Chapter 62- Learning Battle Skills in Droves

Thirdly Yang Chen thought that all those things would be ordinary items; however, when he carefully inspected them, he was shocked to find that each and everything item inside the ring was a precious object.

For example, the scroll that he was currently holding, contained the battle skill called the thousand shadow chains was a High Tier Sky Grade Battle Skill. It was not only the scroll, anything that was floating around in this space, like those demon beast material, and alchemy vials, was at least tier [5] or above.

"Hmm... Thousand Shadow Chains huh. It's not a bad Battle Skill" Yang Chen commented, taking out the scroll from the space ring.

The battle skill was a controlling, utility type skill. When one masters this battle skill to its peak, they would be able to create thousands of chains from the shadows anywhere and anytime. Thus binding the target and making them unable to even move a muscle.