A Moment to Relax

Earth Land, Ishgar, Kingdom of Fiore, Takanosu.


October, x785.


Not long after the group of eight, Alfonzo, Elicia, Saeko, Takashi, Saya, Rei, Shizuka, and Kohta, started walking, they reached a luxurious apartment building only a few blocks away from where they fought the horde of zombies.


"Seriously, we were this close?" Takashi asked curiously. "Does that mean you would have drove right past it if we hadn't split up with Shido?"


"Um... Probably?" Shizuka replied. "I don't think I would have wanted him to know where Rika lived. She's really pretty, tall, and has big boobs. Not as big as mine, though."


"I don't think anyone has boobs as big as yours." Rei muttered. "I mean, seriously, what do you have to eat to get boobs like those?"


"Actually, I think I've seen someone with bigger boobs than Shizuka's." Elicia said while mentally comparing Shizuka with Tsunade.


"That's gotta be impossible." Saya replied with her eyes opened wide in surprise.


"Yeah, I'm pretty sure." Elicia said while supporting her chin with her right hand. "Shizuka, if I'm not mistaken, you wear a J-cup bra, right?"


"Uh huh." Shizuka replied as she bent down to flip the corner of the door mat. Then as she picked up the key that was revealed, she continued. "That's right."


"Yeah, I know someone with a K-cup." Elicia said with a nod. "Actually, now that I think about it, Erza wears a K now, too. But she's still a little smaller than Tsunade."


"Tsunade? Who's that?" Rei asked curiously.


"Oh, she's the master of---" Elicia replied energetically before she was interrupted.


"Lici, should you really be telling people about their measurements like that?" Alfonzo asked in an exasperated tone. "Though, I'm pretty sure Erza wouldn't mind at all, Tsunade will probably hunt you down if she ever finds out. Besides, if you keep going, I think Hirano is gonna die from blood loss."


As he spoke the last part, Alfonzo pointed at Kohta. Following the direction of Alfonzo's finger, the others saw Kohta smiling sloppily with blood leaking from his left nostril.


"Hehe! I like pandas..." Kohta said in a loopy tone.


"Oh... Oops!" Elicia exclaimed while smiling bashfully. "Just forget I said that, okay?"


"What a moron." Saya said while glaring at Kohta disdainfully.




At that moment, the sound of a door unlocking could be heard, drawing everyone's attention back to Shizuka.


"And... it's open!" Shizuka said as she pushed the door to her friend's apartment open.


Then, wasting no time, Shizuka walked into the building.


"Wait, why was there a key to the entire building under the door mat?" Takashi asked in a confused tone. "Isn't that dangerous for all the other residents?"

"Oh, Rika owns this whole building." Shizuka replied happily as she walked towards the stairs. "Then, after she bought it, she had the whole place renovated."


Hearing that, the rest of the group followed Shizuka into the building. In a normal situation, either Alfonzo or Elicia would have rushed past Shizuka to make sure it was safe. However, with [Magic Power Detection], they already knew the place was clear.


Eventually, Shizuka reached the second floor. And as soon as she did, she flipped a light switch. Then, when the rest of the group arrived, they were able to see another set of stairs leading up to a mezzanine with four doors, a living room, a kitchen, and a door they assumed led to the bathroom.


"Damn, this place is nice." Rei said as she turned her head back and forth. "What does your friend do, anyway?"


"Oh, she's a knight." Shizuka said as she made her way into the kitchen. Then, as she opened the refrigerator, she continued. "She's part of the special forces unit... Or something."


As she finished, Shizuka pulled a bottle of ale out of the refrigerator with a smile on her face. Then, she wasted no time opening the bottle and taking a long drink.


Meanwhile, Alfonzo approached from behind Shizuka and looked into the refrigerator.


"Well, it looks like we should have enough food for a couple of days." Alfonzo said with a nod. "Still, we should probably do some scavenging tomorrow."


