Chapter 33- Powder of Hysteria (1)

"In the upcoming days when I dive deeper, the demonic beasts there would naturally be stronger. If the skill is lagging from now onwards, then wouldn't it be unable to keep up in the future?"

"I believe that the skill may have reached its limit and so I was thinking of purchasing a good movement skill"

At the end of his sentence, yang Chen noticed that Amon had gone silent and was staring at him with a bizarre look.

"What is it?" Yang Chen couldn't help but ask.

Amon blinked a few times before flashing his signature condescending smile.

"Who would have thought that head on your shoulders wasn't just for show. It looks like the host has the potential to improve after all".

"You bastard!! You are inciting me purposefully because you know I can't hit you"

Yang Chen snapped, this fellow was looking down on him too much. In his past life, he had spent half of his lifetime lying on top of the hospital bed and fighting the illness, because of which he had missed many things like schooling, playing and other normal things boys around his age did.

This was one of Yang Chen's weaknesses, he had very little knowledge about how to survive in a world all on his own. Thus, it was inevitable that he would make poor judgements eery now and then. Yet this bastard was mocking him instead of correcting him.

The demon seemed to have its fill of negativity after mocking Yang Chen and started talking seriously once again.

"Considering the fact that you have no prior knowledge of this world or how to survive, I would say it was a good decision on your part. No, it was the best decision you could have made".

"The [Burst Step] skill is only a Mid Tier Earth Grade skill and has already reached its limits. Although it might be useful in the Battle Apprentice class, opponents beyond the class of Battle Apprentice, would easily be able to see your movements and ascertain where you will appear next.

"Thus I believe, learning a higher grade movement skill should be your top priority. You haven't forgotten how you were able to win against that Nine Star Battle Apprentice brat right?".

Amon was correct. If not for the [Burst Steps] skill, he wouldn't have been able to defeat Zhang Wei as easily as he did. It was because he possessed and mastered the [Burst Step] skill to its peak completion stage, that he was able to dodge that last attack.

As irritated as Yang Chen was of this fellow, he was helpful when it counted the most.

Yang Chen nodded his head and asked, his tone bitter "So which movement skill do you suggest?".

There were hundreds of thousands of options to make a selection from. Just looking at it made his head spin.

Amon glossed through the numerous movement type battle skill and selected a skill for him.

"Since learning an Earth Grade skill would need to be replaced soon after you become stronger, how about learning a Sky Grade skill? A skill of this grade won't reach its limits soon and you would be able to move far faster than opponents multiple levels higher than you".

The skill that Amon picked out for him was called the Wild Revolution Steps. It was a Low Tier Sky Grade skill costing around 2800 mischief points.

According to the description of the skill listed in the shop, once one practices this skill, they would move so fast that they would practically disappear from the line of sight of their opponents and cover a large distance in an instant.

The skill brings about instantaneous and wild winds around the user making them look like they are covered in a layer of wind. When mastered to its peak completion, the user would even be able to use the wind to jump around the sky without needing to touch the ground.

"What do you say? If you master this skill, you would be able to outmanoeuvre and blindside opponents multiple levels higher than you. Forget about seeing you, they won't even be able to see your shadow".

"What's more, you even have the points to spare, so you don't need to worry about spending everything on this skill"

Amon explained the benefits of practising this skill. Although he acted snarky and took joy in his misery, Yang Chen had to accept that there wasn't anyone as reliable as him when it came to the Greedvil system.

He nodded his head and purchase the skill as Amon told him. A light appeared from the [Shop] and moments later, a green scroll was suspended in front of Yang Chen.

"This…" Yang Chen was at a loss.

"Sky grade and higher skills appear in the forms of scroll, tablets and various other objects. The information inside higher grade skills, are so vast that it cannot be inserted into your brain directly or else you will suffer a severe headache and in the worst case, you might become an idiot"

Amon explained seeing Yang Chen's lost look.

'So that was the case' Yang Chen extended his hand and held the scroll in his hand. From just feeling the material it was made of, he could tell that it was definitely a higher grade than the scroll [Battle Fervour] he got from Zhang Wei.

Yang Chen opened the scroll and skimmed through its contents only to realise how vast the information inside it was. If we just talk about its volume, it was so lengthy that it would need multiple days for an ordinary man to read through it all.

However, Yang Chen was no ordinary person, he had the support of the Greedvil system that managed all of that information for him.

[DING… Do you want to learn the Wild Revolution Steps?]


Of course Yes.

Information slowly appeared in Yang Chen's brain, managed by the system it did not flood his brain with all of the information. It just provided enough so that he could reach the intermediate stage of completion.

The rest would be supplemented when the completion rate increases.

Now that he had bought the nine revolution skill for 2800 mischief points, the amount he had with him was 5150.

Out of that, he needed 150 points for energy gathering elixir and 150 for the endeavour pill, that is 300 points every day to increase the completion stage of his skills.