Chapter 9: The Bush

"What do you have to tell me?" He asked the man, a bit of surprise on his face at his sudden awakening.

"It's pretty simple." Ashur paused and in one powerful motion pointed towards himself.

The force from his movement was so great that the air shifted in the room, enough to ruffle his bed sheets slightly.

John gazed in wonder as he waited for him to continue. Ashur gave a determined smirk.

"I'm strong."

John's eyebrows furrowed slightly at his statement.

"While I wouldn't say I disagree; It's not the easiest to believe when you're sitting in a hospital bed."

Ashur chuckled lightly for a while and John sat there quietly, waiting for his response.

"That's understandable. But trust me, if it wasn't for her blessing I would've been relatively fine."

John raised an eyebrow at the word blessing. He didn't say anything, allowing Ashur to speak once more,

"She had a regeneration ability. I was able to give her fatal cuts and blows multiple times but she would recover from the damage quickly. For example, after we clashed for a while, I was able to slip through her defenses and completely cut her in half. I lowered my guard, thinking the battle was over at that point but that's when she caught me by surprise."

At that, he paused and pointed at the newfound scar going over his left eyelid. "And that's when I got this injury."

Mary reached her hand up, gently placing it on the side of his face with the scar. Her face was dressed with sorrow.

"I heard from the doctors earlier... they said you wouldn't be able to see with that eye anymore, that the damage was irreversible."

Ashur placed his hand over hers, a smile with the intent to reassure her was on his face. "I know. But I'm fine with that, I'm still alive, aren't I?"

Mary nodded, having a smile mixed with sadness as well as joy.

Mr. Meyers was looking at the pair, a straight-laced blank look on his face. It wasn't completely obvious what was going through his head.

It was possibly a feeling of guilt knowing that if he hadn't hired him for the mission he wouldn't have lost his eye, or maybe it was a look of admiration for Ashur's will or even something else entirely. It was hard to tell.

"What happened to the woman?" John asked in a serious tone, breaking the two's moment up.

"It's hard to say for sure. All I know is that when I activated my blessing technique, Lig, the one that defeated the beast, she was wary. I unleashed it on her seeking for it to be the killing blow but she was able to dodge somewhat, getting off with just her left arm getting completely eviscerated. I expected her to simply regenerate but to my surprise, she didn't. The most she could do was close up the open wound, she couldn't bring back the arm. After that, she tried running but I chased, firing up the technique once more and slashing down with all my strength. After the light faded, she was gone, however, so it either killed her, which I believe is slightly unlikely given her elusive skills, or the more likely option is that she escaped."

"Hmm, so that means she can't regenerate from attacks caused by blessings or she can't heal completely destroyed limbs or body parts."

"Exactly." Ashur had a smirk on his face. "I'm glad you caught on that quick. This is the reason why I'm saying we'll be fine. The cause for my fight with her being so difficult was due to her regeneration, but now that we've learned my power is deadly to her, that's all I'd need to use in a fight against her."

"Wow, that's brilliant," Mr. Meyers said with a smile.

Mary cut in. "Alright. So I guess the next time we run into her we let Ashur handle it. Both me and John don't have moves capable of dealing that level of damage."

The three Adventurers nodded in agreement.

After finishing their talk the group decided they would leave in 10 minutes.

John chose to spend his small window of time looking around the town some more. He was hoping to find the adventurer he had briefly met, Briallen, but unfortunately couldn't.

He rationalized in his head, Briallen must've picked up a mission or something since she was by the job board. I was hoping to talk to her more. Something about her... intrigued me but whatever. I'm sure I'll run into her sometime in the future. For now, I can remove distractions like that from my mind completely and just work towards completing this mission.

30 minutes later

John gazed out the window as the sun was setting, the group riding out of the town.

They still had three more towns to pass through and while John was a little nervous, thanks to the information Ashur gave he wasn't feeling hopeless. Also, he currently had new equipment including a sword from Mr. Meyers.

Mr. Meyers said he'd been happy to hear John was trained in the way of the sword, saying he was glad the investment wouldn't go to waste.

The sword had a silver hilt and a jet-black sheath with an amber gem embedded in it. The blade itself was made from very high-quality metal. He traced his finger over the sharp side lightly to see its cutting potential, getting a small cut from it.

John tried to say he couldn't accept such a gift but Mr. Meyers insisted so he caved in.

