Hurricane Elicia

Earth Land, Ishgar, Kingdom of Fiore, Magnolia. 


December 20, x789. 


*Cough* Please excuse me for showing such an unsightly display." Mei said after she realized that her hosts were just watching her berate Ao. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Ur Milkovich, master of the Fairy Tail wizarding guild. I am Mei Terumi, the Fifth Mizukage of the Village Hidden in the Mist. And these are my personal guards, Ao and Chōjurō." 


As she finished speaking, Mei stepped forward with her right hand extended for a handshake with as much dignity as she could muster after such an embarrassing moment. IN response, Ur took her hand while smiling in amusement. 


"Likewise." Ur said, her smile making Mei feel more and more awkward as time went by. "Anyway, why don't we relocate to somewhere more private. There, we can get to know each other and discuss the terms of our alliance." 


Mei nodded in response as she released Ur's hand. Then, Ur gestured towards the limousine, signaling Mei, Ao, and Chōjurō to enter. 


And the three shinobi from the Mist did exactly that before they were followed by Ur, Laxus, Marin, Shizuka, and finally Alfonzo. Then, once everyone was seated inside, Grayfia closed the door before heading to the driver's seat, starting the engine, and returning to the guild hall. 


Along the way, the two groups of wizards engaged in small talk with Alfonzo, Laxus, Marin, Shizuka, Mei, Ao, and Chōjurō discussing the time they worked together in Caelum while Ur, despite having heard the reports from her wizards, asked questions about the situation from Mei and the others' perspectives. 


Eventually, the limousine pulled into the guild hall's underground parking lot and Grayfia, after parking the car, stepped out of the driver's seat to open the door for the passengers. 


"I've seen tall buildings like this before." Mei said as she stepped out of the limousine and looked around the parking lot. "But never have I sensed a building packed with so much magic." 


"Well, you can thank our resident magic item crafter for that." Ur said with a smile as she followed Mei out of the vehicle. "He basically built this building single-handedly after our war with Phantom Lord five years ago." 


"You're exaggerating, Ur." Alfonzo said while shaking his head as he helped Marin and Shizuka out of the limo. "This was a guild wide effort." 


Alfonzo then glanced at Laxus. 


"Well, almost guild wide." Alfonzo said while smiling playfully. 


"Hey!" Laxus exclaimed while bristling with embarrassment. "Look, we don't' talk about that anymore. I've changed a lot since then.' 


"Oh, sounds like there's a story there." Mei said, interest flickering in her eyes. 


"Indeed." Ao added. "One that sounds as if it needs to be told." 


"Ugh… You did this on purpose, didn't you, Alfonzo?" Laxus asked in a tired tone. 


"Oh, whatever could you be referring to, Laxus, my good friend?" Alfonzo asked in the most innocent tone he could muster. 


"You know I love you to death, Alfonzo." Marin said before planting a kiss on Alfonzo's cheek. "But I kinda wanna hit you every time I hear you talk like that. And I'm sure it's not just me. But all the girls feel the same way, too." 


"Gasp!" Alfonzo said, actually saying the word in faux shock. "'Tis it true? Oh, my aching heart." 


"I don't wanna hit Fonzie." Shizuka said. "I think it's cute." 


Shizuka then proceeded to plant a kiss on Alfonzo's other cheek with a smile on her face and the sleeping Calvin in her arms. 


Meanwhile, Mei, Ao, and Chōjurō watched the interaction with differing reactions. 


While Ao did not show much in the way of a reaction, Chōjurō fidgeted back and forth, embarrassed to see such public displays of affection. Mei, on the other hand, was watching with sparkling eyes. 


'Oh my, he's so affectionate with his wives.' Mei thought to herself. 'And he doesn't look shy about it at all. There aren't any men on Ishgar who are so open with their feelings. He really is a prime candidate to be a husband. Perhaps… If things go well, this alliance will be even more solid once we've had more time to get to know each other.' 


