I attached the photo which is the one that I took from that suspicious car last night here in the bulletin board while Patrick is looking for the name that is registered under the car plate. This girl from the photo, I can't help but feel worried about her. I could feel something bad about the person she is with and I have the feeling that the guy that picked her up is the guy that I've been looking for. If she will end up just like Peach and the other victims, I will do my best to hunt this man down.

"Sir Tyler."

"Yes, Patrick?"

"It's ..."

"Yes? How was it? Have you found the name of owner's car plate yet?"

"Negative, sir. The plate number was not registered under any names, sir. I believe that the car might be using a fake plate."

"Now this is a one step closer on confirming all of my suspicions."

"What will we do next?"

As we are getting closer and closer on solving this case, I could conclude that the person that we are after is not an easy one.

"We need to enter the dragon's den."

"What do you mean, sir?"

"We need Avery now."

"She agreed with your request right, sir?"

"Yes. We've talked last night and she agreed. We even both saw that suspicious car."

"Is she suspecting that car too?"

"Yup. Unfortunately, she never saw the people inside the car because it already drove off."

We already have the possible suspect in our hands, all we need to have are strong evidences that will put this monster to prison. I know that Avery will not like the sound of this plan but I don't see any other way for us to capture this man. We will execute an entrapment plan and ensure Avery's safety. We will catch this man according to his terms and interest that he can't refuse.


While I was preparing my breakfast, suddenly there was someone knocking at my front door. As I hurriedly went to the door and open it for whoever might be behind this door but to my surprise, it was Tyler standing right infront of me.


"Good day, Ms. Avery."

"Why are you here? How did you know that I live here? Are you stalking me?"

"Nope. I just did a little background research and ask a couple of questions around here in your neighborhood and voila! I found you."

"Wow. You're using your profession for personal interest?"

"Of course not. It's just purely work-related and nothing more."

"Speaking of work, we already talked about and agreed on solving this case together right? So, what can I do to help you?"

"Before anything else, can I at least get inside because it's pretty hot out here."

"Are you with someone?"

"Nope. Just me."

"Where's your intern anyway, you used to carry him around?"

"I ordered him to go to the bar and request a copy of the CCTV footage yesterday. I'm also waiting for his call."

"Okay. Come in. Take a seat. Don't you dare do anything stupid, Tyler."

"I promise."

Tyler was unbelievably obedient anyway and was just sitting by himself and often talks to me. I only talk to him if I have questions while he was just waiting for me to finish what I'm doing.

"So you really are living alone?"

"Why do you ask?"

"Nothing. I'm just surprise that you are living alone here."

"Why would you be surprise? Anyone can live alone in his or her own home."

"Well, you're right with that but aren't you afraid about your safety? I mean, especially this time where there are a lot of missing cases that targets women your age."

"Of course, I'm afraid about my safety, Tyler but I can't do anything about it but only to stay alert and vigilant to my surroundings."

"Do you want me to check on you everyday? You know, to ensure that you are safe. After all, we are working now as a team."

"Excuse me, Tyler. First of all, I didn't say that I can't defend myself, I said I'm only afraid about my safety. Second, I don't need you to check up on me and people might see and spread gossips about us. Just to be clear, i don't want to be linked by you. Lastly, once we finish this case, you need to leave me alone and after that, you'll forget about me and I'll forget about you."

"Okay, okay."


It didn't take long before I finish preparing my breakfast. I sat down and about to have my first bite when all of a sudden, I remembered that Tyler was here.

"Hey, Tyler! Have you eaten?"

"You're asking me that? Wow. That's a first."

"Yeah. Well, I know that we are not that close enough which also means that I have no plans on getting close to you. I just have a heart for the sake of humanity that's why I am inviting you for breakfast. If you don't want to, it's fine. You can just wait for me until I'm done."

Tyler immediately stood up at walk his way towards the dining area. He took out a chair and then immediately sat down.


I just gave him a quick smile.

"So, tell me more about this case."

"Hmm. It seems that this guy is using some type of drugs to semi-hypnotize his victims, so that it will be easy for him to do whatever he wants."

"What a jerk."

"Yes. We found some vague bruises and a bit of Benzo type of drug in the blood from his victims, including Peach."

"How about the suspicious car we found last night? Do you think he's the one doing all these."

"I just have a feeling that the person inside that car is the one that we are looking for. Patrick even did a quick check up regarding to the plate number of the car that he's using but not even a single name came out."

"I see."

"I think, he has his own personal car but this one is just his spare vehicle and for doing these unimaginable stuffs."

"He is a one meticulous person with no room for errors."

"To be honest, I was suspecting your boss at first, thinking that he might be a part of this case."

"Why do you think so? Boss is not like that."

"I know. It's just, we found no records of the CCTV footage that gave hint about the case. Also, the timing is really perfect because some cameras were broken at the perfect time and specific areas."

"That's impossible. Boss would never do such a thing. He overlook us as a part of his family."

"I'm just suspecting, not directly accusing him. I came out with a conclusion after what we saw last night, about the suspicious car. I could say that whoever we are pursuing right now is smart enough to know where to park or he must have known where the CCTV cameras are located beforehand since there were no solid evidences obtained from the available footages provided."

