It's already eight in the evening. This is the usual time that I go to work. I was already in the backstage when I noticed Sasha that is somewhat bothered so I immediately walk towards her and to ask her if she is fine or not.

"Are you okay?"

"Avery. You're here."

Her eyes looks like she is so worried and about to cry.

"Why? What's wrong?"

"Peach isn't home yet. I thought, just like you said, she'd be home already while I was at your place but she isn't there yet."


"She's not even returning any of my texts or calls. I'm really starting to worry about her, Avery. What if something bad happened to her."

"Hey, don't think that way."

"I can't help it! I can't convince myself anymore that she's fine or she's just gone somewhere. What if we report her already to the police?"

I briefly stopped for a moment. That word made me feel like I was slapped. All the painful memories of my mom and dad because of some cruel people was all coming back to me. My life indeed fell into ruins because of that unfortunate incident.

"Sasha. You know that I don't involve myself to the police."

"I know it. You told me that tragic story of yours and I completely understand. I'm just ... I'm just scared, Avery. Maybe there something bad and unacceptable happened to Peach."

"Okay, let's calm down first. After our working hours is done, let's talk about what should we do in this situation."


We continued on preparing ourselves in the backstage but I can still notice Sasha's worries in her eyes and her face about the safety of Peach. Even I am starting to get worried about Peach too. Right now, with all honesty, I am starting to think of some possible worst things that could happen to her.

"Let us all welcome! Our very own mamba, AVERY MAMBAAAA! ~"

Obviously, the bar is still running the same. Packed with lots of customers that are always waiting for my presence. With every movement of my body and by taking every piece of clothing that covered my cold body, the crowd's cheers keeps on getting stronger. They cheer for me like they are so thirsty for more. These men really don't give a damn about what will happen to the world but all I hear is them screaming my name.


To formally welcome Patrick as my intern, I thought of taking him to a bar where Steven took me the other night. Steven also joined us because of the reason of wanting to see this Avery woman again. After a short while, the announcer called her name and then she started performing her dance performance. My eyes are immediately pinned at her for a while but after a few minutes, I took my sight away and continued on drinking my glass of an alcoholic drink.

"Damn, she is getting hotter and hotter every time I see her."

"She really is beautiful, sir Steven."

"Right? I really wish that she would notice me and maybe, spend some time with me."

"Don't bother too much about it Steven, she is only interested with only old yet rich guys."

"I'm just hoping that it could happen."

"Oh, Patrick, drink some more. This is a welcoming party for you. Don't worry, these drinks are on me."

"Thanks, sir."

"Hey, bro. I have a question."

"Yes? What is it?"

"If you're gonna love someone again, can Avery be a good candidate?"

"I don't know. I didn't really think about considering her as a girlfriend."

"Hmm, are you holding yourself back because she is working in a place like this?"

"Of course not. You know that I don't judge people. It's just, I just don't want to be in a relationship this time. I'm busy with my work, that's all."

"Sir Steven, is sir Tyler broken hearted?"

"If only you've seen him, Pat. This sir Tyler of yours was so devastated when his ex didn't say yes from his marriage proposal and the worst part is, she immediately ended their for years of being in a relationship."

"Damn, that's crazy. Is she not aware that sir Tyler is a great man? She could have been lucky marrying sir Tyler."

"Only her ex knows the reason why she did that horrible thing to my friend. That's also why, I successfully convinced him to join me for drink in this bar the other night unlike before that he's too busy to spend time with me."

"Wow. I can't believe you two. You're talking about my personal stuffs like I wasn't even around."

"I know. My bad, bro."

"Sorry, Sir Ty."

We only stayed there at the bar for an hour because we still got a lot of things to do tomorrow. We already had the list of all the names of those who have debts to Ms. Laranjo and maybe one of them is the possible suspect that killed her.


It is almost the end of my working hours that's why I'm starting to prepare my stuff so that I can go home and have my rest. Sasha and I have talked and decided that she'll be the one that will report to the police tomorrow. I was already outside and wear my safety gears while I was on my motorcycle when suddenly two unknown yet sophisticated-looking guys came to me and asked me for a night.

"How much for one night?"

"Sorry but I only dance to entertain people and nothing more."

"Well then, how about you dance for us back in my place."

"Sorry but it's my off from work. If you'll excuse me, i need to go home and rest."

"Can you wait for a minute, girl?"

"Is thirty thousand enough for you?"

"No. Maybe next time. Have a good night."

He grabbed me in my arm and I suddenly felt pain and started to feel uncomfortable. My heart started beating rapidly out of fear.

"Don't play hard to get! You are no different to any call girl around here."

