Chapter 7: Waiting

The sun was starting to set by the time John, Mary, and Mr. Meyers arrived in Inpo, the next town.

Their rider, while grateful for payment as well as safety, explained his concerns about continuing their transportation. Mr. Meyers said it was fine for him to make Inpo their last stop; being completely understanding of the man's concerns.

With their transportation cut off for the moment, the next best thing to do was to check John into the medical ward in the town's Adventurers Guild. It was on the smaller end but it was enough to get the job done, having minor job postings and such.

John tried shirking off getting treated but Mary insisted, saying how it wouldn't do any good for him to be in less than prime fighting condition. Especially with Ashur gone at the moment and without a clear idea of when he'd be able to catch up.

Mary and Mr. Meyers sat a couple of feet away from John as he lay unconscious on the bed that was prepared for him. The two watched over him as the doctor came in and started dressing his wounds.

"Do you think he'll be alright?" Mr. Meyers inquired.

Mary turned to him with a conflicted expression. It wasn't a look of uncertainty, she knew the answer but it bothered her nonetheless.

"If you're referring to Ashur I don't believe he'll be killed if that's what you're asking but I can't picture him coming out unscathed. That woman's presence was so powerful that I wouldn't want to fight her personally, that's for sure."

He had a look of surprise at her response.

"Is that answer something I can really count on, Mary? That he won't be killed, because it seems like Ashur would be the only one who could handle someone of her caliber, being an A-Rank adventurer after all."

The doctor finished and after exchanging a few words, walked out of the room which left the two to continue their discussion.

"I guarantee he'll be back. I've known him since we were kids and I've seen him get stronger and stronger. While that woman would be in a different class from John or me possibly, I could see him beating her. At worse, if she was more powerful I could see him finding a way to overcome that fact."

Mr. Meyers released a sigh of relief.

Mary knew that he had to be under the most stress out of all of them. Not only was his decision to support the candidate risky in itself, but he had more to consider than just politics. He had a family, a daughter he had to get home safe to and Mary didn't want to forget that. Not for one second.


The two perked up after hearing the slow muttering nearby. They glanced over to see John, slowly rising up in the bed. Mary quickly reached over, gently helping him to sit up fully.

"Are you alright?"

His upper body was completely covered in bandages and while his lower abdomen area was bloodsoaked, it had been sewn shut as well as possible.

"Yeah. I think so, we can get going now."


Mary had a shocked look on her face; she couldn't believe what she'd just heard.

She assumed that John was experienced enough to know when rest was needed but she came under the understanding she might've assumed wrong,

"No John, you have to rest okay? You're in no condition to be moving right now."

He shook his head, a stubborn furrow in his brow. "On the contrary, I agree that rest is important, but staying still is the worst thing we could do right now! That woman was super strong, not to mention she might not be the last fighter of that caliber they'll send our way, so I think it's best to leave at once."

Mary started to open her mouth to disagree but stopped briefly.

She knew his reasoning was logical but she still preferred that he rested more before they'd head out once more. She didn't want him to rest just for his sake though, she was thinking that by the time it took John to recover, which she guessed to be a day or so- Ashur might show up. That way their party would be full and they could leave with little to no worries.

She sighed, frustrated that she couldn't really counter his argument, from a logical standpoint he was completely right. However, she felt strongly in her reasoning for him resting,

"While I won't say that's a bad reason to want to leave so soon, I think that's equally as bad. Let's say we leave now and there are more fighters of that woman's caliber. That just means to get to Mr. Meyers they'd have to go through a woman whose ability is generally defense based and a wounded man who couldn't take on even one of their underlings without taking severe damage."

Mary balled up her fist. At that last bit of what she said about fighting an underling, John's face contorted with shame as he looked down.

She hadn't meant to be so blunt but she was firm in her belief that if they left right then and there Mr. Meyers would surely be killed. She continued speaking.

"Honestly we could both be wrong. This is a really tough call to make."

Mary turned towards Mr. Meyers."The choice is yours as our employer. We'll do whatever you choose."

John raised his head now, intently looking at Mr. Meyers, who at this point was looking down deep in thought.

"Before you decide I want to apologize, truly."

