A lamb, Rock, And Bullets

In a dystopian future, humankind is forced to live in a dome, to protect them from the harsh nuclear wastelands of earth. The remnants of humanity are subject to a new world order known as The Union (Governed by the Praxis Laws) where their humanity is calculated based on how little nuclear radiation they have been exposed to.



Your placement in the dome is based on your Humanity Index score:

Level 3: 0-49% - Sub-standards

Level 2: 50-79% - Standards

Level 1: 80-99% - Synthetics & The Save Fors


And for the select few:

Citadel: 100% - Supra-Humanis



White lights lining the top and bottom parts of the four walls steadily begin to illuminate the empty pitch-black room. Droplets of water reach the bottom hem of my white slacks and tickle my ankles as I break the thin wet barrier between my feet and the cobalt black floor, causing gentle echoes of splashing water to fill the room as I begin towards the center. Once I reach it, I stop. The floor tiles shift, draining some water, and reveal a panel. Static cracks.

"Another day around the sun," The panel slowly rises as the familiar voice of my mother, Etta Konn, echoes through the room.

The panel stops just below my chest, and I slowly make my way towards it. "Hope you don't think we're going easy today. Jolt is set to high, so try and focus." I nod, stretch out a ball of tension in my neck and grip the two glowing-white electro prod sticks and assume my normal position.

"Praxis test number 6-5-" As if on cue a projector slowly descends from the ceiling above. "7-0. Initiating-" her voice fades away as I focus on the black screen in front of me. Whirs and clicks emit from the sleek black projector as a hue of lights quickly form the frequent Union emblem. It comprises of several arms huddling together to form a human heart, with a fist and an open hand protruding out, the words THE UNION lie below it in imperious bold letters. Butterfly's fill my stomach as a mixed feelings of pride and excitement soar through my body.

Time, as of late, seems to have a slow gravity like effect. As I wait for The Day where I take my seat at the center of society, each hour, day, week, month, and year I wait in anticipation seems to pull me down. At times, I can't help myself from daydreaming on the massive brass doors that lead to the Supreme Leader Chamber, here at Citadel, opening. Being hit with the roaring stomach-churning gust of wind from breaths, of select few, men and woman who are fortunate enough to be called Supreme Leaders. The history, the mystery, my destiny - at times starts to feel like a distant dream.

A wave of quietness moves through the room for a beat as I wait. "Let's do Theme 3: 'General Maxim.' Flashcard format. Order is random. Make it count." The projector allows the emblem to simmer a bit before going black. It then emits a low hum and a few clicks before flashing the screen with a hue of faint colors as it comes into focus and forms in big bold letters:


"The laws maintain unity through division, harmony through system, and order through instinct." I recite without skipping a beat. A high chime echoes from the projector, a few clicks later it displays another:


"Those who do not follow The Laws are scorners who will face severe rebuke."


"Law abiders are doers of the Law."

Law abiders are doers of the Law. In essence, trusting your reasoning that has been shaped by The Union and The Praxis Laws - trusting your instincts. I think back on the previous, and only, Ascension Day I attended. I have only seen the doors to the chamber open twice in my lifetime, on the day my grandmother Reyes Konn passed and the day my father Senecca Konn Ascended. Therefore, the sheer thought of seeing it open a third time is something I cannot seem to fathom nor wait for.

The projector lets out more high chimes as I continue through the test.

"Last one." She speaks.

This is also due to the secrecy that comes with Ascending, through my painfully extensive research, no Praxis Law explains what I'll find in the Supreme Leader's Chamber. Only that it is my destiny and birth right as a Konn.


"The highest abiders of the laws are the Chambers of-"

The projector suddenly lets out a low chime. I'm not able to let out a breath of shock before two jolts sear through my arms. A wave of black fills my vision, not before I feel my head slam onto the panel. When I come to, I'm on the ground contracting in pain. Static cracks. "The highest abiders of the Laws are the Equalistors." She speaks and waits a beat before sighing. "Looks like we'll have to make do with a 98 on your special day. I told you to focus, Nova."

Drenched, I manage to sit up and bring my hand gently to my head, in a feeble attempt to nurse my searing headache.


"Do. better."

I nod as the taste of iron fills my mouth.

Panels from across the room slide open revealing a small spider like drone and fresh set of white clothes. It flies over to me holding a tissue, I grab it. Static cracks. "Get dressed, your present's waiting for you in your room."


My door opens and lights form a pathway on the ground before me as I proceed into my dimly lit concrete-grey room. Gentle sounds of bare feet slapping onto concreate reverberates onto the walls and high ceiling. I walk past the silhouettes of 3D synthetic sculptures and the huge water jets - that plaster the two walls on my right and left. The lights lead me to a wall tile and form the letter B on it. I bring my fingers onto the cold weathered-looking metal tile and gently press it. It parts to the side, reveals my bed, and pushes it out from the wall. I notice an object wrapped with a red ribbon lying on my bed. The wall tile moves back in place as I reach for the object. I remove the ribbon to reveal a tiny robotic animal, no bigger than my fist, covered in synthetic tissue as skin.

"It's a lamb." My mother's voice echoes from behind me. Startled, I swivel my head towards her. A pathway from the dark lights up and stops at my feet. Her heels send sharp echoes through the room. "Go on," dressed in white, shadows lick off her as she walks towards, and stops, beside me. "Put it on the ground."

I stare at her. She has very prominent features, a round oval light brown face, with a strong jaw line, slightly high cheek bones and stern warm brown eyes. Her curly black hair is tied and pulled back by a white thick piece of cloth - a 'mom look' she adopted which slightly offsets her demeanor. The floor emits a soft white glow as I place it down gently. The lamb arches its back before coming to life in stages. I smile as it hops and jumps around, letting off soft bleating sounds.

"Thank you." I speak, and with a faint smile on her lips, she glances at me and nods before returning her attention towards the lamb. The tiny creature continues playing on the lit-up tile before stumbling. She bends down to meet it.

"Synthetization is the grand fiery crucible that will make all things whole again," she says as she helps it back up and pets it. "Lambs are extinct...synthetization brings us hope." I flinch and the lamb squeals as she now brashly grabs it and stands. I stand, taken aback as she looks me in the eye. "You come from a long line of incorruptible servants of the public. Just like them you have been charged with bringing humanity to where it belongs." She then opens her palm and stares blankly at the frightened lamb. "I have hope that we have an opportunity to do something right, here." She says as she puts the synthetic lamb in my hand. "Just like your great-great grandfather, Renan Konn who created The Dome. We too can try rectifying the mistakes of our forefathers and try make things new - make things better," She grips my shoulders, nails pushing against skin. "You are my vision to the world, and this is why I expect the highest from you."

My gaze drops to the floor before meeting hers with an intense resolve.

"I won't disappoint you, mother."