Chapter 47: Stranded In Island

As the crew of the ship anchored on the island, they could feel a sense of relief. The journey had been rough, with the broken rudder making it difficult to steer the ship. But now, they were safe on the island, surrounded by a beautiful and lush landscape.

Captain Yusuf immediately set to work, inspecting the damage to the rudder and directing the crew on how to repair it. Meanwhile, Ali and Aisha decided to explore the island and see what it had to offer.

As they walked through the narrow streets, they could see that this island was a hub of activity. People were bustling about, carrying crates of goods and shouting orders to each other. They could hear the sounds of animals and the clanging of metal as blacksmiths worked on their forges.

They soon discovered that the island was a center of trade for many different goods, including slaves. Although they were initially taken aback by this, they soon realized that it was a fact of life in this part of the world.

As they walked past a market, they saw slaves being sold and traded like any other commodity. They could see the fear and sadness in the eyes of some of the slaves, and it made their hearts ache.

Ali turned to Aisha. "We need to do something to help them," he said.

Aisha nodded in agreement. "But what can we do?" she asked. "We're just visitors here. We can't interfere with their customs."

They continued to explore the island, taking in the sights and sounds around them. They saw fields of crops, gardens of flowers, and groves of fruit trees. They could smell the sweet scent of spices and the salty sea air.

As the day wore on, they found themselves at the edge of the island, overlooking the vast expanse of the sea. The sun was beginning to set, casting a warm glow over the landscape.

Suddenly, they heard a voice behind them. "It's a beautiful view, isn't it?"

They turned to see a man with a friendly smile. He was tall and lean, with tanned skin and a weathered face. He wore a simple tunic and trousers, and his hair was pulled back in a loose knot.

"It is," Ali said, returning the man's smile. "This island is truly stunning."

The man nodded. "I'm glad you appreciate its beauty," he said. "My name is Hassan. I'm the owner of this island."

Ali and Aisha introduced themselves, and Hassan welcomed them warmly. He explained that he had been born and raised on the island, and that his family had been trading here for generations.

They chatted for a while, talking about the island's history and culture. Hassan was proud of his heritage and the work that he did, and he spoke passionately about the importance of trade and commerce.

Eventually, the conversation turned to the issue of slavery. Ali and Aisha brought up their concerns about the treatment of slaves on the island, and Hassan listened carefully.

"I understand your concerns," he said. "But you must realize that slavery is a part of our culture. We treat our slaves well, and many of them are like family to us."

Ali and Aisha were skeptical, but they could see that Hassan truly believed what he was saying. They decided to drop the issue for now, hoping that they could find a way to help the slaves without interfering with the island's customs.

As they made their way back to the ship, they saw that the crew had made progress on repairing the rudder. Captain Yusuf was giving orders to the sailors, and they were all working together to get the ship seaworthy once again.

Omar couldn't get the image of the slave girl out of his head. Her curly hair, her cat-like eyes, and the way she carried herself had caught his attention the moment he saw her. He found himself wandering back to the spot where he had first seen her, hoping to catch another glimpse of her.

Rashid noticed his friend's infatuation and decided to talk to Ali about it. "Hey, have you noticed how Omar keeps going back to that spot on the island?" Rashid asked Ali. Ali nodded. "Yeah, I have. What's up?" "I think he's smitten with one of the slaves," Rashid said, nodding in the direction of the slave market. "I saw him staring at her earlier."

Ali raised an eyebrow. "Really? Which one?" Rashid described the slave girl to Ali, who listened intently. "Okay, let's go have a look," Ali said, and the two of them made their way to the slave market. They wandered through the stalls, taking in the sight of the slaves being bought and sold like property.

Ali felt a pang of sadness in his chest, knowing that this was the reality for many people in the world. Finally, they reached the stall where the slave girl Rashid had described was being kept. She was standing quietly, her eyes downcast, as the slave master showed her off to potential buyers.

Ali could see why Omar was smitten. The girl was stunning, with a dark complexion that glowed in the sunlight, and her curly hair framing her face in soft waves. "I want to buy her," Ali said suddenly, surprising Rashid. "What? Are you serious?" Rashid asked, his eyes wide. Ali nodded. "I want to buy her and set her free. It's the least we can do."

Rashid looked at him, a mixture of surprise and admiration in his eyes. "Okay, let's do it." They approached the slave master and began to negotiate a price for the girl. It was clear that the man saw her as a valuable commodity, and he was reluctant to part with her. But Ali was determined, and he eventually convinced the man to sell her to him.

The slave girl looked up at Ali and Rashid, fear and confusion etched on her face. "Don't worry, we're here to help you," Ali said softly, placing a gentle hand on her shoulder. They led her back to the ship, where Omar was waiting anxiously. When he saw the slave girl, he was stunned. "What's going on?" he asked, looking between Ali and Rashid. "We bought her for you," Rashid said, grinning. Omar looked at them, disbelief and gratitude warring in his expression. "For me? But why?" Ali smiled. "Because we saw how much you were taken with her.

We wanted to give you the chance to get to know her." Omar was overwhelmed, his heart pounding in his chest. He couldn't believe his friends had gone to such lengths for him. "Thank you," he said, his voice barely above a whisper.

The slave girl looked at him, still unsure of what was happening. "What's your name?" Omar asked her softly. She hesitated for a moment before speaking. "My name is Zainab," she said, her voice barely audible. Omar smiled at her. "Zainab.

That's a beautiful name." They spent the rest of the day getting to know each other, with Ali and Rashid giving them space and privacy. As the sun began to set, they all gathered on the deck of the ship, watching as the colors of the sky changed from blue to pink to orange. The rudder have been fixed with captain Yusuf and Ali and the rest of crew making their way back to vilayet.