"Alright, Alfonzo." Ur said, interrupting the three's world while shaking her head. "You can flirt with your wives later, when we don't have guests. Look at poor Chōjurō over there. If you keep going, he might start leaking blood from his face from how hard he's blushing." 


As she spoke, Ur pointed at Chōjurō, who just as she said was blushing with great intensity. However, that did get Alfonzo, Marin, and Shizuka to stop flirting in public. After that, the group, including Grayfia, headed into the elevator. And while Alfonzo, Laxus, Ur, Marin, Shizuka, Mei, Ao, and Chōjurō would be heading up to Ur's office, Grayfia intended to get off on the first floor to head into the kitchen to make refreshments for the group while they discussed the alliance. 


A few hours later, the alliance was finalized. And the terms of the alliance were as such. Because they were located in different countries, the assistance they could give each other was limited. However, if either the wizards from Fairy Tail or the shinobi from the Mist found themselves in the other's territory, they could request assistance from the other to help complete their quests or missions. Provided they were not in conflict with the standing alliances the assisting group already had. 


However, even if they had to face their ally's other allies because of a quest or mission, they would not lend aid to either side. And because that was a common rule when it came to making alliances between guilds and other similar organizations, it did not cause any disputes. 


"So, how long are you all planning to stay here in Magnolia?" Ur asked curiously once negotiations were over. 


"We're not sure exactly." Mei replied while shaking her head. "But we do plan to be back in the village by the end of the year. So, maybe a week at the most." 


"Well, that's a shame." Alfonzo said with a shrug. "I've got something in the works for New Year's Eve. But you'll probably miss it. Well, you have lPhones, right? Then, you'll be able to see it using those." 


Hearing that Alfonzo was planning something, not only Mei was interested. But all the others in Ur's office were interested, as well. Meanwhile, Laxus snorted in annoyance when Alfonzo brought it up, connecting the dots between this thing he was working on and the topic he refused to share while they were sitting at the bar with the other guys from the guild. 


"Oh, really?" Mei asked, batting her eyelashes flirtatiously. "And what might that be? You wouldn't mind sharing, would you?" 


"Now, now, Mei." Alfonzo replied with a smile than made Mei's heart race. "If I told you that, it wouldn't be a surprise, would it?" 


Although her heart continued to race, Mei's flirtatious expression turned into a pout immediately. And when Ao and Chōjurō saw that, they were both wondering who she was and where the real Mei had been taken. 


"*Cough* Anyway, why don't you three let Alfonzo, Laxus, and Marin give you a tour of the guild hall?" Ur said, breaking up the awkward atmosphere that followed Mei's pout. "I'm sure Shizuka would like to join you, but she's actually still got work to do in the infirmary. Plus, I can see that little Calvin is starting to get restless." 


"Yeah, Cal looks like he's getting hungry." Shizuka said while smiling down at Calvin with an infinite amount of affection in her gaze. 


"Sure." Mei replied, getting her expression under control quickly. "That sounds lovely." 


And with that, Alfonzo, Laxus, Marin, Shizuka, Mei, Ao, and Chōjurō headed into the elevator while Ur got back to doing a few reports for the Magic Council. However, just before the elevator doors could close, she remembered something and looked up. 


"Oh, and Alfonzo." Ur said, her eyes lighting up at the thought she just had. 


"Yeah, yeah, I'll cook." Alfonzo replied, not even letting Ur make her request. "I was already prepared to do so when you asked me to help show our guests around. *sigh* But seriously, Ur, you're getting predictable." 


With that, the elevator doors closed, leaving Ur sitting behind her desk wither pleading smile frozen on her face. 


About a minute later, the elevator's doors opened on the guild hall's first floor. 


"Alright, this is the guild's main hall." Alfonzo said as he stepped out of the elevator. "And this is where most things happen in our guild." 


