I didn't notice that Avery was crying while we were having dinner until mom notice her first which immediately caught her attention and ask her directly if she's alright.

"Avery? What's the matter?"

"Nothing. It's nothing, Mrs. Gonzaga."

"Is it because you felt shy when Tina and I teased you?"

"Oh no. I am perfectly fine with that."

"So, what's wrong?"

I immediately feel worried about Avery that's why I couldn't help it but ask her what's wrong.

"Hey, what's wrong?"

"Nothing, really. I just remembered my family and how happy we were when having meals together."

"I see. Where are your parents now, Avery?"

"Mom ..."

I gave a quick signs in the eye to refrain them from questioning about her family which Tina and mom understood it immediately.

"It's okay, Tyler."

"Are you sure about that?"

She nodded.

"I was still a child back then when both of my parents died."

"I am so sorry to hear that, Avery. Shouldn't have asked about it."

"It's fine, Mrs. Gonzaga. I should be thankful on you instead because even just for a little while, I once again experience what it feels like to have dinner with a family."

"You know, you can always have dinner here at our house."

"If only I could do that but it is impossible because of my work. I usually work late nights so I can't always go home early."

"Why? What do you do for a living? If you don't mind me asking."

I was a bit worried by mom's question. I didn't realize that there's a possibility that this would be brought up. I looked at Avery and she was grabbing her arm while she slightly bowed her head down like she is ashamed about something."

"I dance and entertain men at a bar."

The atmosphere drastically changed to cold and quiet that stares is the only thing that was being exchanged.

"You dance at a bar?"

"Yes. I apologize if this surprises you."

I closed my eyes thinking that mom would be mad but when I open my eyes, I saw mom holding Avery's hand while giving it a gentle touch.

"You know, judging someone is not my thing, Avery and you don't need to be ashamed of it. We are all the same. We have all have different struggles in life that we are facing that sometimes, we don't understand people and that's the reason why they judge us."

"Thanks for the words, Mrs. Gonzaga."

"Also, I could see that you are a good person. You know, Tyler don't bring people at our house easily especially when he doesn't trust that person this much."

"That's why, if ever my brother will being someone home, it could only mean that, that person is kind and trustworthy."

"Let's just talk about something else while we are having dinner. This might go somewhere else."

We continued on having our dinner. After our dinner, we just realize that there's a problem. We only have three bedrooms in this house so we decided that avery will sleep in my room if that's fine with her. At first, it really wasn't my plan to bring Avery in my house but considering the time, I concluded that there might not be any restaurants available at this time so I take her home instead. What's even more surprising is that mom and my sister welcomes her so warmly and even they were thinking that she's my girlfriend.

"So, this is your room?"


"What's this?"

"Ahh. It's my investigation board. Whenever I solve cases, I attached the photos and informations that I have obtained and connect them with a piece of string."

"Ohh. It's like an organizer or a planner."

"You can say it like that."

"Anyway, I think I should go home already. Can you give me a ride?"

After Avery's question, my mom suddenly went inside my room because I left the door open.

"Spend your night here, Avery."


"You can have Tyler's bed while he can gave the sofa. It is dangerous to travel home at night."

She didn't answer anymore which only means thag she is fine with what mom proposed. After giving her a pair of clothes, mom head out from my room and Avery then slapped me with the clothes that she is holding.


"That's for tricking me out for dinner!"

I just responded with a laugh and without anymore reasons to stay, she went to the bathroom to wash herself first before changing her clothes.


This guy. I really thought that we'll be having dinner in a nearby restaurant in the city but instead, he took me to his place but I suddenly realize that I am not mad about it. I just thought that after a decade, I was able to experience the feeling of being with a family once again and to be honest, I've been really longing for that feeling — the feeling of being loved and being safe.

"What are you looking at?"

I immediately asked Tyler after coming out from the bathroom.



"Wow! I could see that you're not so judgemental."

"Ha-ha. Good night. Make sure to send me home tomorrow, okay?"

"Yeah. Just go to sleep already."


I didn't talked back to Tyler and immediately lay down to bed and closing my eyes to send myself to sleep.


I woke up early and I immediately check Avery if she was still sleeping and it turns out, that she really is still sleeping. It's already 5 in the morning and was about to prepare myself for work but I suddenly heard Avery mumbling and I can't hear it quite clearly, that's why I stood up and came closer to her. I slowly bowed my head closer to her face and be able to hear her much clearer.


"What is she saying?"

I moved my ears even more closer to her until out of nowhere, I turned my face directly at her and realize that we are so close to each other and my lips are about to touch hers. I was stunned with how this escalated but I just ended up staring at her. I was startled with she started uttering random words.

"Do ..."

I was wondering what she was talking about so I came closer to her and listen to her.

"Do you want to die?"

I was surprised and I immediately step backwards away from her.

"You're awake?"

"What were you doing?"

"You were sleep talking. I was just checking you out, I thought you were having nightmares."

"I'm fine. Don't worry about me. I need to sleep."

"Okay. Sorry about that.

"No worries."

"I'll take a shower and prepare for work."


And she turn her back at me and went back to sleep. I took my bath towel and went straight to the shower.


While I am sleeping, I felt something weird — a weird presence that's so close to me. I slightly opened my eyes and saw a vague figure. Tyler? What's the meaning of this? Why is he so close to me? Why is he staring at me like this?