I slapped him in his face and that made him stop. Even if I were really a call girl, it doesn't grant him to call it to a girl. That's considered rude and disrespectful.

"Well, in case you didn't hear me the first time, let me say it again. I only dance to entertain people and I don't give a damn to the likes of you."

He was about to punch me when suddenly a random stranger put them both down before I knew it. I was genuinely surprised by that heroic act that looks like he is my prince charming and always prepared to save me from bad people.

"Learn to respect woman. Don't you have any mothers? If they don't want to, don't force them."

"How dare you!"

"Do you want to be punched one more or do you prefer the emergency room?"

"Whatever. Let's go! We should not spend our time with these losers."

The two immediately went into their car and hurriedly drove off. I looked at the guy that saved me from that almost tragic event and genuinely thank him.

"Thanks for stepping in."

"No problem, are you okay?"

"Yes. I'm okay."

"Do you want me to report this to the police station?"

"No need. I'm already used to these type of guys. You see, I worked from that building."

I pointed out the building to where I'm currently working but I noticed that he didn't react or care too much about it.

"I know. I had been at that place already. Actually, this is my second night in this place. I was with my friend and my intern. I'm Tyler, you're Avery Mamba, right?"

"Actually, it's Avery Velasco. Mamba is just my stage name."

He gave his hands and I took it in for a quick handshake.

"Actually, I was about to head home from a convenient store to buy something to eat when I saw you with those guys earlier."

"Thank you, really."

"No problem. Anyone would do the same thing if they saw you in that situation."

"Yeah. Maybe. I got to go now, thank you again, Mr. Tyler."

"Sure. Drive safely."

I smiled and then started my bike engine. After a long drive, I finally reach home and I immediately went to the kitchen and prepared a cup of instant noodles. I was just watching some videos while waiting for the noodles to be cooked.


Patrick and I are done questioning each person listed on Ms. Laranjo's list and each of them have perfect alibis but there were 3 individuals who have paid Mr. Joffer. According to them, Mr. Joffer told them he'll be the one to collect their debts from Ms. Laranjo even though she is no longer alive. I was thinking, what is the deal with Mr. Joffer? What's his plan with all the money? I immediately have the idea that maybe the killer isn't the debtors of Ms. Laranjo but the killer is no other than her own boyfriend.


"Yes, sir?"

"Can you run a background check about Mr. Joffer Ramirez."

"Right away, sir."

If my assumptions are correct then Mr. Joffer really is the killer all along. The killer that I've been looking for.

"Here is Mr. Joffer's record, sir."


"What did you find, sir?"

"So he studied chemical engineering for 2 years but he stopped due to financial problem."

"I think he knows what arsenic is and the right amount to execute his plan, sir."

"I thinks so too and it seems that he has a record of a few of his neighbors complaining about his attitude when drunk. It also says here that he is a lowkey gambling addict."

"And the only way to satisfy his addiction is money and the only source he has is his own girlfriend, Ms. Laranjo."

"And because, Ms. Laranjo is business-oriented person, he can't easily ask for money for him to gamble."

"This could be the possible motive to kill Ms. Laranjo and owned the remaining debts to be collected and use it to satisfy his addiction."

"Exactly. We have our assumptions already and now, what we'll need are evidences that will surely put him behind bars."

Patrick immediately took all the personal things of Ms. Laranjo found at the crime scene and that includes her phone, wallet and her keys.

"Call logs and voice recordings are empty. Even the latest pictures were taken 5 days ago that's 2 days before her death."

"According to the first report, her wallet was also empty and not a single finger print was found."

"He really knows what he's doing. I am impressed."

While I was checking on the things that belongs to Ms. Laranjo are on the table and noticed Patrick taking pictures of himself. I asked him why and he answered that he'll be sending it to her mother at the province with his reason which is to make her mother proud that's why I can't help it but feel happy for him. His mother must be proud of him for sure because even I can already see that Patrick will be a good detective someday.

"What are you doing? I thought you're going to send it to your mother?"

"Just erasing them because they are kind of blurry, sir."

"I see. Wait, you delete them twice?"

"Yes, sir. Well, my phone has this recently deleted feature."

"Recently deleted?"

"Yes, Sir. Well, recently deleted is like if ever you accidentally delete your photos or videos, it will be sent to recently deleted feature. You have the option to retrieve it or not but the files that were recently deleted will be deleted automatically after 30 days."

"Just like the trash bin in a desktop computer."

"Yes, sir."

"You're a genius! That's what we need no check!"

I immediately checked Ms. Laranjo's phone and went straight to her albums and looked for the recently deleted tab and fortunately, I found 3 recently deleted files. This is it! The missing piece to my puzzle. I hope that this will give me the answer that I was looking for.