— You will face me now. — She pulls a mechanical glove tighter on her left hand.
Vitrolica raises an eyebrow, not impressed.
— I’m not asking. — Killerkill said.
— Stay here buddy…
Vitrolica releases her damaged boyfriend and stands up. Pulling her cross off the ground, she stares Killerkill down. She could sense little to no power emanating from her, which meant she was far weaker than Imperium, therefore a pathetic contender. But either way, that woman was still inviting her to a challenge.
— I have a skank to skin alive.
Giggling, Vitrolica approaches Killerkill.
— I’m gonna crawl into your ass and come out your mouth…
— Let me tell you why you will not only fail but lose your life against me.
— Yeah? Tell me then.
— There are four reasons, why you will die like your brothers. One, because you won’t be able to touch me. Two, because I have already called reinforcements here. Three, because I have created a vaccine to kill you. And fourth… well, you’re stupid.
— I don’t think I believe you…
— Try it then.
The anorexic Vitrolica dashes with absurd speed and gets face to face with the searcher. Swinging her cross she fails to hit Killerkill, who simply stepped back to a safe position. Brenda’s action plan started all the way back when she was hugged by Imperium.
Firstly, she was worried about the mental stress he had imposed on himself after Liver’s death and thought maybe a simple mission on Depth Two could reignite his spirit. Not only would be alone to act, but he could remind himself of his capacity as one of the strongest Searchers in history.
However, nothing could hide from Killerkill’s emerald eyes. Her VSS allowed her to absorb information off of everything she could see. And after calming her fluffy heart from Imperium’s hug, realized that he wasn’t going alone. She saw that he was with someone. A friend who happened to be an Anti-Human.
But she was smarter than that. The first step was to keep track of Imperium and alert as many Searchers as possible to a confrontation with a new Anti-Human. The second was to arm herself to protect Imperium and herself and buy as much time for the other searchers to arrive. Killer was no fighter, but she had a little trick up her sleeve. An electrocuting glove. Using her eyes, she would learn all of Vitrolica’s attack habits. Dodge to the safest possible position and smack her with staggering pulse of electricity. Rinse and repeat.
“Although I learned that it is possible to create an anti-Anti-Human concoction off of Kruger’s body, we simply don’t have the time to focus on one. The flask on my hip is for the poison inside Imperium and serves no threat to you.”
Dodging under a swing of her arm, Killer slaps both of the enemy’s ears, using the air pressure to stun her. She also used her glove to shock her some and kicks her away to gain some distance.
“But you’re going to eat my bluff right up. One after another.”
All of Vitrolica’s steps dig into the already ravaged ground as she tries to keep up with Killer’s pace, hunting this elusive woman in pink-flame battlefield. Killer kicks the ground at multiple instances to create dust clouds to hinder Vitrolica.
“Learning for a fact that you cannot hit me will force you to believe the other two reasons. And the fourth one was just to add an extra weight to my statements. But those reinforcements are real.”
Vitrolica swings her cross violently, a toxic air flows from her and her weapon, contaminating and denying Killer to move in the area around her.
“My function is to buy time for the others. Every little thing counts.”
Killer backflips out of an explosive swing towards the earth. In the air the girl release a pair of grenades to blind the Anti-Human. Exhaustion began to creep in faster than the Captain had anticipated.
“And to mess up your rhythm, you crazy boney corpse.”
Imperium was watching all of it. From the dirt, bleeding and battered, the boy saw as his captain putting her life on the line against a monstrosity. In that ravished slice of hell, throught the pink light and black fog, Killerkill’s expression was a calm one. She was simply working. But Imperium couldn’t quite put it into words. Or thoughts for that matter. What separated him from the others, truly? Things such as power, experience and intellect were things he could, more or less, add to himself as time went on. So why was it that he hated himself more than anyone else?
As for the struggling-to-stay-alive Brenda Summers, if information was power, then she was absurdly powerful. But the problem was that, for Vitrolica, power was power. And she had a little too much of it.
— Getting tired?!
“Oh fuck…” — Killer’s eyes learn what happens next.
Vitrolica points at Killerkill and focuses her power. A sea of afflictions surge within the captain, causing her to drop on the spot. Tears and wounds and infections destroy the woman from the inside. Blood comes from each and every orifice, such as the eyes and other painfully specific parts.
Killerkill tries to keep her breathing steady, looking at the ground on all fours.
— I can still sense Ejo. And I sense your buddies too. But one is closer to the other… I guess all that talk meant nothing, didn’t it?! Now your poisoned too!!
She laughs over Killerkill.
— How did Green and Kruger even lose to you people?! One advanced use of our VSS is all it takes to kill you, but yours can barely scratch us!!
Killerkill gets angry. It was such an obvious statement, that saying it made her mad.
— Now you see how it is…
Looking up, Killerkill’s bloodshot eyes stare steadily at her enemy’s.
— We weren’t born out of nothing. We can’t get anything just by wanting it. We can’t throw our problems into another dimension and erase them. We can’t cure our diseases and we can’t regrow our bodies whenever… We do what we do because we can, not because we are good at it.
— And does that favor you in any way?
— We are here, aren’t we? — Brenda smiles confidently.
Light returns to Imperium’s watery and colorful eyes.
“We are here.”
No words could have possibly resonated more with the boy at that moment, then those. Uttered with confidence and compassion by his captain. His mind somehow rendered every interpretation and meaning of that sentence and as the memories began to flood him, and as strength returned to his withered muscles, Imperium’s fingers began to dig into the dirt.
Vitrolica grabs the left side of Killerkill’s face, and her disgusting hand began to melt the captains skin like it was made of acid. As sizzling pain made the woman scream, an impulse erupted within a young boy.
— HEY!!!
Looking back, Vitrolica spots Imperium. A ragged shirt, displaying essentially his whole upper body. A deep bleeding cut from the right corner of his mouth. Vivid eyes and swaying hair. Covered in blood, wounds, and poison, agonizingly clenching his entire body, he still snaps his fingers against her.
A violent spin forces Vitrolica off of Killerkill and closer to Imperium.
And another snap.
A black and white void forms as infinite rotation bends light and gravity, consuming Vitrolica as well as everything, within a ten-meter radius death ball set by Imperium’s will. She was spaghettified and killed the very first instance the black hole formed. The iridescent screech and tremor only allude to the universal fury that ravaged and obliterated Vitrolica’s body.
Each and every quark of her body was twisted into a helix which then became a line and then a helix once again, so impossibly thin they were no longer affected by time itself. The insurmountable heat and speed produced by the vortex, vaporized every rendition of her life across every timeline and every dimension. Annihilating her into non-existence, instantly.
Imperium would later name this attack, Hawking’s Law.
Because it sounded cool to him.
The black hole collapses into itself and disappears, leaving behind a clear and empty crater that was then filled by air and dust. Imperium knew he had used a previously untapped level of power. But he certainly did not know the cosmic extension of the wrath and violence he had laid upon Vitrolica. Maybe it would be best if that remained as is. Standing battered, Imperium could only breathe. And fall.
But Killerkill caught him, letting him rest in her arms.
— Well done…
She quickly injects her cure-all, to ease the boy’s suffering, which she knew was incomparable to her own. 90% of the dosage on him and 10% on herself. Before he could tap out for good, Brenda made sure to whisper something important to him.
— You should shine brighter, Atticus. You have a good light.
As a captain should.