"Do you want to die?"

My heart. Why is it beating so fast? I don't understand.

"I need to prepare for work. I'm really sorry about what I did."

"It's fine."

I turn my back away from Tyler and tried going back to sleep but I can't due to my unease heart.

(FLASHBACK - The night that Tyler saved me.)

"You should respect girls. If they don't want or like it, don't force them."

"How dare you!"

"What? Do you want me to punch you again hoping that it will wake you up?"

"Whatever. Let's go, man. We should not spend our time with these losers."

"That's what I thought! Hey, are you alright?"


The way that he wants to check up on me daily just to make sure that I am safe. What am I feeling? No! I should take these thoughts out of my mind. I was forcing myself to go back to sleep so that I will no longer think about these irrelevant things but all of my efforts were no use when my phone rang all of a sudden.


"Where are you? I thought you'll be talking to someone for only a few minutes before going home. Are you okay?"

"Yeah. I'm fine. I met his mother when we were talking and then we started having some random topics until I lost track of time."

"Who's that person you are with? Be careful, maybe you are with the killer that we've been looking for."

"Oh no. No. Don't worry, I'll be home by lunch."

"Okay. As long as you're safe."

"Thanks for the concern."

I dropped the call and decided to het up from the bed and waited for Tyler instead. After a few minutes, he was finally done using the bathroom and once he got out, he was already covered with a piece of towel.

"WHAT THE F...! You startled me."

"What? Why?"

"Why are you awake? I thought you were sleeping."

"I want to take bath. We're going to talk about the plan of the operation, right? Let's get to it and finish it as soon as possible, I still have work."

"Oh. O-okay."

I just turn my back at Tyler and hurriedly went to the bathroom. I decided to do everything fast and systematic as fast I could so that we'll be able to put an end to this man's brutal acts and no girls, ladies and women will die from his hands anymore. After that, I won't have anymore reason for both Tyler and I to meet again.


Avery agreed to come along with me to the office. After a few minutes of driving, we finally arrive at the district which we were greeted by Patrick.

"Good morning, sir!"

"Good morning."

"Good morning, Ms. Avery?"

"Hello, Patrick."

"Why is she here, sir?"

"She wants to talk about the plan."

"I see."

"Is Captain Venz already at my office?"

"Yes, sir. He also brought something useful for this operation."

"Good. Let's go, Avery."

While we were walking along the hallway, I noticed that they were staring at us. I could sense the awkwardness Avery is feeling right now but I made sure that she won't feel much that way.

"Don't mind them, Avery."

We are already in the office and I immediately saw Captain Venz sitting on a chair by my table.

"Good day, Captain Venz."

"Good day, detective."

"This is Ms. Avery."

"Oh. I see that you have a good eye for women, detective."

"Tsk. You haven't change even just a bit, Captain Venz."

"Just kidding. So! I have here the modified hairpin with a body cam and audio recorder included."


"We can test it later if it works. It also has a working GPS in it for us to locate you easier if you will be out of sight."

"How about your team, Captain Venz?"

"Don't worry. They are always prepared. They are not called elites for nothing, you know."

"That's great."

"We will talk about this plan later and all Ms. Avery's part is just to bought us some time by having a conversation with the suspect and to reveal more valuable informations as much as possible."


"We will start tonight. I will have my team ready and scout the place, unnoticed."

"That's great. Are you ready, Avery?"

"Yes. I'm ready."

"Good. I guess, we are all set. We can go back to our usual routine. We'll start the operation at 10 in the evening."

I sent Avery first to her home while I ordered Patrick to remain at the office and look for some informations that will give clarity to my suspicions.


I felt something different, a different level of nervousness in my chest. I'm so worried about what's going to happen to me during this entrapment operation.

"Avery, we're here."

"Oh. Right."

"Something wrong?"

"Nothing. Thanks for the ride, Tyler."

"No problem. See you later at the bar."

"Yeah. See you later."

I gave Tyler a smile before I went inside my house. I guess this is it. Tonight is the night that we could finally put an end to the man who killed Peach as well as the other poor victims.

"You're finally here, Avery."


"You've been close to Tyler lately. Do you guys have something in between that I don't know?"

"It's not like that Sasha."

"Was he the person you were referring to as someone you know?"

I was quiet and just simply gave Sasha a sweet smile before going back to my room to take a quick rest. The day is slowly changing into night at that being said, Sasha and I immediately ride our way to the bar where we are working. When we safely arrive at the bar, we met our boss who was waiting for my arrival. He let Sasha head inside first to prepare for the night while I was left behind and boss immediately requested me to tend his V.I.P client.

"What's the matter boss?"

"We will have a V.I.P client tonight and he wants to take you out."

I was thinking that it is against my job description but I remembered that I need to do this in order for us to know who's the person we are after. Just like what Tyler said, we should suspect everyone as much as possible.


I immediately prepared myself and made sure that I look presentable. I also made sure that the body cam is stable, working an online before I head straight to the V.I.P room.

"So ... the V.I.P that the boss is talking about is you."

I also realize that the person doing this hideous acts is smart and might possibly be rich and powerful enough to commit this act. A person that is sexually attracted to women at their 20s and base on all of my observations, it fits to the person that I am looking at right now.

"Hello, sweetheart."

"It's been a while."

"Couldn't agree more. Come, have a seat with me."


I think, the person behind all these cases right now is none other than ...