Chapter 2: A New Life in Captivity

Days turned into weeks, and weeks turned into months. Aisha had been living in Ibrahim's mansion for over a year now, and she had long since given up on the idea of ever escaping. She had resigned herself to a life of servitude and abuse, and had stopped dreaming of anything else.

But then something unexpected happened. Ibrahim's wife gave birth to a son, and the couple decided that Aisha would become the baby's nursemaid. At first, Aisha was hesitant to take on the new role, fearing that it would only increase her workload and make her life even more difficult. But soon she realized that this was her chance to get closer to the family and learn more about their habits and routines.

As she cared for the baby, Aisha learned more about Ibrahim's household and the people who lived there. She became friends with other slaves in the mansion, including a young boy named Ali, who had been sold into slavery by his own parents. Together, they shared stories and dreams of a better life, and began to hatch a plan for their escape.

But Aisha also faced new challenges in her role as the baby's nursemaid. She was constantly exhausted, having to wake up throughout the night to feed and care for the baby. And she was always on edge, knowing that one mistake could mean punishment or even death.

Despite the difficulties, Aisha remained determined to escape. She began to gather information about the mansion and its surroundings, looking for any weakness that could be exploited. She also worked hard to gain the trust of the other slaves, knowing that she would need their help if she ever hoped to escape.

As she worked and planned, Aisha couldn't help but feel a sense of guilt. She knew that if she were to escape, she would be leaving behind the baby she had come to care for. But she also knew that her own life and freedom were at stake, and that she had to do whatever it took to escape.

And so, Aisha continued to serve the family while secretly plotting her escape. She didn't know when or how it would happen, but she knew that someday, she would be free.