John's words snapped Mr. Meyer out of his thoughts for a moment, making him look at John.

"It's quite alright John. You're still young, you have time to improve as an adventurer and a fighter. The only thing I'd ask is that you do your very best, as it's crucial that I reach Albaede. At the very least I'd like to announce my support and give my contribution if I am to die over this decision of mine."

"Thank you, Mr. Meyers…" He looked at him in admiration.

Of course, he was still ashamed that so far, he'd been carried through this mission either by luck, or Ashur, but seeing Mr. Meyers so serious and full of resolve strengthened John's resolve as well.

"Now, about my decision." He paused a moment before continuing. "Mary, John?"

The two both nodded in unison.

"I've decided we'll stay- if just for the next day. That way Ashur may catch up and John could get some well-deserved rest."

"Yes, Sir." The two said in unison.

Mr. Meyers stood up,

"Would you be fine staying here on your own John? I was thinking I would turn in for the night at an inn or hotel in the town."

"Absolutely. You enjoy your night sir."

He nodded and with one movement walked out the door of the medical wing.

Mary started to follow but on her way out she paused at the door, turning her head slightly. The primary emotion showing on her face currently was sincerity as she spoke softly.

"I truly hope you can get some good rest John and I'm sorry if my earlier comment came off as rude. I just don't like to see people get hurt or die in front of me."

He smiled and shook his head. His expression had a bit of gratitude written on it. "No, I'm glad you care so much and the next time I fight I'll prove my worth. But then again I hope we don't get into a fight like that again."

The two chuckled lightly in agreement. Mary gave him a warm smile. "Well, I'll see you later John. You have a good rest."

She then exited the room in a rush, to catch up with Mr. Meyers as quickly as possible and now, he was all alone.

John clenched his fist firmly as he stared at it, Hmm. I wonder. Would my teacher have been able to do better than me in that situation? Am I living up to what you saw in me Zubec? Or even you…Pride?

John's eyes slowly started to droop, as he was more tired than he realized earlier. He truly did need rest.

Ever since the mission started and even a couple of days before he hadn't slept a bit.

Well. Whatever happens tomorrow, or the day after that, no matter what it is I'll do my best! That's how I'll honor him.

With that last thought and a slight surge of inspiration imbued in him, John sank under the covers quietly to take a well-fought rest.


John slowly rose out of bed, releasing a yawn.

He didn't know how long he had slept but one thing he did know was how good he felt.

As he rubbed his eyes, attempting to wake up fully he bit back his frustration. He was frustrated, not that Mary was right but that he was so wrong. Now that he was rested, even if Ashur didn't return he was much more confident in his capacity to protect Mr. Meyers.

All of a sudden his thoughts were seemingly on pause though, after he finished rubbing his eyes the sight in front of him left him shocked. The sight was Ashur, lying down on a medical bed, just like him!

John shot out of bed instantly and while he slightly winced due to how suddenly he stood, it wasn't super painful. He truly did get well-needed rest. In a hurry he slipped out of bed, walking over to where Ashur lay, to get a better look at him.

The man looked fine from head to toe, with no serious-looking injuries to John's relief. The only thing noteworthy damage-wise was a scar over his left eye that wasn't there before.

Ashur's eyes were closed so John didn't know if the scar was proof of an eye injury or a failed attempt. Besides that, he seemed to be in fine condition, not having bandages anywhere visible at the least.

John was grinning with satisfaction. Wow, he really survived, just like Mary said... Actually, speaking of Mary I should find her. I'm sure she was overjoyed that he made it back relatively safely. I'd like to hear what happened after I napped, like when Ashur showed up or if another attack happened.

After walking out of the medical ward, he searched around, hoping to find Mary but to no avail.

"Hey, Miss?"

The person he called out to, a woman standing by the guild board turned around, a curious look on her face.

She was beautiful; having long black braided hair, except for the one strand that was noticeably gray. Her eyes were red like a rose which gave her a unique air about her.


The instant she spoke he felt a strange feeling in his chest, she felt… familiar? A part of him wanted to question that feeling directly but doing so during his current objective would be unnecessary. Also, he couldn't afford to be sidetracked at a moment like this. He could always find out what he was feeling later.