"So, what's the plan?"

"I know that this would sound crazy but I was thinking of using you as a bait and to catch this culprit for this operation."

"Are you out of your mind?!? No!!!"

"We need to play his game, Avery. Right now, you're the only person capable of trapping this person."

"No! Even if you beg me, I will never serve myself as a bait for this dangerous person. I could get killed!"

"I swear, I will do everything to keep you safe during the execution of the operation. I swear, I will protect you."

"No! This is not a part of what we've agreed on, Tyler."

"Just hear me out. I will request for an elite team from our department that will follow you once you are inside that suspicious car and once the culprit's hideout is know, the team will proceed to infiltrate and save you. We will also put a hidden body cam that will be monitored by our technical team."

"You really are losing it, Tyler."

"I just had the thought of it. How about you? Do you have other option or ideas in mind?"

"You're seriously asking me that? Isn't that your job? To look for a way or solution to solve this damn case?"

"It's too noisy! Gosh! It's too early for all of this commotion. Who are you talking to, Avery?"

Sasha came out from a room and obviously looking like she just woke up.

"Why is she here?"

"I let her live here with me. After Peach's death, she was all alone in her rented space so I decided to take her in with me."

"I see. I thought, you were living alone."

"Well, surprise ~."

"Oh. Sir Tyler, it's you. Sorry, I thought it was a different person."

"No, it's okay."

"Come, Sasha and join us for breakfast."

"Okay, thanks. Oh! By the way, what were you guys talking about?"

"It's about Peach's case."

"Oh. Have you found any clue about who was the person behind Peach's death?"

"As of now, I still don't have any solid information that will lead me to that person directly but I can feel that I'm getting closer and closer to him."

"Really? That's good to hear."

We continued having our breakfast while we were still critically discussing the things that needs to be done but it turns out to be futile since I keep on rejecting Tyler's horrible and unimaginable ideas simply because, I feel uncomfortable and most importantly, my safety was on the line.

"Thanks for the quick talk, Avery. Just think about my suggestions a while ago. Don't worry, you'll be protected by our district."

"Do I need to think carefully about it? Why, yes! My answer is no."

"Just give me a call if you'll change your mind and we'll proceed with a good plan."

"It will never happen."

Tyler bid his goodbye and left the area with a slight smile in his face while I was so mad and irritated about everything he just said — straight to my face.

"What were you two talking about, I quite don't get it."

"Just pure non-sense, Sasha. Don't bother asking about it."

"Please tell me, you never know, I could help you with it."

"Tyler wants me to act as a bait and capture this man by his own games."

"That sounds ... dangerous."

"Yeah, right. That just confirms how crazy he is."

We just laugh our way to set all my irritations aside. While we were resting, I thought of opening up the television and watch some news.

"A decomposed body was found near the riverside. This was believed by some residents that this was the body of the woman that was reported as missing many weeks ago."

"I think that, that's the body of the missing woman almost four weeks ago."

"I feel sorry for her. I really hope that whoever is doing this be captured and be put to jail for such hideous crimes."

"I hope that it will happen one day, Sasha."

While I was thinking about all the female victims that were kidnapped, brutally abused and mercilessly killed, I can't help but feel so much sadness and pity to them and also to their remaining family and relatives. I need to stop this killings in any way possible. While I was holding Tyler's calling card, I am having the thought of accepting this request of his and if his plan would run smoothly then, I could save more lives and if it won't, then it will be the end of me.

"What should I do at this time, Peach?"


I was at the office already and I saw Patrick from a short distance seemingly focused while staring at the computer's monitor.

"Hey, Patrick."

"Sir Tyler! You're back."

"What video are you watching?"

"I'm reviewing the copy of the CCTV footage of the bar, sir. The one that you asked me to get, dated yesterday. This is the video footage."

"Good job! So, what did you find? Did you notice anything suspicious?"

"Nothing out of the ordinary, sir. It's just people going in and out from the bar."

"Let me see. Hmm. What time did I took the picture of that suspicious car?"

"I believe, it was around 10:23 pm, sir."

"Right. Let's jump to exactly ten."

Our eyes were pinned to the CCTV footage hoping that we could find the woman in the picture I took. After a few minutes of watching, we notice that there was a girl going out from the bar which resembles the woman from the photo I took that night.

"That's her!"

Patrick immediately hit the pause button and zoomed in to the woman I just pointed out. I was trying to confirm the woman from the footage and the woman from my phone by comparing and analyzing the two figures. I could really confirm that it is really her.



"Boss, this is Hana"

"Hello, sweetheart."

"Hello, sir."

"Ready to have fun at my place?"


"Hop in."

"By the way boss, are you gonna do it tonight? I will call Carlos to prepare the place and make it more special for Ms. Hana here."

"Hmm. I was thinking about Detective Gonzaga earlier."

"The one that bumped you earlier, sir?"

"Yes. He might be around or might have an eye at the place already."


"What were you guys talking about?"

"Nothing. We just met one of our friends earlier at the bar."


"Don't worry, after our special night, you'll be going home with a lot of cash from me."

"I'm looking forward to that, sir."


I smirk. You think that you're smart, detective? No one is going to die tonight.