Hearing that, Saeko, Takashi, Saya, Rei, and Kohta nodded in understanding. Meanwhile, Shizuka was too busy enjoying her drink to pay attention.


"Good." Elicia said with a smile. "Then, we can do that while we take out as many of those gross zombies as we can tomorrow. For now, I just wanna take a bath."


"Ooh~~!" Shizuka squealed excitedly. "Me, too."


Then, with the bottle of ale still in her hand, Shizuka skipped away towards the bathroom.


"I guess the ladies will get washed up first." Alfonzo said with a wry smile. "Then, while you all relax, we'll see if we can find anything useful in this building. I can feel a few magic guns in one of the bedrooms upstairs. There should be a magic vehicle downstairs, too."


Hearing that, Kohta's eyes lit up.


"Sounds good to me." Takashi replied with a shrug. "You two can check for the guns. I'll check downstairs in the meantime."


With everyone agreeing with the arrangements, Elicia, Saeko, Saya, and Rei followed Shizuka into the bathroom. Meanwhile, Alfonzo and Kohta headed upstairs to the magic guns Alfonzo detected. At the same time, Takashi went back downstairs to check the ground floor.


"They should be in here." Alfonzo said as he flipped on the lights in the room. "This is probably the owner's bedroom."


"Yeah, it looks like a master bedroom to me." Kohta replied.


"And that safe is where the weapons are." Alfonzo said, pointing to a large safe in the corner. "Oh, and the locking mechanism is purely mechanical. That's surprising."


"That magic seems really convenient." Kohta muttered enviously.


"Yeah, it is." Alfonzo replied with a smile. "Anyway, why don't we check inside and see what kinda goodies there are."


Immediately, Kohta's envious expression disappeared. Instead, it had been replaced with one filled with excitement.


A moment later, Alfonzo and Kohta were standing in front of the safe. Then, Alfonzo took a hold of the safe's handle. At the same time, the sound of the locking mechanism being disengaged could be heard clearly. Finally, with little effort, Alfonzo twisted the handle and opened the safe.


"Ooh~~~!" Kohta squealed excitedly. "There's a magic shotgun, a magic sniper rifle, and a whole lot of magic pistols. And they all use your new magazine loaded design."


"Oh, most people don't know that I came up with that." Alfonzo said with an eyebrow raised in interest. "You must really be a gun nut, huh?"


"Yeah, magic guns are my passion." Kohta replied while inspecting all the weapons and ammunition in the safe. "For as long as I can remember, my dream has been to own a magic gun from .45 Caliber Art Warks."


"Oh, so you're my master's fan, too?" Alfonzo asked with a smile. "Well, I'm sure I could talk her into making a piece for you. Though, it might be her granddaughter who ends up making it."


"Wait!" Kohta, with his glasses slipping down his face, turned towards Alfonzo with a disbelieving expression on his face as he exclaimed. "You're saying that Nell Goldstein is your master?"


Like that, Alfonzo and Kohta continued to chat about all things magic gun related. Meanwhile, Takashi had found a type of magic vehicle he had never seen before.


At the same time, the ladies had all finished getting washed up in the luxurious bathroom and were currently relaxing in the large bathtub.


"Ah~~~!" Shizuka exclaimed, with the bottle of ale still in hand. "This is heaven."


"Yes. After fighting all those zombies all day long, this is wonderful." Saeko added as she sank into the tub up to her shoulders.


"Oh, your friend Rika has good taste." Elicia said happily.


"What do you mean?" Rei asked curiously. "I mean, this bath is nice."


"Yeah, but you make it sound like there's more to it." Saya said as she placed her glasses on the side of the tub.


"That's because there is." Elicia said as she reached her hand towards a sigil carved into the side of the tub.


In the next instant, all the ladies felt jets of water gently massaging their bodies.


"Ooh! This is amazing." Rei said as she started melting into the water.


"Oh, we have one of these at home, too." Saya said as she relaxed even further.


"Having one of these would have been nice after all my training." Saeko added.


