Say Your Truth

— I’m sorry it took me so long to visit. I always get caught up on so many things.

— Don’t worry about it. You were one of the few that bothered.

— People are so cold these days, am I right?

— …Not that I noticed.

— How kind… anyway, Killer, it’s almost time for your report. Shall we go?

— So that’s why you came. — She sighs. — I’ll be back soon guys.

— You are free too, just don’t leave the building yet.

Killerkill and Limbo exit the room, leaving their squads, The Ballada and The Draught, to stare at one another. In awkward, uninteresting silence. There really wasn’t much that connected these two groups.

— We will… meet again…

Despise leaves the room, his footsteps lacking any and all noise. Useless, Slots, Meatball and Epicenter follow him out. Only Teacher remains and her teammates don’t really bother to ask her why. It not only wasn’t their business; they did not care and Despise had not ordered anyone around. She takes a seat to spend some time with the others.

— How’s your blood pressure? — Juice asked her.

— Don’t even start… — She chuckles, tired.

— How do you even work together with those people? — Imperium asks.

— Epicenter is nice. It’s the other five that are… eccentric.

— Literally your whole team, what do you mean the other five? — Evangelist said.

— I still think you should have accepted Liver’s request and joined us. — Franchise tells her. — Despise and Limbo are some degenerate human beings.

— Yeah well, choices.

Teacher continues to chat with them. She was a trainee that got in the Lapse alongside Franchise and Evangelist. And back in the day, Juice was almost a boyfriend to her, but because Limbo asked personally for her to join his squadron, they couldn’t spend time together anymore. It was a very pleasant end to a relationship, all things considered.

— So, what are these Anti-Humans? I only got to see the red one’s body.

— That was Krueger. — Ragnarok says.

— It’s kind of a long story. — Juice says.

— I ain’t got nothing to do. — She smiles.

On their way to an auditorium, Limbo talks to Killer. Through the white and clear halls, large windows displaying the Wetlands behind them. He was expressing his profound distaste over this whole situation. The Anti-Humans were a sudden threat, yes. But the Lapse and its people should be more than ready to retaliate. Leaving everything on the shoulders of one crippled squadron was the summit of stupidity, to say the least.

— But you’ve managed to pull through, still being so young and fresh. Your late captain’s shoes seem to fit quite well on you, Killergirl.

— That did surprise me too. I knew that Liver had something planned for me.

She looks down at herself. Ever since she dawned the thick white uniform, she felt like a completed puzzle. She felt noble and powerful, like a knight taking up a sword for his kingdom.

— …But I didn’t think things would turn out like this.

— Me neither. Maybe I should work harder, as respect for your example.

— You honestly don’t have too…

— Oh, you don’t mind me calling you Killergirl do you?

— No, no, you’re fine. I always thought my codename was too violent for no reason. It’s… a nice change of pace.

Entering the dark grey and green auditorium, Limbo bids her farewell and takes a seat at the very top, by the doors. Only Captains were present at the meeting. Thirty-five Captains in total, all of which were better than Killerkill. But she was decided to make the situation change.

Killerkill heads to the stage at the bottom. Besides the captains, the Five Sages, leaders, and commanders of the Lapse’s operations, were also there. A rare occasion to see those old folk sitting in broad light. They were sitting on the stage, behind where the speaker should be. She was to present all information she gathered on the Anti-Human Incident. And for the most part, she was willing to do so. But it was that person’s presence, that made her doubt herself.

— Now that all Captain Searchers are present we can begin.

The Sages spoke one after the other.

— This is Killerkill. Current Captain of The Ballada.

— She, along with one squad member, saw all four of the Anti-Humans.

— And thanks to her abilities, she learned everything about their constitution.

— Killerkill, if you would.

At the stage, the woman had to take in a deep breath. She wasn’t anxious to make this presentation, despite being watched by such prominent figures, that didn’t quite like her. There was, rather, something about the content of the presentation that made her worry. What would happen if Limbo learned about something he should not? About the Method Development? What if that information was disclosed to his team? To Despise? Killerkill feared for the worst.

But is not like she had many options to choose from.

— Anti-Human was a broad term we crafted. — She begins. — In truth, these beings were born out of a human. Ejo was a Searcher, reborn by his VSS out the soil of the Wetlands.

Limbo had an emotionless, patient smile on him. Listening to her words, carefully. Almost as careful as Killer’s word choice. She continues walking around the stage.

— Ejo then used the absurd amount of cosmic essence in him to generate equally powerful beings. Green, Vitrolica and Kruger. In other words, they were like us Searchers.

A Captain interrupts her.

— And despite being Searchers, they caused such an uproar? I find it hard to believe your story.

— They had more VSS in their bodies then all of us combined.

Another Captain chimes in.

— And did we find a way to replicate their abilities? Stronger Searches means a stronger Lapse. Or are you going to tell me we don’t have enough material.

— We have Kruger’s body. And the research is taking its time…

And another.

— So, because you idiots at the Ballada killed all of them, we don’t have anything. What a fucking waste of time. You should have all just died like your Captain and let another more qualified squadron take them captive instead.

Killerkill could not snap back at the comment because everyone’s attention was taken by a loud noise. Standing up violently, a Captain’s chair fell back. Limbo then speaks loudly yet with the same calmness as always.

— I’d like to say something too.

Walking out of his seat, everyone in the room feels irritated by him.

— Our friend here has been captain for only two weeks and yet, she’s demonstrated more responsibility to our organization than anyone else.

He goes down the steps, towards the main stage. Some were surprised to see Limbo show something akin to compassion. But even if Killer was glad someone sided with her, she knew something was wrong.

— Can’t we trust a fellow Searchers words? That seems obvious to me. Our mission is to keep the world safe. Our sacrifices here are meant to be unheard. What happens in the Wetlands should not echo to any other nation. Shouldn’t we be happy for Killerkill and her squadron?

Limbo climbs the stage and happily stands next to the woman.

— We are not even allowed to use our powers outside this place either. That is the rule. And severe consequences were placed for those who disobey. That’s why it’s a rule. But you are all correct! We should develop our methods! What else can we learn about this place? What else can we do for this world?

Highly uncomfortable with his words, Killerkill is forced to feel his cold fingers, as Limbo takes her hand mid speech. He stares fondly at her.

— What else can we do together?

— And what are you suggesting, Limbo?

One of the Sages asks and Limbo slowly turns back to face him. His laughing eyes, seen through his bangs. He had the same godforsaken smile. But this time, more than any other time, he had a perverted expression. A malicious grin.

— I am so glad you asked, Director.