One which stated, “Rykkart can use his VSS,” after being cut, was no longer the truth of this world. Letting go of his weapon, after a backlash caused by the rupturing Thread, Rykkart feels a great weakness and exhaustion befall him. Processing it, he is punched in the face by Irina, and stabbed in the shoulder with her scissors. Though he was caught off guard for a measly second, he pushes her back with a fist on her side.
His strength was still real enough, to smash Irina’s liver. Taking off the scissors from his shoulder, he snaps it in half and shoves it down on her knee and into her belly button. Finally, he kicks her in the mouth, away from him. The kick also snapped her eye-patch off her face, revealing her scar-crushed right eye. Irina could no longer use her power unless she found another pair of scissors.
— HEY!!!