There was silence in the carriage soon after.

It wasn't an awkward one though, being very tense instead, and for good reason. Not only was the possibility of getting attacked at any moment on everyone's minds, but the thought of the failure of their mission weighed heavy on everyone, especially John.

However, just when the silence was reaching its all-time high, Mary spoke.

"So, while we're just riding away, mind if I ask you a couple of personal questions, John?"

John perked up, slightly surprised by her sudden question but answering nonetheless. "Sure, throw it at me."

Mary smiled, clearly excited to gleam anything new about him.

"So what were you doing before you chose to do this job?"

"Well… let's just say I wasn't the most steady moneywise. I was at the point where I'd probably have resorted to indecent acts like stealing to get food or breaking into a place to stay at."

He paused, raising his head to look at Mr. Meyers, now flashing a smile on his face.

"That's why I was so grateful to find a job like this. One that pays well and is perfectly in line with my moral compass."

Mr. Meyers lowered his head courteously. "Glad to hear this is an opportunity you needed."

"That's a little surprising that there wasn't a single job that met your qualifications." Mary said with a tilt of her head. She seemed to be genuinely taken aback by his statement.

"Well, that's partly because there was an adventuring party in the area, called The Bush. They took all of the good jobs from Haven to Lehal."

Ashur's hands which were open, closed tightly after those words left John's lips.

He didn't say a word though, letting Mary and John continue their conversation. Mary perked up at the mention of the group as she turned to Ashur with a knowing look.

"Something wrong?"

Despite John not being the most adept at being a mind reader, he was perceptive enough to realize the name of the group meant something to the two of them. He would've been a complete fool not to notice honestly.

Mary turned back to him.

"Yes. Long story short, members belonging to that group used to be a part of the Sun Clan, the tribe that I and Ashur belong to. But they were banished for committing a grave sin." She looked down, a saddened gleam in her eye.

"So they're related to you, Ashur?" John glanced towards the man, who had his eye shut slightly now.

For a second it seemed like he was asleep since he didn't respond right away but once he did, his tone was serious,

"Not most of them accept one, their leader. Some in the Sun Clan are directly related but most are distant cousins at best. We all just stayed as a collective over the generations. But those who were banished committed a great crime. They attempted to murder the Chief of the clan, to become the rulers themselves."

He paused for a moment, opening his eyes which were filled with pain. Mary reached across the carriage to grab his hand reassuringly.

She spoke next. "Unfortunately they succeeded, the chief was Ashur's father. Ashur hadn't received the blessing to become the next chief either, that would've happened when he turned 25. Those fiends planned it before then, so the clan would be left in Chaos."

Mary gritted her teeth in frustration, her eyes were shut as she recalled the event.

"Ashur and the strongest warriors from our tribe fought them, and despite killing four of the original seven, the surviving three fled. Ashur's uncle was forced to become the chief, thus breaking the cycle of the main branch, to which Ashur belonged. Now his uncle's newborn would become the next chieftain when he comes of age."

"That's horrible. I've never heard of such a tragic event taking place. Why didn't this information surface?" John's voice was oozing sympathy for the two's plight.

His head faced the carriage floor as he tried to contain his feelings. He'd experienced loss just like them, possibly on a wider-scale but loss nonetheless. He knew how painful it was to lose someone you cared about.

Just as Mary started to respond to his question, Ashur interjected, making John raise his head once more.

"Because of one of the codes in our clan. It states all issues with members must be solved internally. We're not meant to seek outside help, that's the code the elders and ancestors made long ago."

While giving the explanation, Ashur's face was brimming with frustration. It almost felt as if he were cursing those who created that rule.

Due to it, he couldn't see something as simple as a bounty poster for the murderous group anywhere, something to make them fear and regret their decision to kill his father, just as he had regretted not making it in time to save him.

There was an empty silence now filling the carriage.

John could imagine how Ashur felt. The anger, the bitterness swelling in his gut.

To lose someone who you cared about, who brought you into the world like a parent, and then losing them prematurely.

As he gazed at the man John had a realization. He and Ashur were more similar than he'd previously assumed.

As no one else spoke up after Ashur's response he continued.

"Basically, I lost my father and my birthright. In all honesty, the only reason I became an adventurer and left the clan temporarily was to find the members of The Bush and bring them to justice or at the very least bring their crimes to light somehow. Whether it be exposing their actions to witnesses during a fight, or simply catching them before doing another vile thing."

