
—You can't deny it anymore. —This time his look becomes more somber —Tell me the truth.

—Fine. You want the truth, ok, Adriel and Ada don't have a father, do you know why? Because he was very clear that he didn't want any more children. —His eyes were full of spite and resentment —Ah, I almost forgot, just when I was going to tell him what I really wanted with him, I find out that I was used to teach your ex a lesson. So, I made a decision for us, being out of our lives was the best thing for all of us, especially for them, I don't want them to get hurt like their mother.

—I would never hurt my children.

—That's what you said about me and look at me, I hate you more than ever.

—We are a different thing.

I didn't realize what I was saying and when I realized my words I regretted saying them.

—Ah!... of course... you're right. We were different because you never loved me, you never cared about me.

—I didn't... I didn't mean that...