Love at First Sight

Earth Land, Ishgar, Kingdom of Fiore, Valley of the End. 


November 1, x787. 


"Hey, Guy." Alfonzo said with a smile while holding the foot that slammed into his hand. "You've gotten a lot faster since I left. How much more weight have you been training with in these few months?" 


"Alfonzo, my friend!" Guy said happily. "It's good to see you again. And it looks like you've grown, as well. Your youth looks to be exploding splendidly!" 


It should be noted that during this exchange, Alfonzo was still holding Guy's foot while the rest of Guy's body was suspended off the ground. On top of that, Guy was holding his kicking position, as well. And he was perfectly still as if he were still flying through the air. 


This showcased the two's physical strength perfectly. While Guy had put himself through hellish amounts of weighted training, making him one of, if not the, physically strongest shinobi in the Village Hidden in the Leaves. Alfonzo, on the other hand, had been strengthening his body with the Techno Organic Metal for years, making him one of the physically strongest wizards on Earth Land. 


In fact, Alfonzo also tried using the same method to strengthen his lovers. However, the only one who could withstand the pain was Erza. As a result, her already monstrous strength had been improved to a whole new level. 


Despite Alfonzo's show of strength, Guy was smiling brightly. Alfonzo would have even bet a significant amount of money that he saw one of Guy's teeth sparkle for a moment. However, Guy's next action did not seem quite as bright. In fact, it would be considered quite vicious in normal situations. 


After giving his greeting, Guy twisted his body. Then, with all his strength, he brought down his other foot towards Alfonzo's wrist. And despite how strong he had gotten, Alfonzo was certain that if that kick had landed, it would have broken his wrist, no questions asked. 


So, Alfonzo released Guy's foot. Then, once he evaded the kick aimed at his wrist, Alfonzo threw a jab aimed at Guy's chest. 


In response, Guy used his left hand to bat away the punch. Then, once his feet touched the ground, he through a round house kick at Alfonzo's right shoulder. 


"[Leaf Hurricane]!" Guy shouted as he spun at high speed. 


In response, Alfonzo ducked down to avoid the incoming kick. However, Guy followed up by riding the momentum of his kick and attempting to sweep Alfonzo's legs out from under him. Yet, Alfonzo was once again able to react quickly, flinging his legs upward, resulting in him suspended in the air, parallel to the ground. 


But Guy's attack did not end there, as he followed up with a spinning heel kick at a medium height. And with his feet off the ground, there would be no way for Alfonzo to avoid the kick. 


Or at least, that's how it should have been. 


With a display of great bodily control, Alfonzo reached out with his hands, and caught Guy's leg. Then, while being dragged along with Guys' kick, he raised his body into a hand stand and threw a kick at Guy's head. 


Though he was surprised at the reversal, Guy's smile widened even further. Then, he responded by lowering his leg quickly, ripping it from Alfonzo's grasp in the process, while simultaneously ducking his head under Alfonzo's kick. 


This once again left Alfonzo suspended in the air with nowhere to exert force. So, Guy followed up by performing a summersault towards the airborne Alfonzo. 


"[Dynamic Action]!" Guy shouted, naming his attack once again. 


With the momentum of his summersault, Guy lowered a kick towards Alfonzo. In response, Alfonzo slapped at Guy's descending leg, forcing himself out of the path of the attack. However, as soon as Guy's feet were on the ground, he sent a flurry of punches and kicks at Alfonzo, who had still yet to touch the ground. 


Meanwhile, Wendy, Carla, Saeko, Rika, and Miyuki stood to the side and watched the ongoing fight. Though, Wendy, Carla, Saeko, and Rika, who had met Guy when Alfonzo and Cana got married, knew it was more like a spar than a fight. Miyuki, on the other hand, was surprised that Alfonzo had been attacked so suddenly. However, after seeing that her companions had not moved to intervene, she did not move, either. 


"That Guy, he never changes." Rika said with a grin. 