Unfortunately, hearing Alfonzo's introduction to the guild hall was a little difficult at the moment, as the main hall was embroiled in a guild wide brawl. And the two who seemed to be responsible for this brawl, Naruto and Sasuke, were zipping around the hall, exchanging blows, while getting anyone unlucky enough to be in their paths involved, as well. 


Seeing the state of the guild hall, Alfonzo, Laxus, Marin, and Shizuka did not even flinch, having gotten used to such scenes over the years. But Mei, Ao, and Chōjurō were shellshocked, to say the least. 


In fact, Chōjurō was so taken aback that he first stepped back in apprehension before his expression firmed up and he flashed in front of Mei to protect her. Meanwhile, Ao showed, perhaps, the most expression he had shown since he arrived in Magnolia, other than when he was apologizing to Mei at the train station. 


Mei, on the other hand, was looking around in surprise with her lips slightly parted and her eyes wide open as she took in the uncontrolled chaos on display. However, before she could comment on what she was seeing, she caught sight of a brown-skinned woman with short black hair and brown eyes staring at her, Ao, and Chōjurō. 


"Oh, it looks like Lici's locked her sights on someone." Alfonzo said with a smile. 


"Lici?" Mei asked, snapping out of her surprised state. "Who is that?" 


"Oh, that's my first wife, Elicia Marcus Taylor. The owner of the Taylor Shop, as well as the continent's most popular fashionista." 


Hearing that, Mei's eyes lit up. At the same time, Elicia stood up from her seat and made a b-line towards the elevator. Along the way, as Naruto and Sasuke got too close with their fight, she wrapped them up with her threads before flipping into a handstand and kicking them both away before she returned to walking towards the elevator with determined steps. 


"Uh oh!" Marin said with a smile on her face. "Someone's in trouble." 


"Yeah, I haven't seen that look on her face since Warren wore that orange and maroon suit when he hosted the first Miss Fairy Tail Pageant." Laxus said with an amused smirk on his face. 


"Huh?" Shizuka intoned while rocking Calvin in her arms. "What do you mean?" 


"Oh, that's right, you weren't here back then, were you?" Marin asked. "I think that happened the year before you joined the guild. Well, you see---" 


Before Marin could explain, however, Elicia arrived in front of the group of new arrivals. And when she did, she stopped in front of Mei and Chōjurō. While looking up and down with displeasure written all over her face. 


At first, Mei was a bit scared, thinking that the premier fashionista on Ishgar was dissatisfied with her outfit. However, when Elicia opened her mouth, all her fears were laid to rest. 


"Um... Excuse me." Elicia asked after inspecting Chōjurō's attire. "But what on Earth Land are you wearing? I have no issue with sky blue and pin-stripes. Nor do I see anything wrong with camo. But what in the world gave you the idea that they looked good together? Especially when the camo is made of such bright greens? Have you ever heard of the term, 'clashing colors?' For goodness sake, who dresses you? And sandals with an outfit like that? I know you're a ninja, but have some self-awareness…" 


And Elicia's verbal onslaught just kept going. And because of her trip across the guild hall, the brawl came to an end, as well. And although the fact that she incapacitated the two who caused the brawl in the first place was a contributing factor in that, the aura she exuded while lecturing/scolding Chōjurō on his fashion choices played an even bigger roll. 


Warren was even shuddering, looking like he was going through an episode caused by PTSD. Meanwhile, everyone else watched as the shinobi with the large, bandaged swords on his back fidgeted nervously while trying his best to not make eye contact with the taller, extremely passionate woman berating him about his clothing choices. 


At the same time, three of the women and two of the men I the guild hall, namely Fried, Erza, Sun, Saeko, and Sasuke, the most skilled swordsman, had their eyes light up. Because despite Chōjurō's timid nature, they could all tell that he was a master swordsman. And they all wanted to test themselves against him in swordsmanship. 


Even so, they all knew better than to get in the way when Elicia was acting like that. So, they all decided they would challenge him to sparring matches once Hurricane Elicia had passed.