"I was wondering if you had seen a pink-haired girl with a dagger tattoo on her neck around?"

The girl paused for a moment, just staring at him. At first, he was confused about what she was doing but then it hit him, she was sizing him up.

If it was to see his intentions or simply analyze a stranger suddenly appearing and asking a question, he didn't know. However, one thing he did know was she was truly beautiful...

He blushed slightly, looking away from her. "Is that a no? Then I'm sorry for wasting your time." He quickly turned to leave but she called out to him,

"No, it's fine. Yes, a girl like that came by a bit ago, she had stopped by the medical ward before leaving again. She was alongside some other man who was rushed in by the nurses."

"Did you see where she went then after?"

"Can't say for sure but the direction I saw her go towards after leaving was the town square."

"Thanks a bunch!" John started to leave in a hurry but stopped, turning back towards her.

"Oh, I forgot to ask, what's your name?"

The woman turned away from him slightly, not facing him as she responded. "It's Briallen."

With that she turned around fully, walking away from the job board, having a poster in hand.

"That's a beautiful name. Mine's John, it's nice to meet you."

After giving John her response she started to leave but on hearing the words beautiful used to describe her name, she paused for a moment. But, after he finished introducing himself as well, Briallen continued walking away without a word.

Hmm, that was an interesting encounter. She didn't seem to be too friendly or in the mood for company but when I called her name beautiful she had a reaction. Is she not used to being treated nicely or having someone call her name beautiful? Hmm I wonder…

John shook his head, choosing to stop his mind's attempt at detective work at the inner workings of his newfound acquaintance's mind.

John almost started to head out of the Guild Hall but curiosity bit him.

He made his way over to the job board, checking out the poster that Briallen had been looking at. The sight of the person in the image brought a shiver down his spine.

It was Luna.

Her silver eyes were fierce despite the image of her just being a sketch. While it was just a sketch of the woman, he found it extremely accurate to how she looked, at least 9 years ago. At the bottom of the poster, it said 'Devil, Bounty 900,000 Rubies.'

Devil was a title given to the most dangerous individuals. Those who proved a threat to multiple cities as well as nations on their own.

There were other individuals sharing the title, having posters beside hers as well but they didn't matter to him. John's eyes were locked on the image.

His heart skipped a beat, and a sharp pain throbbed from his abdomen. He quickly turned, looking away from the picture. After lifting his hand, touching his forehead, and lowering it from the spot he found a pool of sweat on it.

He rushed out of the Guild Hall.

After being hunched over, hand on the wall for a good minute his heart, which had been beating furiously, slowed. He continuously released deep breaths, hoping to calm himself.

John's left hand started to shake but he quickly grabbed it with his other hand, stilling it.

He was trying his best to push his fears and thoughts deep inside. The most important thing, for now, was to find Mary and Mr. Meyers.

There was a lot he didn't know that led up to Ashur being back. He was also worried about his employers' safety.

After learning where Mary might be, a part of John wanted to stay with Ashur in case of attack again but he couldn't. From what he had seen of her skills, while she was experienced he didn't believe her to be the strongest in a fight, especially a one-on-one with someone of that attacker's caliber.

John hadn't noticed at first due to his panicked state but the sun was shining down. It beamed brightly, helping to pull him out of the darkness his mind was quickly enveloped in. With his heart and mind somewhat settled, he started making his way toward the town square, hoping and praying to find his pink-haired comrade.

As he was making his way through the town, searching, he realized something. The town they were staying in, Inpo, was a hotspot for many things.

John didn't notice when they first came to town since he was so distracted, being wounded and all. He had wanted to secure lodgings for Mr. Meyer right away but Mary being stubborn insisted he get treated first and since he wasn't in the state to fight back he accepted, albeit reluctantly.

To his surprise, there were many people commuting and living here.

Before their trip was fully started Mr. Meyers had him look at a map along with information about the many towns on the way to their destination. Same when Mary and Ashur joined them. He'd learned that Inpo wasn't a secluded or abandoned town but seeing it in person he was still unprepared for how many people came through and lived there.

Compared to the other towns on their way to the city of Albaede, Inpo was the farthest from it, making it less likely to have a huge or large population. Somehow that atmosphere didn't reflect that geographical fact, however. There were many street vendors and people commuting.


