Talk of Cruelty

Trudging through the Imperial Palace of Solis Luxuria, Marius with an utterly deflated figure headed towards his private quarters, before turning around and saying in a weak tone "I'm sorry Felix, but would you mind informing the staff not to disturb me for the next few hours, I would like to rest for a while."

"Understood, my lord." Felix emotionlessly replied, as usual.

"Thank you Felix." Marius said with a grateful smile.

"...My lord, shall I call the Imperial doctor." Felix asked cautiously, in a rare show of hesitation.

Pausing for a moment, Marius seemed to consider the possibility, before ultimately saying "No, it's fine. But a cup of my favorite tea and a dash of honey, doesn't sound so bad right about now, does it?"

"Right away, my lord." Felix replied, before quickly turning in the opposite direction, just as they reached Marius' private quarters, which included his personal office as well as living quarters.