Chapter 29: The Village (2)

John's eyes darted quickly as he walked through the village. He was trying to take in everything he could see.

For one, spirits were scattered throughout. He could see some which had forms of light, colors ranging from green to blue and even brown. They were lesser spirits.

That meant they were either newly formed, or lacked identity, or a name. Other spirits however had particular appearances.

For instance, one spirit was dressed in a suit and tie, had long gray hair and its face appeared masculine. Clearly, by them being out in the open it was common protocol, this was truly where Annerose had come from.

Besides the spirit business and despite just entering he found himself enjoying the place. At the very least the air had a fresh and open feel as well as the sunny weather.

John for a decent portion of his life rarely saw the sun, given his hometown being encased in snow year-round. Regardless, warm weather was nice to experience as well.

Of course, catching the occasional stare from a villager or two made him slightly wary but only because he didn't like the feeling of being watched.

It reminded him of Black Jack, and how they followed them their entire bodyguarding journey, always lurking whether it be in the shadows or hidden in plain sight.

"So, you had asked about my thoughts on the clan as a whole right?"


John responded, his gaze shifting to her, instead of the many eyes glued on his figure.

"Well, in all honesty, I don't like it here. Not because of anyone in particular though. It just feels…stuffy. There are so many rules and traditions that make things complicated. For example, there's a rule that if you leave the village for longer than a day without communication you're no longer a member of the clan."

"What? But in that case, why was Ashur greeted in such a grandiose manner?"

"That's what I was about to say. In Ashur's case, since he was a former heir, he's gifted a bit more luxuries. For example, the chief and his family are allowed to leave, to do whatever they wish without a word. In Ashur's situation, it's a little different, however, as he lost his birthright before leaving, but it would seem our people still regard him. If it's because of his blessing, or his seniority over the current heir of the clan is unclear. Either way, those might've been factors that gave him some leniency."

The entire time she spoke, while there wasn't a frown on it, her earlier disposition was like a distant memory as she had a serious expression now. There was a glint of frustration as well as bitterness in her eyes, as she stared forward intently.

There would be times when she would pause between some of her words briefly, showing she really tried to articulate her thoughts well.

If it was to be as neutral sounding while explaining things or to not paint her home, as well as people in the worst light was unclear but nonetheless, she explained.

John, was silent the entire time and once she finished, she turned to look at him. He had a somewhat blank look on his face, not as if he hadn't been listening just being a sign he was soaking in all the information she chose to divulge.

Seeing his silence she spoke once more.

"Sorry if that came off as being ungrateful or anything, it really isn't. I know that compared to some places this would be the dream home. With such good weather practically every day to the soothing smell of poppies in the air, this would be a great place to settle down… It's just that as someone younger, I'd really like to explore the world, you know?"

"Yeah, I definitely get that. You should be able to venture out and learn things about the world and yourself by interacting with that world at your own whim. The fact that if you do such a thing you would be shunned from your home once returning is unfortunate, to say the least."

After those words left his lips, Sheryll's face brightened up slightly. Her lips were curled upward.

"It's good to hear someone understand where I'm coming from. Many my age don't share my same thought process, they're fine to stay confined here for the most part."

The two continued walking now, Sheryll continued speaking however those words didn't reach John. Something snatched his attention away.

His head, which had been aimed ahead of him quickly swiveled, now aimed toward his left. He stopped walking as well, his eyebrows slanted as he gazed into the distance. A moment after, Sherryl, noticing his absence stopped as well.

"Is something wrong?"

"I'm not too sure… Hey, what's over in that direction?" John was pointing ahead of him. Far ahead was a hill, whatever was behind it was currently concealed.

"Just our flower field. Why?"

"Hmm. Do you mind if we check that area out?"

Sherryl, despite having a confused look on her face nodded in response. The two then started walking toward the hill with John a bit ahead of the green-haired girl.

He couldn't put into words what he'd experienced, all he knew was it brought an overwhelming sense of unpleasantness. Thus, he felt inclined to check the source, and all he knew was it came from the direction he was currently treading towards.

After scaling the hill, which was much higher than John had initially thought at first glance, he saw the flower field. It was truly beautiful.

From roses to violets, and daisies, along with more obscure flowers that were pink and some green there was nothing lacking. More so than a field of flowers, it was a field of color.

The thing that caught his eye second to the scenery was two things.

He saw an individual, whose facial features couldn't be seen clearly since their back faced him, one thing that was noticeable was their hair color which was bright pink.

Besides the individual. he saw someone familiar, Annerose. To his surprise, she was in a position he'd never expected to see her in.

She was floating slightly above the ground, in a kneeling position with her head lowered, giving an extremely respectful bow.

Now that John had his eyes set on her he realized something. That sensation that he recognized as vaguely unpleasant came from her.

It seemed as though he could experience it as well however as they were bonded together. He hadn't thought about that aspect of the spirit contract. That her emotions could be shared, and vice versa.

He quickly scaled down the hill, and as he grew closer and closer he could catch what was being said between the two of them.

