Rabbit and all others get thrown in front of the Eagle:
"We are just being respectful!"
Says Paradox while rabbit shaking in rage, wanting to speak up to him but couldn't as his mouth was wrappers by golden gebdashium plate lock.
"Get it off!"
Says the purple skin Eagle with an eagle face and red eyes, gebdashium Made gloves and red long royal robe while sitting on the throne chillingly watching his masked guards taking it of of him.
"Listen to me you purple body, golden nose creature. I will f*ck you right here...."
"No! No!"
"You should be ashamed of yourself, We are going against the Grief and you are gonna stay here like a f*cking pussy.....how much money do you have and of what use is that then?"
"Nice speech rabbit!"
"Thanks never practiced for it but I knew one day I'll have to deliver this...."
"Shut-up! Idiots you don't know what your doing...."
"He's right!"
"Must be gentle with kids at least."
"So what you are telling me is that me, I should go with you to fight Grief and for free...."
"Knew that was coming, he's really really....a....."
"Okay then!"
"Wait what?"
"Yes! Grief has taken many many innocent lives, it's time to show him who's big now."
"But wait there must be some other benefit of yours in this."
"SHHH! This is too much."
"Your right! Rabbit! See I am up with your plan.....and that's what must be important for you....and the way I see it....Grief has done more damage than ever this time.....like the Khurafa's economy is the most nearer to die......and no economy means no trade and no traders! I am up for you!"
"The whole world, Grief is gonna destroy the whole Khurafa World and the economy and like some gebs is what he is worried about."