Nick; i forgot that abhi and ishana is here too....!

I looked back to see where they are, i hope they didn't saw this...

What the hell!!!! They are standing just behind me from when they are standing here??... )

Abhi huhhh!! Aren't you were dancing???

( an awkward silence is between us now.... We don't know how to explain this to abhi... We we're just hoping that he didn't saw them.... And most importantly ishana didn't saw it.... I hope so)

Krish; ( it was awkward so i thought i should break the silence....)

Uhmmm abhi you didn't tell us that were are we going for bachalore party???

( i know this was the dumbest question in this situation....)

Abhi;( bro first make it alive from here.... We'll see about that after you came out from the mess you created...

I have already told you guys that you shouldn't do any thing stupid and now you are asking that were are going for bachalore party!!!

I shout out loud....)

Why the hell this happened!!!

I already warned you guys before but still we are in this situation!!!!

Tia; uhh guy's.. Guy's listen cool down.... Every one... First we should leave... You guys can talk after we left.... Ishana

Ishana; ( i was lost in my thoughts.... But i heard someone calling my name....)


Tia; don't you think we should leave.... I mean we will be back once they shortedout there matter...

Ishana; yeh... ( i was so shocked to say anything so just answer... In short.... It was unbelievable for me that ,the girl who don't even talk with any guy she just did this!!)

Tia; okay let's go guy's to were we were before...

( everyone is walking silently....)

Maya; what did we just saw guys... ( i break the silence....)

Haha i can't believe that i saw something like this !!

Tia; ya right we didn't expected that coming..

Luca; well i thought she is an innocent little girl but now i don't have words...

Rashmi; ya right... I still can't believe on my eye's

Sonali; i think you should believe on your eyes now...

Ishana; how can you guys do this?? I mean.... What will he think about me!!!

Do you think after this he will respect me??

Tia; now why do you care what he thinks?

Why this matter to you if he'll respect you ar not...

Ishana; its not like that... I just meant that it will be awkward for us... He may think that i have this type of friend so may be I'm like that too...

Rashmi; so what isn't it good after all you wanted to get ride of him.... If he thinks like that then may be he will back out from marriage too... Isn't this what you wanted...

Ishana; ya, but i don't want to crumble my image like this...

Tia; why don't you accept the fact!!

That you really like him...

Ishana; no, i don't. .

Why would I like him. . . ( there are enormous of things i like about him his eye's his body his hight, behavior, the way he cares about me...

Then what's left you don't like about him...

Uhh it's... Just... I don't know.... But still i don't want merry him that's all i know)

Tia; ( come...on just stop ignoring your feelings... Cause i know you from your childhood... You do like him.... You can't hide your feelings from me... I guess i gotta do some help for your realising....

No problem at all... That will be my pleasure , then in future in front of her kids i can brag about how i helped her to realise.... Her love for him...)

Nick; bro just cool down .... Every thing is fine..... No one would think anything.... Relax we are all grownups here....

Abhi; I'm not asking you ,if we are grown up ar not but the thing just happened and on the top of that why the hell you guys have to give them key and condoms so openly and Rocky don't you think its a club so it'll be obvious that rooms have already basic necessities... What a couple needed.???

Rocky; ohhh right i forget to think about that.. Huh silly me..

Nick; so what if i gave key card.... Did you want them to continue right here... Is that fine with you!!!

I just did some good deed you shouldn't shout on me...

Krish; relax guys it's just happened.... Every thing will be fine...

Abhi ; how everything is gonna be fine tell me?? Huhhh what do you think she will think about... Me after this...

Sophia; so tell me what are you thinking about her??

After her friend did that in front of you with your friend!!

Abhi; why would i think about her its not like she did it....

Sophia; exactly, that's my point its your friend did not you and its not right to judge you by your friends mistake...

Abhi: you have got a point Sophia i guess I'm the only one who is thinking alot! !!