— T-teacher?
— Imperium… sorry. I used my power on him… he’s just resting.
— Have you seen my…
— Atticus!
Masha approached, without a semblance of urgency or desire. There was something very haunting about seeing one another, without anyone or anything else in the distance. This was an extremely uncanny world to partake in.
— Your parents aren’t here.
— Where are they then?!
— Who knows… but we were on the upper floor of your house when this happened. And the next instant, we were on the ground. Seeing that only the four of us are here… Limbo got rid of everyone who was not a Searcher.
— Limbo?! Limbo did this?!
— I can’t think of anyone else.
— WHY?!
Masha shrugs lightly. Equally unaware.