Chapter 15: Change (2)

The sky was now a dark gray, the sun slipping out of view in the distance. The arena was empty except for one individual, Liko, who was standing in the center of it with his arms crossed.

I'm surprised to have been approached by an organization like Black Jack. But, no matter how famous they are I'll send them packing like all the rest who wanted my power for whatever goals they held. I've never lost a fight, or submitted to anyone and I'm not planning to anytime soon. I'll show them the power I obtained, the power that I've pursued for the simple purpose of being the strongest being. To be one who can never be controlled, I refuse to be like my father…

He was tapping his foot occasionally, not appearing annoyed or anxious but just lying in wait as he went on a rant in his head.

The foot tapping, slowly but surely started to speed up as more and more time passed.

Tap, tap, tap, tap, tap, tap, ta-

He felt a pair of eyes on him somewhere around. After a quick moment of searching his eyes fell on one spot. He saw the white-robed Otis, up in the arena standing along with another individual next to him. From far away it seemed like the other individual almost towered over Otis, being at least a foot taller.

Liko squinted in hopes of seeing him more clearly but he couldn't.

"Is that the guy I'll be fighting?" After his question reverberated throughout the arena silence followed soon after.

"That I am." Instead of Otis, the one who answered his question was the man standing beside him. His voice was deep and raspy, teetering on the edge of calm and menacing.

Then, without saying another word that same man jumped out of the stands. He fell quickly, looking as light as a feather but the second he landed a huge tremor shook the arena floor, causing the sand by him to bounce up.

Liko watched with bated breath as the area the man landed in was completely covered in dust. It was like a smokescreen, blocking any attempts at the individual's features being seen.

However, once it cleared a tall man was revealed. He was wearing a shirt with ripped-off sleeves, showing off his chiseled muscles. He had a hammer almost as tall as him held in his hand. It was draped over his shoulder, and despite its size and no doubt heavyweight, in his hands, it looked like a toy. His eyes were the shape and color of a snake, as he stared down his adversary. His long white beard covered his chest.

The man stepped forward, slowly lifting the hammer off his shoulder, letting the top fall to the ground with a loud plop. Despite him talking in a more labored tone, his voice was crystal clear to Liko.

"My name is Wilson. I have a busy schedule but since you're a possible recruit I made time. However since I'm so busy I'll have to make short work of you, hope you don't mind."

Liko released a chuckle at his words. "Short work? That's a cute joke."

'He does seem pretty strong though. That weapon has weight to it as well so I better not underestimate him.'

The second Liko finished his thought, Wilson charged forward. His speed was astounding, fast enough to close the distance in the blink of an eye.

With a grunt, he swung his large hammer, at Liko.

The scaled-man, wide-eyed at the attack which had the single aim of cleaving his head off, ducked, barely avoiding the strike. He then clenched his fist, going for a quick and powerful punch to the chin.

The punch connected, and a loud pop was heard after, however, that's all it was- a noise as Wilson didn't budge at all from the blow.

His eyes were focused on Liko still, and in a powerful rotation, his foot slammed into his gut. Spit flew out of Liko's mouth as the force was strong enough to easily fracture his rib. He clamped his teeth together tightly though, trying to endure the powerful strike.

He then opened his fist, jabbing towards Wilson's eye with his long claw-like fingernails as a sort of counterattack.

He had been so focused on gaining a foothold against the powerhouse that he didn't notice one key thing. The hammer, which had been casually resting in Wilson's hands, was a large and long weapon. It naturally reached a bit behind Liko, however right as he went for his stabbing attack, Wilson used the hammer to sweep him off his feet.


Liko didn't even have a moment to process what happened as he was now falling to the ground. With another quick hammer swing, he was hit, getting smacked in his side.

Since everything progressed so quickly, at that moment, the only thing Liko could feel was the pain. The impact was so hard that he felt not only his ribs which had taken the blow directly break but all of his being was shaken. He had never felt a hit that powerful.

Now flying across the arena, he smacked into the side of the ring. A huge crater was made once he hit the barrier. As the dust spread from the point of contact, the only noise inside the vast stadium was a whistle coming from Otis who had a sly smile on his face. He remained in the arena stands during the whole confrontation, staying silent as a mouse until now.

Wilson slowly walked towards where he sent Liko flying, passing through the dust field in casual form. The dust from the impact finally cleared, revealing the man. Wilson simply gazed at him with eyes veiled in disinterest. His body was currently being held in place by the hard concrete, making him look like a sort of ornament to the arena walls.

The rise and fall of the chest as well as Liko's wide but dilating pupils from the shock from the impact proved he was still in the land of the living.

Wilson crossed his arms, a straight look on his face. "Good job surviving that attack, even if I was being nice by holding back some."

Liko coughed up blood, a pained smile on his face. "If that was you being nice I'd hate to see you when you're angry."

"So. I take it you'll join our organization now that you lost to me?"

There was a silence after Wilson's question. Liko was still breathing heavily, blood dripping from his mouth.

"I assume I don't have a choice?"

Wilson shook his head. "No you do. The option of not joining means you must die, seeing how you saw Otis, one of our inner members' faces. He's someone whose identity must remain hidden, unlike a more public member like me. The other option is to join our organization and by extension, you'd keep your life."

Liko released a sigh, the signs of pain still plastered onto his face. "I....accept."

He couldn't say why he answered how he did. It's not like he valued his life that highly. His skills were held on the highest pedestal possible in his mind but that was it. Despite that, at this moment, when he had the choice between death or life, he chose life.

Otis appeared down on the arena floor, standing right next to Wilson. He had a satisfied smirk on his face. "That's good. Also, don't try escaping because…" He then waltzed over to Liko, before placing a hand on his chest.

Liko gave him a confused look which just made Otis' smile grow twice as wide as before.

"I activated my ability on you so now I can teleport to wherever you are, whenever you are. I can find you anytime and anywhere."

Liko grunted heavily before suddenly pushing himself out of the arena wall. He appeared fine for a moment but the second he hit the ground he stumbled slightly, his face wincing at the pain of the landing.

"Oho, you're something else. Not many people can even manage to stand after taking a blow from Wilson."

The statement Otis made was true.

In the past 10 fights that Wilson could recall in recent memory, none had been able to stand after taking a blow from his hammer beside another. A metallic armor-clad woman with pink hair. Besides her, and of course his Boss, none had withstood his power in a battle, at least not for long.

Liko simply scowled at Otis, a limp in his step as he walked over to him. He hissed. "Sure. You can make your threats and all that. I lost so I won't be a coward and run."

Otis chuckled as he found himself thinking this new recruit would be very entertaining to be around.

"Good. Oh, and about your injuries, I know a great doctor."