Belly of The Beast

Further on, the glass becomes blurred and showcases the silhouettes of bodies. Some lean against the glass and adjust their suits, stare around, or converse with others. I walk further down, others can be seen in queues waiting in lines.

“Can I help you?” I pulse my jaw. A lady, with the side of her profile illuminated red, stands down the hallway with her hands in her pockets. I don’t respond so she begins forward. She’s not wearing a suit, instead she wears a lose black long sleeve shirt with matching pants. She’s a few feet from me till I realize I haven’t moved an inch. One of Callahan’s smiles flashes into my mind. I stand correct.

“I’m looking for some high level Synthetic parts.”

“The Military Stockade is a few levels up,” she stares at me, “what’s up with the mask?”

“I’m deformed.” I lie without skipping a beat.

“Oh.” She waits a beat before saying.

“Are you a doctor?”

“Why, yes.”