While the other ladies started melting from the feeling of the hot tub, Shizuka started to pout.


"What's wrong, Shizuka?" Elicia asked curiously.


"Rika never told me about this." Shizuka said discontentedly. "And I come over here all the time."


"Well, from what I can tell, it's pretty new." Elicia said with a smile. "Maybe she just didn't get a chance to tell you about it."


"Maybe..." Shizuka said while continuing to pout.


A moment later, Shizuka sat up before chugging down the rest of her bottle of ale. Then she started scooting closer to Elicia, who was sitting to her left.


"Thank you for saving us from those nasty zombies." Shizuka said as she wrapped Elicia in a hug. "I didn't wanna be zombie food."


'Holy crap, those things are soft.' Elicia thought to herself. 'I mean, Erza's feel nice when she hugs me, too. But the softness on these things is on a whole different level.'


["Easy there, Old Man."] Scylla said while rolling her eyes.


'Don't worry, Scylla.' Elicia replied internally while smiling wryly. 'I would never do anything without Fonzie. Even touching. But I'm really curious to know how those things feel in my hands, though. I really should get her into Fonzie's harem.'


["Maybe you should talk to Fonzie about it, first."] Scylla said, rolling her eyes once again.


"Kya!" Shizuka yelped as she released Elicia and looked back over her shoulder. "Miss Miyamoto, what are you doing?"


"How the hell are these so big?" Rei asked while groping Shizuka's breasts. "And they're so soft, too."


"Are they really that soft?" Saya asked as she started moving towards Shizuka as well. "I wanna see, too."


Meanwhile Saeko only watched the others play around.


At the same time, Elicia scooted away from Shizuka and moved next to Saeko.


"You're not curious, too?" Elicia asked curiously.


"I am." Saeko admitted easily. "But It's not in my personality to just start grabbing to sate my curiosity."


"I see." Elicia replied with a nod.


"Anyway, Miss Taylor." Saeko said, turning towards Elicia.


"Technically, It's Mrs. Marcus." Elicia said with a smile. "But I kept the name Taylor because of my business. Either way, it's okay if you call me Elicia, or even Lici."


"If you say so." Saeko replied with a smile. "Then, Elicia. I noticed the craftsmanship of the blade Mr. Marcus created for me. Does he have much experience in creating katanas?"


"Oh, that?" Elicia replied with a smile. "He sure does. He's made quite a few in fact. Both Erza and Sun use them, after all."


"I'm not familiar with the name Sun." Saeko replied. "But by Erza, are you referring to Titania, Erza Scarlet?"


"That's right." Elicia replied with a nod. "Fonzie makes all of her swords and armor."


"I see." Saeko said, sounding quite interested.


Like that, the ladies continued to chat, relax, and have fun. Eventually, Elicia and Saeko were even pulled into the breast comparisons Saya and Rei started. On top of that, it was clear to see that Shizuka was slightly intoxicated after drinking that bottle of ale.


"Sounds like they're having fun." Takashi said.


After exploring the rest of the ground floor, Takashi had made his way upstairs to tell Alfonzo and Kohta what he found. Currently, the three young men were on their way down to the ground floor to check out the magic vehicle which naturally resulted in them passing by the bathroom.


"Yeah, it sure does." Kohta said with a perverted grin on his face. "Do you think we should take a little peek? You know, to make sure they're all okay."


As soon as those words left Kohta's mouth, a hand landed on his shoulder. And because of that hand, he felt like a mountain was pressing down on him. Turning his head slowly, Kohta made eye contact with Alfonzo, who was smiling brightly.


"Hirano, did you forget that my wife is in there, too?" Alfonzo asked in a friendly tone.


Unfortunately for Kohta, he was unable to respond due to fear. Meanwhile, Takashi could only face palm in response.


"Sorry..." Kohta was finally able to mutter after Alfonzo broke eye contact. "I actually did forget."


"*Sigh* Just don't let it happen again." Alfonzo said as he removed his hand from Kohta's shoulder. "I actually think you're a pretty cool dude. I hope you don't do anything to change that."