"Yes, he did something like this when he met Alfonzo last year, as well.' Saeko added with a nod. "However, I can tell that he's improved quite a bit since then." 


"I bet he sparred with Alfonzo a lot while Alfonzo was in his village last time." Wendy said. 


"Of course he did." Carla said with her arms crossed in front of her chest. "There's no way he did not challenge Alfonzo as often as he could." 


And Carla was right. Guy, every time he came across Alfonzo and Kakashi during Alfonzo's last stay in the Village Hidden in the Leaves would challenge one or both of them to some kind of competition. And more often than not, it would be a spar. 


"Now this is what I call youth.!" Guy exclaimed while continuing to throw punches and kicks at the airborne Alfonzo. 


Alfonzo, on the other hand, could only smile at Guy's enthusiasm. Meanwhile, he was batting away all of Guy's incoming attacks, which forced him to stay in the air. However, as soon as Guy threw a particularly powerful punch, Alfonzo used the momentum to gain some distance and finally land on the ground. 


At that moment, Guy's team of Genin, Neji Hyuga, Tenten, and Rock Lee also exited the forest. Originally, they were running through the forest with Guy. However, at one point, Guy smiled brightly. Then, he said: "One of my rival's has arrived. I'll go give him a youthful greeting." And in the next instant, he vanished in a burst of speed. 


Luckily, Neji, as a member of the Hyuga Clan, had the Byakugan. So, he was able to figure out where Guy went. Otherwise, the three young teenagers would have been left confused by their teacher's disappearance. 


And now, after running after Guy at full speed, they had finally reached the Valley of the End, only to see Guy fighting with Alfonzo. 


"Wow! I knew Alfonzo was good, but he's even keeping up with Guy-Sensei." Tenten said as she stopped at the edge of the forest with Neji and Lee. 


"Their youth is exploding!" Lee exclaimed excitedly. 


Neji, on the other hand, remained silent. Instead, he was observing the fight with his Byakugan active. 


'Although Guy-Sensei doesn't have much magic power, he's still using it to empower his body.' Neji thought to himself while watching the fight. 'I can tell he hasn't opened any of the [Eight Inner Gates], though. But Alfonzo is matching him blow for blow. And what makes it even crazier is the fact that Alfonzo's magic power is not circulating to strengthen his body at all.' 


That observation made Neji even more interested in Alfonzo. If he could keep up with Guy without using his magic power, just what could he do if he were using it at its maximum? 


Then, Neji, using his Byakugan, glanced at Rock Lee, who did not even have enough magic power to strengthen his body. 


'Alfonzo is a prime example of what Lee could be if he worked hard enough.' Neji thought to himself. 'I'd better up my training if I don't wanna be surpassed.' 


During Alfonzo's last trip to the village, he was able to break Neji's chosen one syndrome. As he often ran into Guy, he also ran into Guy's team quite a few times, as well. And after telling the three about himself and his and Elicia's past, he was able to make Neji realize that no one was destined to be strong. 


Sure, Alfonzo and Elicia both had parents who were S-Class wizards. However, they did not have special bloodlines. The only reason they were as strong as they were was because they worked hard. Really hard… Harder than anyone they knew. 


Alfonzo even allowed all the Konoha 12 to watch one of his training sessions. And when they saw how he trained, they were all flabbergasted. 


On top of wearing weights while he trained, Alfonzo also used his [Electromagnetism Magic] to create a high gravity field around himself, making his training even more strenuous. And when the kids compared their own training to what Alfonzo was doing, they were all humbled quite a bit. As a result, they took his words about most things more seriously. 


The fight between Alfonzo and Guy continued while the Fairy Tail wizards and the team of Genin continued to watch. However, while Wendy, Carla, Saeko, Rika, and Miyuki noticed the three Genin, Neji, Tenten, and Rock Lee were completely focused on the fight. So, they did not noticed the five ladies at all. Though, Neji did see them with his Byakugan, he chose to focus on the fight, instead. 


However, the fight did not last much longer. After exchanging a number of blows at highspeed, Guy once again threw a named attack. 