John had a conflicted expression. What could he say in this situation? That he understood? He went through something similar?

He did but saying so might've come off as cheap in this moment of vulnerability so he chose to stare down at his hands. Hands that were tightly clenched for most of their conversation.

Mary, picking up on John's downcast attitude, reached over, putting her hand on his shoulder.

"It's fine John. Sorry if we kinda dumped something so heavy on you."

Ashur's expression brightened up slightly, a look of calm settling in his eye once more. "It's exactly like my lady said. Don't worry about it. That's our burden to carry."

Mary was smiling sweetly, but her cheeks subtly turned red. She quickly turned to Ashur.

"I'm your lady?" Her tone was flustered, having a bit of surprise sprinkled in as well.

Ashur tilted his head in response, with a puzzled look on his face. "Aren't you?"

"W-well yeah! But you've never claimed me as that before now! Argh, what's up with you? You're so weird!"

"Well, that's just uncalled for!"

Ashur, who was now looking offended, started attempting to defend himself but Mary wasn't having it. She was shaking her head adamantly, rebutting everything he said.

The two went back and forth, Mary's face being as red as a tomato the whole time as she admonished him.

This exchange went on for a while and the whole time Mr. Meyers was smiling.

He seemed to enjoy the sight before him, his eyes held a warmth to them as if this was something nostalgic for him to witness.

Just as the two lovers' quarrel was reaching its all-time high, a laugh escaped John's mouth.

This made the pair stop in their tracks, turning to him.

"You two are perfect for each other," He said, wiping a small tear from his eye.

Mary, hearing his words, looked down blushing while Ashur gave a serious, but confident nod.

"Thank you for opening up with your story. I'm really sorry that happened, and while I can't say I completely relate, I've felt grief too. The loss of friends, family, and a home. So I hope you can eventually track down The Bush and get retribution for your clan."

"I… appreciate it, John, truly." Ashur told him with a smile and not just a complimentary one. It might've been the most genuine smile he'd shown. '

It was bigger than the one he had when saying how strong he was, and maybe even bigger than the one he had after saving that little girl way back in Mural Town.

John started to open his mouth to say it wasn't a big deal and that he meant what he said when Mary suddenly glowed, Annerose appeared.

"Hellooo! How's my favorite human doing!?" She spoke excitedly, her gray eyes were wide and sparkling; being completely focused on one person in the carriage- John.

Confusedly, he turned his head to the left and then right, just to make sure he wasn't wrong with what he assumed.

Realizing she could only be talking about him, he gave her a skeptical look. He slowly raised his hand before pointing at himself.

"Are you talking about me?"

Annerose giggled. "Of course silly. Who else?"

John slowly glanced over at Mary, who held her head seemingly in irritation, as if she was completely done with her spirit's antics.

He started to say the obvious thing running through his head, something along the lines of, 'Shouldn't Mary be your favorite person?'

But before he could it was almost as if she read his mind as she spoke. "Oh, Mary? Nah, she's too…" Annerose paused and in that second her face scrunched up, "stuck up for me. She's always lecturing me! Give me more power next time Annerose! Obey my rules Annerose!" She scoffed, "Honestly, I would rather jump ship and be contracted to someone like you John."

With that last bit, she smiled at him sweetly. She was floating with her chin resting in her hands gazing at him dreamily.

John, in the face of her complete interest in him, didn't know what to do or say. He simply shifted back in his chair.

He never had a spirit interested in partnering with him so he didn't know how he should respond.

Annerose started inching closer and closer to John but yelped, as she was grabbed up by Mary forcefully. Mary pulled her back by the top of her dress, having a slight vein popping out of her forehead.

"For the last time, Annerose. Stop. Appearing. Without. Permission!"

Mary's voice was surprisingly calm, but John had little reason to assume that would last long.

She was gritting her teeth, trying her best not to explode and Annerose was loving it.

Her cheeks were puffed out like she was holding back a laugh but a smile still showed through on her face.

Please don't argue. Please don't argue.

Everyone in the carriage, minus the driver who was luckily outside of earshot, had the same thought.

The last time the two argued it lasted a solid couple of minutes and they didn't want a repeat.

Mary's vein bulged and at that moment, Annerose lost it. She started bursting out in laughter, wiping tears away best she could. She laughed hysterically. "You look so mad. Ha-ha, that's rich."

