The Oración Seis

Earth Land, Ishgar, Kingdom of Fiore, Worth Woodsea.

November, x784.

"Ahahahaha!" The Ichiya imposter laughed as she dodged a volley of [Ice-Make: Lances] in an acrobatic way. "Come on, you have to try harder, cutie. Or maybe you're just waiting for me to come close so I can help you paint that cute face with your own blood. Too bad you're not as cute as Alfonzo."

By now, about fifteen minutes after leaving the mansion the imposter had returned to her true form. And when she did, the closest pursuing wizards, Gray, Natsu, and Happy, were taken aback.

At the moment her disguise wore off, it melted away into a grey, viscous liquid that flowed off her body, revealing a naked, blond girl with yellow eyes. Then, while the wizards from Fairy Tail were surprised, she used the opportunity to start putting on clothes, a white and blue sailor uniform with a skirt, a red neck tie, black knee length socks, and brown shoes.

She also wore an oversized cardigan with large pockets that held a number of knives.

"Damn, how is this chick so fast?" Gray asked as all his [Lances] sailed past the target.

"It doesn't matter, she won't get away!" Natsu shouted as his feet were lit ablaze.

In the next instant, Natsu propelled himself forward using his flames. Then, when he was close enough, he reached forward to grab the imposter by the back of her cardigan.

Just before he could grab her, though, Natsu was forced to jerk his hand back when the imposter swung her left arm, holding a short-bladed dagger, backward barely missing Natsu's outstretched hand. Then, taking advantage of her momentum from the quick slash, the imposter lashed her right leg backward, landing a kick on Natsu's chest, before she completed her spin and continued running without losing momentum.

"Gah!" Natsu groaned as he was thrown backward.

Luckily, before Natsu could hit the ground, Happy caught him. Then, he continued chasing the imposter without putting Natsu down.

"*Sigh* You guys are way too slow." The imposter said with a smile while running. "Do you really wanna catch me?"

"Argh!" Natsu shouted in frustration. Then, he took a deep breath while being carried by Happy. "[Fire Dragon's Roar]!"

A moment later, Natsu spewed a stream of high-temperature flames at the imposter.

"Ooh! That's pretty hot!" The imposter exclaimed with a smile before she started running in a zig zag to avoid the flames.

"This girl is quick." Gray muttered while following the imposter's dodging figure with his eyes.

"Then, why didn't you just take away that mobility?" Gray heard Ur's voice from behind. "[Ice-Make: Floor]."

A moment later, the ground around not only Gray's feet, but all the ground about 330 feet (approx.. 100 m) ahead was flash frozen. As a result, the imposter slipped as she tried to make a quick turn to avoid Natsu's flames.

"Kya~~~!" The imposter screamed as she fell to the ground.

Just before Natsu's breath attack could roast her, the ground in front of her liquified before bursting through the ice layer and forming a dome to protect her from the flames.

"They've finally arrived, Oh Yeah!" A voice rang out as Natsu's flames impacted the earth form in front of the imposter.

Then, as soon as the flames died out, the earth form retracted back into the ground, revealing five new figures standing around the Ichiya imposter.

At the same time, Ur, Ultear, Jura, Lyon, Sherry, Wendy, and Carla caught up with Gray, Natsu, and Happy.

"Those must be the the members of the Oración Seis, I presume." Jura said in a stern tone as he looked upon the imposter and the five new arrivals.

"And you would be correct, Iron Rock Jura." A silver-haired, middle-aged man said in reply. "Why don't you introduce yourselves?"

"Haha!" The Ichiya imposter laughed happily as she glanced over all the male members of the allied forces that had arrived. "I'm Draculina. And I look forward to seeing how you all look covered in your own blood."

Now that they had time to look at her, the girl calling herself Draculina was relatively short, standing at about 5'2" (approx.. 1.57 m) with all the features Ichiya described. Though, the rest of the allied forces were not present to hear them.

"And you can call me Racer, the fastest man alive." Said a tall man with a long face, pointy and hook nose, black, closely-shaven hair with a blond mohawk, and long blond eyebrows wearing a red and white racing suit and sunglasses with a grin.

"And you can call me Cobra." A slim man of average height with spiky maroon hair, and tan skin wearing a black shirt, maroon pants, and a white jacket with a large purple cobra wrapped around his body said, continuing the introductions.

"And I'm Hoteye, Oh Yeah!" The same voice that sounded out after the earth moved, coming from a massive man with oddly feminine features and a body made of geometric patterns said. "And I'll be sure to cash in all your bounties for the money, Oh yeah!"