"[Leaf Rock-Destroying Rise]!" Guy shouted as he threw an elbow strike with his right elbow at Alfonzo's torso while adding more force with is left hand. 


Despite the power behind Guy's blow, Alfonzo raised his right hand, putting it between his torso and Guy's elbow. 




Then, with no issue, he stopped guy in his tracks. Though, a small shockwave was created when Guy's elbow came in contact with Alfonzo's palm. And despite the high intensity exchange of blows, both Alfonzo and Guy were smiling brightly. 


"Yeah, you really have gotten stronger in the last few months, Guy." Alfonzo said while maintaining his position. Then, his smile turned into a battle hungry one as he continued. "One of these days, we're gonna have to fight after you've released a few of those [Inner Gates]. That should really be fun." 


"*Sigh* As much as I'd enjoy that…" Guy replied while continuing to smile as well. "… I'm afraid that would severely damage our surroundings. And I would hate to damage the village just for some fun." 


"*Sigh* I guess you're right." Alfonzo replied, sounding a bit disappointed. "Still, next time you get a chance to come visit Magnolia, I'm sure the training room in my house could handle it. So, maybe we can give it a shot then. You know, I'll be getting married again next year, I bet that would be a good opportunity." 


"Hahaha! I've seen many men with multiple wives, Alfonzo." Guy said as he pulled his elbow back. "But I don't think I've seen any get married as many times as you have. By the way, I'm sorry I could not attend your last wedding. I was unable to leave the village now that I'm in charge of a team of Genin." 


"Eh… Don't worry about it." Alfonzo replied while waving off Guy's apology. "I know you would have if you could." 


"Indeed." Guy replied with a nod. "By the way, your child should have been born recently, yes? How are Elicia and the child." 


Hearing that, Alfonzo brightened up immediately. 


"Yeah, he was born on August 12." Alfonzo replied happily. "His name is Amar'e. Lici named him. And would you believe it? That little guy was 13.2 lbs. when he was born. Hell, he came out as a god damn grown man." 


By now, Wendy, Carla, Saeko, Rika, Neji, Tenten, and lee had approached the duo. And the team of Genin had finally registered the presences of the others. And when they did, Rock Lee came to a complete stop, only staring at the group of ladies approaching Alfonzo and Guy from the opposite side. 


Naturally, Lee's actions, or lack of action, caused Neji and Tenten to be surprised. Especially since Lee was so much like their Sensei. Meaning, very loud and outspoken. 


"Hey, Lee, what's wrong with you?" Neji asked curiously, having never seen Lee act like that. 


"Oh my God…" Tenten mumbled after seeing the look in Lee's eyes. "Did he just…?" 


"Did he just what?" Neji asked after hearing Tenten's mumbling. 


At that moment, Lee snapped out of his daze. Then, before Tenten could reply to Neji, he started walking towards the group of ladies from Magnolia. After a moment, he was standing in front of them. And when he did, he put on his most charming smile and spoke. 


"Hello, Miss." Rock Lee said, gaining everyone's, even Alfonzo's and Guy's attention. "My name is Rock Lee. And if you would let me, I'd protect you with all of my youth for the rest of my life." 


"He just fell in love at first sight." Tenten said, replying to Neji's earlier question. 


In response, Neji only rolled his eyes. After hearing Lee's declaration, he could figure that out on his own. Despite that, he turned his attention towards Lee to see how things would play out. 


Meanwhile, the person Lee stood in front of, Wendy, was thoroughly embarrassed and completely confused by Lee's heartfelt declaration. At the same time, Saeko, Rika, and Miyuki were watching Wendy with curiosity. They could not even begin to guess how she would respond. 


Carla, on the other hand, was ready to step in and tell Lee off. However, after seeing how sincere he was, she was caught off guard. There had been many men who declared their love for Wendy over the years. She's a cute girl, after all. However, Carla felt that all of them had ulterior motives. But this boy in a green jump suit was different. 


As a result, the Valley fell into silence as the entire group waited for Wendy's reply.