
Atticus had been completely won over. It was a humbling pride or grace. Maybe he didn’t feel worthy of being treated that way — of feeling that way. But oh, how he wished that moment could last forever. The boy’s phone suddenly vibrates, snapping him out of a trance. Checking it, he receives new messages from his captain, Killerkill. He was being called back, as a mission in Depth Two had been assigned to him. That bothered him in two different ways. Letting go of her hand doesn’t make her stop pouncing on the nearby bugs.

— Vitrolica…

— Ya? — She turns before she could shove her arm inside an ant hill.

— I’m getting called for a mission briefing.

— Okay, okay. See you later then? — She was not bothered.

Atticus sighs, embarrassed to speak his mind. While she pushes her arm inside the mutant ant colony, Atticus walks away, flustered, and crushed.

— Actually! I have a better idea! — Vitrolica shoots up. Her arm covered in ants. — You go do your, your briefing and then come back, and we’ll go, go do your job together? How’s that sound?

The boy blushes. Open mouthed, he could not grasp the happiness that came over him. It’s like she read his mind. More so, it meant she also wanted to spend time together. Trapped in a cycle of joy, he walked back to the Lapse in a bubbly haze.

— Imperium?

— YES!!

Realizing Killerkill was across the table from him, he composes himself. The Captain realizes he had not played attention to her briefing but continued on the off chance he actually was listening.

— Look, I already sent all the information to your phone. But you’ll be alone in Depth Two for this mission. Think you can handle it?

— Hmm, yeah. I got this, boss.

Imperium leaves with no if’s and but’s and that caused uneasiness in Killerkill. Breathing in, she decided it was time to try and act like a captain.

— Actually… Imperium?

— Yes?

— I uh… noticed you were a bit distant lately. Everything okay?

— Why wouldn’t it be… — He avoids his glance.

— I know you’re punishing yourself for Liver’s death.

His eyes widened. Looking up to her, he saw piercing emerald eyes.

— Remember that nothing can hide from my eyes.

Angry for having his emotions read out, Imperium leaves, angrily.

— Imperium! — Killerkill kneels, putting herself on the same height level as him.

He stops in his tracks, his attention taken by her sudden gesture. Her emerald gaze softened, and her expression was of empathy. Her voice became more comforting.

— I feel bad too.

Deciding to calm himself, Imperium continues to listen.

— If I had done something, maybe I could have helped. If anyone had done anything, maybe we could have helped… it was our fault. As a team. No one is angry at you. But now that we failed, we have to deal with the consequences. Together.

— But… — His voice wavers. — I’m supposed to be strong…

Killerkill did not even consider that line as an insult. Some would, but not her. She knew exactly what he meant and better yet, knew exactly what to answer. Holding his shoulders, she looks him deep in the eyes.

— You’re supposed to be one of us. That’s all that there is to it.

Holding his tears in, Imperium quickly hugs his captain and leaves for good. The boy wasn’t a pile of personality like Evangelist or Ragnarok. But also, wasn’t stoic and silent like Franchise or even Killer herself. He was a bit more like Juice, a guy with few emotions and reactions. The difference was that Juice wasn’t holding anything back. He said what he wanted to say. But Imperium was a prisoner of his own consciousness. Killerkill, like any other member of their squadron, cared deeply for the boy; but that quick hug, made her care for him a millionfold more.

— Oh.

It meant much more than she could put to words. On his path to Vitrolica, Imperium recomposes himself and goes over the mission details sent to his phone that he had totally missed.


A precious sight to see. Vitrolica waving at him, under an orange leaved tree. Together, they walk towards Depth Two. The trek wasn’t long, which made Imperium a little sad on the inside, but it was definitely a sight. The colorful marsh and sporadic woods from Depth One shift into a static, light pink flora, laid over rocky white mounds. Their goal was a village of locals within those mountains.

Along with the mutant and chaotic wildlife, there was also the arrival of other intelligent species. Their intelligence was a bit outmatched if compared to human, but they did manage to create a little society for themselves. If anything, it was once Depth Two was cleared by humanity, that they began to thrive. They were definitely the second smartest race in the world, but enormously weak. Pitifully so, they are considered a protected species by the Lapse and harming them is punished by death.

— Guug Village? — Vitrolica had her arms behind her back. — What the hell, hell is even that? Some kind of tribe?

— Yeah, a little bit. They live nearby and only in the Depth Two, because it’s safe for them and not too far from us. Oh, here we are.

Imperium and Vitrolica arrive at Guug Village. The houses there were made of a light brown wood and were as tall and large as any human village. Yet, Guugs were at best, 30 centimeters tall. They looked like fluffy marshmallows with stubby arms and legs. Their faces were actually a naturally occurring glass interface, wired to display simplistic faces for emotional reaction sharing and spoken communication. And about 60 of them could be seen waddling around the town.

— Wow… are these, these Guugs?

— Adorable right?

— How do, do they taste like?

— Let’s not find out.

A third voice comes to meet with them.

— Oh! Finally!

The kids turn to face and approaching Guug — the oldest of Guugs.

— The Searchers I presume!

— Yes sir. — Imperium kneels and still towers over them.

— Thank the Fluff! I am the Elder Guug.

— Nice to meet you, sir. I’m Imperium and this is Vitrolica. How can we help?

— I’ve requested help from the great Lapse for you see… we’ve been having problems with an invader! A monster has been threatening our nation!

— Monster? What does it look like?

— It was a blue beast, with hardened shell, great horns, and many legs!

— Like that, that?

Vitrolica points to the edge of town and reveals to Imperium and the Elder that the monster had returned. And as the villagers shout, panic and waddle their way to safety, Imperium and Vitrolica move towards the giant centipede. It dashes towards one of the young Guugs, but Imperium grabs it and rolls into safety.

Meanwhile Vitrolica grabbed the thing by its horns, facing it head on. It was about half the kid’s height but over a hundred times longer. Yet, Vitrolica held it back with her naked hands. With her bare foot, she smashes its head into the stone. Or rather, pierces its shell and destroys its brain with the singular stomp.

— Done, done.

The giant centipede stops moving, only its thousands of legs twitch at random intervals. It’s blue and goopy blood stains Vitrolica robe and foot.

— Are you okay? — Imperium asks the small Guug in its arms.

With difficulty to respond verbally, the little fluffy guy signs thank you to Imperium’s surprise.

— Searchers! — the Elder Guug waddles their way. — Incredibly done!

— Elder, is this one deaf? — Imperium asks, setting the native down.

— Yes… forgive this Guug —

— No, no, it’s okay. — Imperium signs, “I’m glad you’re safe.”

The little Guug blushes with happiness and waddles into Imperium to hug it. The Elder feels blessed to have such kind Searchers come to their aid. This one even knew sign language for some reason.

— Oh my! Thank you, Searchers, you have saved our nation!

While the Elder thanks and praises Imperium for a job well done, Vitrolica went back to look at the monster she had killed. Something felt off to her. Moments later, Imperium walks to her.

— Vi! That was amazing, you really are super strong.

The girl was not responding. She had a blank stare at the creature’s corpse.

— Vitrolica?

— Did you call me Vi?

— What? You don’t like it? I’ll stop if you want.

— No, no… hmm. That’s not it…

— What’s wrong? — He gets next to her.

— He called us Searchers? That’s not right.

— What do you mean —

Imperium had a strange fear cross over his mind. Slowly turning to glance at him, her yellow and pink glare disarm the boy. Strangely enough, it was like standing in front of a completely different person. Her presence was very similar to that of Green’s. Or the malice that emanated from Kruger’s corpse.

— You know what I mean, mean?