At that moment everyone inside sat in silence, except Annerose who was laughing maniacally.

Mary's face appeared calm except for two things, the vein showing, and her left eye, which twitched ever so slightly.

Ashur sighed, knowing what was about to happen next.

After Annerose was done wiping the tears her loud laugh slowly winded down to an occasional chuckle. Now, with a semi-serious expression she spoke. "I can do as I please."

That was it.

All it took was a measly six words and Mary lost it. She yelled angrily and Annerose, being the instigator she was, argued back.

They hurled insults and gripes at each other and unfortunately, this lasted about an hour.

All in the carriage were drained from listening to the two's "sisterly" spat.

John was laid back in his seat. He wasn't asleep or unconscious but you wouldn't know from looking at him, that's how exhausted he seemed. He had wanted so many times to interject, to try and stop their argument but he was too scared to get in between something like that.

In comparison, Mr. Meyers, who seemed to enjoy Ashur and Mary's lovers quarrel earlier, couldn't say the same for this one.

He was sweating, the cause being the intensity of the anger getting hurled back and forth between Annerose and Mary.

There was enough heat permeating to classify the space as a sauna.

Ashur was in the best condition of the three, his one good eye was tightly shut and John shot him a glance ever so often, to see if he had any reaction to this but he didn't.

He thought to himself, How can he sleep with all this animosity around him? I know I sure as hell can't!

John sighed, his conclusion from this situation he found himself in was that he hated girls drama.

Luckily for everyone in the carriage, the argument seemed to reach a deadlock as Mary was panting heavily, trying to cool off. She was sweating quite a bit, while Annerose was perfectly fine, flashing a smug smile.

As hard as Mary tried, she couldn't get an apology out of her, the steel spirit was just too stubborn.

Annerose had her arm outstretched, checking out her nails. "Done already? I can go at it with you for another couple hours at least."

Mary, clearly defeated, sighed. "Yes. I'm done. Could you at least do me a favor and return back to your bonded form with me?"

Annerose was beaming from ear to ear. Happy she won in the end. With a smug tone, she responded. "Sure. I can do that at least my poor, poor master."

She started floating over to Mary, looking at John as she did so waving goodbye.

"Think about my offer, okay?" And with that, she entered Mary's chest and they became one again.

John breathed a sigh of relief, gratefully exclaiming. "It's over now! I didn't know how much longer I could last!"

Mary released an exhausted laugh. "You're telling me!? Argh, that girl is so hard to deal with sometimes."

Now that the excitement was over things appeared to have finally calmed down.

"I have a question for you Mary." Surprisingly, Mr. Meyers, who had been silent for most of the ride, was the one to call out to her.

"What is it?"

"I'm not 100% educated on spirit contracts so correct me if I'm wrong, but I was under the impression that unless the master dies, or willingly forgoes the contract the spirit would stay with you for life. Well, unless the spirit dies but that's very unlikely due to their life force being strongly tied to the spiritual realm."

Mary nodded, an annoyed glint in her eye. "You would be correct. Which made her whole segment talking to John nothing short of ridiculous. I would never give her up." Her face, which had been hardened by frustration slightly softened, "She's family after all. As much as she tries to act all standoffish."

Even though it didn't always look like it from how often they seemed to butt heads, they cared for each other. It was evident by Annerose going with Mary's wishes at the end of the day.

The two were close and John didn't know for how long they'd known each other but that didn't really matter. He looked back fondly at how easily he used to connect with people. How he built friendships that could last a lifetime.

He had a slight smile on his face while thinking but the more he thought about the past the more his smile slowly transformed into a frown. Not wanting anyone to notice however he looked out the window, as his happy reminiscing ended as quickly as it had begun.

That was how short his happy memories were in the grand scheme of his life. Flickering like a small candlelight surrounded by the wind.

Despite the circumstances that brought all in the carriage together though he felt a slight joy. It had been a while since he'd felt like a normal person for the most part. Honestly, he might not have even been an adventurer for helping people. It might've been to help himself as well.

When he did a job, it was an opportunity to focus on something else other than his thirst for vengeance that couldn't be quenched due to his weakness. Or his trauma that brought nightmares to his doorstep almost every night.

As self-serving as it might've been he still did his best at whatever he took on though.

Whether it be a bodyguarding mission or trying his best to survive. He had resolve, the resolve to keep fighting until he couldn't anymore.