"That angular body is kind of familiar." Ultear, muttered with a frown on her face. "Though, I can't put my finger on why."

After muttering to herself, Ultear shook her head and focused back on the entirety of the Oración Seis. Then, like her mother, she focused on the silver-haired man who first spoke, the hostility in her gaze growing exponentially as she recognized him.

At that point, however, the introductions stopped. Then, all the members of the Oración Seis turned their gazes in the direction of a slightly effeminate young man with long black and white two toned hair wearing a black vest with white fur trimming and yellow pants with black accents who was currently sitting cross legged on a flying carpet and sleeping peacefully.

"How does he manage to fall asleep no matter where we go?" Cobra asked, not really seeming to be bothered enough to care about his sleeping comrade.

"I don't know, but his sleeping face is so cute that I wanna stab him and add some of his blood to it." Draculina said while licking his lips.

"Enough." The silver-haired man said, slamming the butt of the staff he was holding into the ground. "That is Midnight. And you can call me---"

"Brain!" Ur shouted, her patience finally running out as her bloodlust washed over the area.

Like Ur, Ultear's bloodlust also rampaged over the area, as she had also recognized Brain from all those years ago.

At that moment, Sorano also arrived, joining up with the rest of the Allied forces. Then, after feeling Ur and Ultear's killing intent, she finally remembered the story she had heard when she was captured by Elicia.

'That's right, Brain, the leader of the Oración Seis tricked Ur into thinking her daughter was dead a long time ago so he could experiment on her.' Sorano thought as she shivered from the raging killing intent.

"Oh, it's you." The silver-haired man, Brain, said calmly as he looked in Ur and Ultear's direction. "I heard that you fought Deliora and survived. But I'll admit, I never thought I'd see you again, Ur Milkovich. And if it isn't Ultear, the greatest research material that I never got to finish researching. Such a pity."

"How dare you speak her name!" Ur shouted as she took her casting posture.

"Ur, you have to calm down." Jura said, placing a hand on Ur's shoulder as he spoke.

"Fuck off!" Ur shouted, shrugging off Jura's hand. "This bastard will pay for what he did, and there's nothing you can do about it."

As she spoke, Ur flared her magic power to the max, putting pressure on everyone in the area. Even though, her casting was interrupted. Yet, an ice construct was still created.

"[Ice-Make: Rosen Krone]." Ultear chanted angrily as a magic circle appeared in front of her outstretched hands.

A moment later, growing from the ground at the center of members of the Oración Seis, several ice roses grew, attempting to bind and immobilize the six wizards.

Cobra, the first to react, quickly leapt upward before the cobra coiled around him uncoiled and began flying, allowing Cobra to land on its head before it flew out of the reach of the roses.

The next to escape the ice roes was racer, who seemed to simply vanish from his spot before reappearing out of the range of the spell.

"Damn, that guy wasn't kidding about being the fastest." Gray said, surprised by Racer's speed.

After Racer was Draculina, who dodged the rose stem that tried to bind her by darting around the area quickly. Meanwhile, Hoteye used his [Earth Magic] to liquify the ground around him and use it to block the ice rose. At the same time, Midnight, who was still asleep, did not move in the slightest. Yet, the ice rose simply grew around him, as if it were unable to touch him.

Lastly, Brain simply pointed the skull at the top of his staff at the approaching rose stem.

"[Dark Capriccio]." Brain chanted calmly.

In the next instant, a beam of [Darkness Magic] was fired at the rose stem, piercing straight through it with little resistance.

That seemed to be the signal for the battle to begin. Natsu, taking a deep breath, aimed his [Fire Dragon's Roar] at Cobra, who was flying through the air on the head of his cobra. Meanwhile, Gray and Lyon both took their own casting posture.

"[Ice-Make: Lance]." Gray chanted.

"[Ice-Make: Eagles]." Lyon Chanted.

Simultaneously, more than three dozen ice spears and eagles flew in Racer's direction. Before they could hit, however, Racer once again vanished from where he stood. Then, he appeared between Gray and Lyon a moment later.

"Too slow." Racer said quietly with a grin plastered on his face.

After speaking, Racer vanished once again. Gray and Lyon, on the other hand, looked as if they were being struck repeatedly for the next two seconds, before they both collapsed to their knees.

"Lyon!" Sherry shouted in panic. "[Doll Attack Magic: Mud Doll]."

With Sherry's chant, the ground nearby liquified before forming into a bipedal monster that attacked Racer, who would vanish just before it could strike him, every time.

"You're even slower than they were." Racer said, reappearing behind Sherry.

"Sherry, look out!" Lyon shouted, though he was too slow to intervene.