"Yes, sir!" Kohta replied as he stood at attention and saluted.


"I don't know how he didn't expect something like that." Takashi muttered under his breath. He then continued at a normal volume. "Anyway, let's go down stairs and check out that magic vehicle."


"Sure." Alfonzo replied with a smile.


Upon entering the garage where the magic vehicle was parked, the three young men saw a green magic vehicle that resembled a Humvee M1025 that used a rechargeable lacrima engine.


"Well, this will be helpful if we need to relocate." Alfonzo said while marveling at the magic vehicle in front of him.


'Damn, I never even thought to make something like this.' Alfonzo grumbled internally.


["I'm actually surprised you never did."] Bedlam said. ["I mean, this would have been a good choice for Earth Land's horribly maintained roads."]


["Plus, this thing is fucking bad ass."] Riot added.


'Yeah, I know.' Alfonzo replied. 'I only picked the Escalade because Dad had one in my past life. As for the Vanquish, that was the dream car I'd never get to drive in my past life.'


"Anyway, we should wait for the girls to get out of the bath." Alfonzo said as he turned to leave the garage. "Then, we can ask Shizuka if she knows where the keys are."


Nodding in response, Takashi and Kohta followed Alfonzo out of the garage and headed up stairs to help Kohta maintain the magic guns they found in the safe. Eventually, they returned to the master bedroom.


While Alfonzo spent his time creating ammo for the various magic guns, Kohta was giving Takashi a crash course on how to use and maintain them.


"Hey, Fonzie!" Elicia shouted from downstairs.


"Yeah, what's up?" Alfonzo shouted back.


"I'll be making clothes for all the girls." Elicia said. "None of them have a change of clothes. So, if you need me, that's what I'll be doing."


"Sure." Alfonzo replied. "Now that you mention it, our bags are still in the Escalade, I'll run back to get them."


"Okay, thanks!" Elicia said.


With that, Alfonzo finished creating enough rifle ammo to fill a magazine. Then, he stood from the bed and turned towards Takashi and Kohta. Before he could start speaking, however, he noticed that their eyes had opened wide. Then, before he could ask them what was wrong, a pair of slender arms wrapped around his chest while a soft, heavenly sensation pressed against his back.


"Alfonzo, I really wanna thank you for saving us earlier." Shizuka, wearing a tank top and a pair of shorts, most-likely from her friend Rika's wardrobe, as they were clearly too small for her and clung to her body tightly, said sensually into Alfonzo's ear.


"Don't worry about it, Shizuka." Alfonzo replied calmly. "It's part of my job."


"Still, I really would like to thank you." Shizuka said as her hands started roaming up and down on Alfonzo's chest. "But I... don't... know... how..."


As she spoke, Shizuka's hands slowed. On top of that, her voice grew softer. Then, by the time she was done, she was no longer moving, her breath was even, and she was leaning on Alfonzo's back.


"Did she just... fall asleep?" Takashi asked while looking away.


"Hehe! Pandas are great..." Kohta said absent-mindedly.


'God damn it…' Alfonzo muttered internally. 'I'm glad she fell asleep when she did. If she had kept going, I would have ended up with a boner.'


"I think she did." Alfonzo said as he turned around and picked up Shizuka in a princess carry. "Anyway, I'll tuck her into the bed in here. Then, I'm gonna head to my magic vehicle and get me and Lici's luggage."


"Sure." Takashi replied.


"And I think you guys should move all that stuff to another room." Alfonzo said. Then, he turned his gaze to Kohta. "Oh, and you should probably smack some sense into Kohta, too."


"Got it." Takashi said with a nod. "Then, he started gathering all the guns, magazines, and ammunition.


Meanwhile, Alfonzo floated everything Takashi could not carry into an empty bedroom. Then, he tucked Shizuka into the bed in the master bedroom before opening the door to the balcony and flying towards where he left the Escalade.