He turned to his left to see Mary along with Mr. Meyers in tow. The two of them looked completely fine, with neither a scratch nor blemish to be seen. John slightly relaxed, and lowered his guard at the sight of them.

"Why are you out here?" Mary gave him a confused look. "You should be resting still!" Her tone held a slightly irritated and flustered edge to it.

John started to give a brash retort but stopped himself.

While he hated her habit of somewhat pampering him, he knew it came from a place of care and genuine concern.

"Just wanted to make sure you two were doing fine. I woke up to see Ashur in the bed in front of mine, kinda threw me for a loop there."

Mr. Meyers spoke. "I can make sure you hear everything then, John. Let's all head back to the medical wing."

The group walked back, eventually making it back inside the Guild Hall and while John scanned and scanned, he couldn't see Briallen there anymore.

He was hoping to run into her again but it seemed he wouldn't be so lucky.

After the group entered the medical wing they all grabbed chairs, and sat down around Ashur's bed. He was still sleeping but they started talking anyway.

"So you were looking for us were you?"

John nodded at the man."I was worried that without me or Ashur you'd be in danger."

Mary's eyes were locked on Ashur, who was fast asleep on the bed; a blank expression on her face.

A second later John realized making that statement showed he doubted Mary's abilities on her own. He started to speak up to apologize but before he could Mr. Meyers chuckled slightly.

"My apologies, that was my fault. I had some items I wanted to buy from the many shops so we left you two alone here. Also, I wouldn't be concerned. While Mary has made known she's not a fighter, there's no one I'd trust more than her to defend my life."

John scratched his head in slight embarrassment. "Right, sorry if that came off as rude Mary. I just wanted to be there, seeing how I got hired to protect him as well."

Mary shook her head. "It's fine John. I know my limits. If I didn't believe I could defend him without the help of Ashur or another adventurer, I would never have taken this job."

"Right. Now if you don't mind me asking what items did you get Mr. Meyers?"

"Oh, just a couple of things. I think they'd be a great help for your mission so once Ashur wakes I was planning to give it to you both."

"You shouldn't have sir."

He shook his head adamantly. "On the contrary. I believe it's necessary to accomplish this mission. In my honest opinion, this mission may be worth more trouble than what you'll be getting in return, seeing the caliber of people aiming to take my life."

John couldn't disagree with his statement.

He had a similar thought when he first encountered those bandits, which he currently believed were sent by the woman from before, being a sort of first-wave test. That was when he had a similar sentiment as Mr. Meyers, that the job was worth more than the pay.

"It's fine. While I can't say I disagree, I'll still do my job regardless." He gave his response with the most honesty he could muster while keeping resolve tightly plastered onto his face.

John was sure even if his fate were to die during this job he would accept it.

He had already lost everything long ago, he didn't have much to live for besides helping people as well as eventually getting his revenge so he was fine with whatever happened.

At the very least, he didn't want to let Mr. Meyers' daughter, Laura down. He'd made a conscious decision to continuously remind himself that the little girl was staying behind, waiting for her dad to return safely.

Mary interjected. "Ashur will probably say the same when he wakes up but since we're working together we should know each other's cards. Does that sound good to you?"

John nodded and Mary continued after seeing his confirmation. "First I should tell you the truth behind my power. I don't actually have a blessing."

John perked up, he stayed silent to let her continue, however.

"I'm actually contracted with a spirit." Mary outstretched her palm. After those words left her lips a shrill voice shouted out.

"So you finally revealed me, huh!?"

Light emitted from Mary's palm.

It was a light so bright that John had to cover his eyes. After it faded, John opened his eyes and the sight before him was surprising, to say the least.

He saw a girl, the size of a shoe floating in front of him. She had cute pink cheeks and gray hair that was up in a mini bun. One word he would've used to describe her was cute. The miniature white lily on top of her hair only seemed to amplify that impression.

To make the whole appearance come together fully she was wearing a white dress. While she was visible, she had light shining around her which made her hard to look at for long.

"My name's Annerose! The steel spirit!" She was grinning ear to ear, outstretching her arm, eager to shake John's hand.