Just before Racer could start rag dolling Sherry as he had with Gray and Lyon, however, he was forced to dodge away as a large golden hammer fell from above and destroyed the ground he was standing on.

When Racer reappeared, he looked to where he was just standing and saw a large, muscular, bearded angel holding a hammer. Then, after looking around the area briefly, he saw a face that he never expected to see again.

"Angel, thought you were dead." Racer said after his gaze landed on Sorano.

"Nah, I just got a chance to get away from that lunatic." Sorano said, holding a pair of golden coins between the fingers of her right hand. "Even if I lost all my Celestial Spirit Keys in return for that opportunity."

"I would say good for you, but we don't' really take well to traitors." Racer said, his expression growing grim. "And even if I wouldn't personally mind letting you go, I don't think the boss will."

"Honestly, I couldn't care less." Sorano said in a solemn tone. "I don't plan on dying or going back, so it looks like we're at an impasse. Besides, I think he's got much worse things to worry about than a single girl getting out of his control."

With that said, Sorano gestured towards Brain with her chin. And Racer, confident that he would be able to escape from any attack Sorano could launch, also looked in Brain's direction. What he saw, however, completely surprised him.

Brain was currently doing everything he could to defend himself from an onslaught of ice spells cast by Ur and Ultear.

In fact, almost all the battles that had just started quickly came to a stop as all the wizards present were thoroughly flabbergasted by the way the two Milkovich women were overwhelming Brain, the master of the Oración Seis.

"Would you fools stop standing around and gawking!" Brain shouted as he struggled to defend himself. "Complete the objective so we can move on to the next step of our plan."

With that, all the members of the Oración Seis snapped back to their senses before the battles continued.

Just at that moment, Karen, Ichiya, and Hibiki arrived on the battlefield. And they immediately jumped in to lend assistance where it was needed.

"Well, Angel, I guess that's my cue." Racer said, his grin returning to his expression. "I don't' have anything against you, personally. So, I hope I don't have to kill you. But I will if I get the order."

With that, Racer disappeared from where he stood.

"*Sigh* Even if he's not as fast as he thinks he is, that magic is kind of a cheat." Sorano said, looking around the battlefield to see where she could assist.

At that moment, Sorano saw the blonde girl, Draculina, sneaking up on an unsuspecting Karen, who was doing her best to assist Jura against Hoteye.

"Oh, how much I really wanna let that bitch get what's coming to her." Sorano said as she started moving towards Draculina, sending her angel ahead of her. "But she's a guild mate, and I don't turn my back on my comrades. At least those I chose for myself."

A moment later, just as Draculina was about to plunge a pair of daggers into Karen's back, Sorano's angel rushed towards her, forcing her to abandon her sneak attack.


Bringing the hammer in its hands down on Draculina's former location, the angel was slow to react when Draculina changed her target from Karen to the angel, quickly stabbing it in its throat and causing it to dissipate.

At the same time, Sorano stopped her dash towards Karen and Draculina while gripping her chest with a pained expression making its way onto her face as a pained scream tore out of her throat.

"Ahh~~~~~~!" Sorano screamed, drawing attention to herself.

As soon as she heard the scream, Draculina looked in her direction. Then, after seeing how helpless Sorano appeared to be, she rushed forward and plunged her dagger into Sorano's abdomen.

Immediately, Sorano's eyes widened as the pain registered. Yet, she did not scream, illustrating that the backlash from her angel being defeated was much worse than the pain of being stabbed.

"Ah… Covered in your own blood, you're even prettier." Draculina said with an unhinged smile on her face. Then she stuck out her tongue and licked some of the blood that splattered on her face. "Oh, and you're blood is quite delicious, too."

With that said, Draculina raised the dagger in her other hand, intending to deliver the final blow. Before she could thrust the dagger into Sorano's heart, however, she was forced to quickly abandon that thought.

"[Ring Magic: Twister]." Karen chanted, holding her left hand out in Draculina's direction.

A moment later, a column of swirling winds was fired from one of the four rings on Karen's left hand, her middle finger to be exact, before sweeping through the spot where Draculina once stood.

At the same time, with Draculina's dagger still impaling her abdomen, Sorano staggered forward a few steps before falling to her knees. Then, she slumped over to the side with pain written all over her face.

"We got what we came for!" Brain shouted while he was still defending from Ur and Ultear's onslaught. "We're leaving."

With Brain's order, the members of the Oración Seis all disengaged from the battles they were in and quickly left the area, with Brain having the most difficult time.Eventually, hHe was saved by Racer just before he was entangled by Ur's version of [Rosen Krone], that binds without sapping the target's magic power.