Chapter 10- Trouble

Yang Chen who had just learned the battle skill, was in the Initial Stage of completion. He needed to increase the completion stage to Intermediate, then Advanced and all the way to the Perfect Completion stage where it could be said that he has truly mastered the skill.

This function was a godsend since Yang Chen did not need any epiphany or enlightenment to master the battle skill, he won't get stuck or reach any bottleneck in his understanding of the Battle Skills. All he had to do was practice and practice the skill to fill the completion bar.

In other words, it can be said that the stages of completion rate represents the level of mastery and comprehension he had over the battle skill. The higher the completion stage, the more power the battle skill could display.

So that's how it was, Yang Chen nodded his head. The system really did make it very easy for him and it was like a game so it was easy for him to understand. Rather than trying to comprehend some manual filled with esoteric words, Yang Chen preferred this way.

Now then, if he wanted to display the Burst Steps like how it was in the information he received in his head when he purchased the skill, he needed to practice and practice some more.

"Open your [Character] window and click on the Battle Skill that you just learned. See how many times you need to practice it" Amon urged.

Yang Chen opened the [Character] window as he was told and there he could see it. Just below the diagram that showed his body and under his name, the section of Battle Skills now listed [Burst Steps].

Yang chen clicked on the skill and immediately, a bar displaying his current completion stage and the number of times he needed to practice the skill to increase it to the next stage.

Currently, he was in the Intitail Completion stage of the [Burst Steps] battle skills and the bar below it showed 1/1000. This means that he had to practice the skill 999 times over to increase it to the Intermediate stage of completion.

Only after that would he be able to somewhat display the real power of the Burst Step.

"I get that you chose the movement skill over the attack skill since that would increase my probability of survival. However, why did you select a 400 MP (Mishchief Points} one? wouldn't it be better to practice the 500 MP ones?" Yang Chen asked looking at the menu.

His thought process was simple, if a commodity is higher in price shouldn't it also be better in value... Value for price?

"Kfufu.. of course, the higher the cost of the battle skill the better it is. However, right now you cannot afford to splurge all your Mishcief points. Have you forgotten that you have no weapon on you?"

"What? Are you planning to challenge a jungle filled with ferocious demonic beasts with your bare hands?" The demon snickered "The remaining mischief points are for buying a weapon that would allow you to fend off those beasts".

Yang Chen was a little amazed, this mascot of the Greedvil system was quite practical and useful. It gave him the right knowledge that he needed at the right time.

Although that being the case, the attitude of the mascot can do with some improvements. It was looking at Yang Chen with unhidden condescension. As if looking at a money in a zoo.

"Alright, show me the list of weapons that I can buy for 100 points" As pissed as he was, Yang Chen still needed its help. He had a total of 500 Mischief points that he collected after killing those five bullies and after he exchanged 400 for the Burst Steps, he was left with 100 points.

"Right up… kehehe, these are the weapons you can buy right now" Amon waved his trident and the store immediately opened up the available weapons list.

"All of these weapons are ordinary ones" Yang Chen scrolled through the list and remarked. There were quite a few options like the Unpolished sword, Regular sword, Steel Dagger… However, all of them were made of ordinary metal.

"Kuku.. what do you expect for 100 points? These are the choices you can buy from. Of curse, you can choose to go in without one, but that would only decrease your probability of surviving further" Amon commented lazily flying in the air.

"Alright… alright, it's my fault for asking too much. I'll take the Steel Daggers" Yang Chen shrugged his shoulder and sighed. Since all the weapons listed were made of ordinary metals, their names did not matter. As long as it was a sword, he clicked on it without batting an eye.

After he transacted his last remaining mischief points, a steel sword appeared in front of him ripping through space.

Yang Chen grabbed the steel sword and brandished it a few times. Why a sword? It was because in every game he played the sword was a beginner friendly weapon. His early choice was always a sword before moving on to other forms of weapons.

Satisfied with his purchase, Yang Chen nodded his head and decided to venture further inside the jungle where the demonic beasts were.

Now that he had killed those five people, the Zhang clan would definitely not sit still and leave him alone. They were bound to send people after him to punish and drag him back.

If they manage to catch him, his fate would be far more miserable than the life the previous owner of this body had led.

Now that he had finally gotten a body that moved as he wanted and was free of terminal illness, there was no way he was going to throw it away. He would survive at all costs, even if he had to kill every obstacle that came his way.

While resolving himself, Yang Chen took a step forward and quickly disappeared inside the jungle.

Three days after that, a couple of figures arrived near the border of the jungle. They were all releasing a powerful aura that made all the hunters turn their gazes away from them.

A commotion erupted with the appearance of these people, the numerous hunters that were getting ready to dive inside the jungle to hunt some demonic beasts looked at those people and murmured in a hushed voice.