Annerose was speaking, her head still facing the ground. "I'm really sorry. I have no words to give besides that. I truly regret what happened that day, how I was powerless to intervene and even-"

"Shut it. I don't want to hear about that. The point is, you were useless. You had one job." As the person spoke it became clear to John, even though he couldn't see their face, that the individual was male.

His voice was deep, brimming with a harshness that grew colder and angrier with every word. "What did you expect to happen when you came back here? That I would say it's okay. That I forgive you?"

The man's words were like daggers, the kind that was wildly swung with reckless abandon, not worrying who was cut by them.

"What's going on?"

Before Annerose could speak again, John's voice was the one that spilled out first.

Annerose slowly raised, turning to face him with a look of pure shell shock. Tears were dressing that same face as well.

Her eyes were wide as if she hadn't expected him, or rather sensed him coming. She must've been so distracted by everything that had been going on that all she could focus on was the pink-haired man before her.


Her voice was fainter than a whisper. As she called his name, there was relief in it, not one from an angle of happiness however, it came from desperation. In her eyes which only knew sorrow at this moment, she pleaded with him. To help. To make things right.

If John was asked to describe the emotions he was feeling at the current moment it would've been too difficult.

He was not only experiencing his own emotions at the sight before him, which were confusion; confusion at seeing someone who was typically stone-faced and strong-willed having a broken exterior, but the addition to the feelings of Annerose which were becoming more and more complex by the second.

The main emotions that reached John were extreme sorrow as well as pain.

Now that he was closer to her, he could feel them way deeper than previously.

From further away, it had been a vague culmination of everything, coming off as a slight itch on the back of his neck. It couldn't hold a candle to the magnitude it became now that he was face-to-face with the source of said emotions.

The man who had been sitting in a crisscrossed position stood up, turning around to face John and Annerose.

His eyes which were a deep black were locked on John as if Annerose was a mere second priority even though she'd been seemingly talking to him alone for a while. His eyebrows were slanted.

For some reason, as John looked at the man he found a sense of familiarity in his features. Such as his deep cheekbones and the way he tilted his head to the side.

"So, are you her new master?"

"Yeah. Who are you though?"

The man's voice had animosity behind it. John, unclear on where the malice was coming from, as well as aimed at, responded hesitantly.

"His name is Marion. But what's going on here?"

Before the man who had yet to be named could respond, Sherryl stepped forward. There was a curious look on her face as her eyes darted from him to Annerose.

Marion looked at her, and if only for a moment, his eyebrows which had been fixed in an angry position, softened.

However, that might've only been John's imagination since the second the man looked back at him his eyes held that same animosity.

"Nothing Sherryl. It just seems that our resident spirit Annerose decided to visit… Wait, if you're here then that man has to be as well, right?"

"Are you talking about Ashur?"

Marion clicked his tongue as a sour look sprouted on his face.

"Yeah. I have some words for him as well."

He then started walking forward, passing Annerose without so much as a glance. Just as he reached John, about to pass him as well he was forced to stop.

Marion mustered up a hard swallow, and a feeling of deeper contempt rose in him as he stared down John, who moved directly in his path.

"Hey. I don't know what's going on or who you are in relation to Annerose but she wasn't finished speaking with you. I mean, look at her!"

Annerose, still having tears streaming down her cheeks had a blank expression on her face. John could tell, there was so much more she had wanted to say, and so much more she had wanted to hear but Marion was having none of it.

Understanding this wasn't due to their contract, which linked their emotions as well as souls, it was a clear observation.

Marion turned half to the side, glancing back at the spirit.

"I have nothing else to say to her. My sister is dead, and all that was left was this…parasite. You've been around for so long, you know? My grandmother, then my mother, and most recently my sister. You feed on their life force, and then when it's their time, you simply hop to the next host. You disgust me."

A deep scowl was on his face along with a glare, the same fixed glare that he'd displayed since the moment John laid eyes on him.

At first, his voice was calm, devoid of emotion, however as he continued speaking he was unable to hold back.

His volume raised, and by the end of his rant, his voice had ascended, instead of being a tool for communication it was the most dangerous weapon in the world.

"Come on Marion, don't be cruel. I know there has to be more to it, right John? ….John?"

Despite Sherryl repeating the man's name, he didn't acknowledge it. An empty stare was plastered onto his face as the man's words stirred in his mind.

"You're… Mary's brother?"

He may have asked a question but his tone was more like that when making a statement. It was more of a sudden realization.

Everything he'd said made sense now. The feeling of familiarity John had sensed from him as well. Thinking on it more, the two were clearly related.

Marion, fed up with entertaining the two any longer started walking again. As he did so, passing John as well as Sheryl who had one eyebrow raised, he spoke.

"You can ask Annerose for whatever details you want, Mr. John Selvic."

A cold silence was left after the man's departure from the flower field.

Annerose, silent from shock and an indescribable sorrow, John, silent from his pure dumbfoundedness and regret, and Sherryl, for her inability to mediate or do anything to make the conversation go smoothly.