Chapter 70- Lin Mang

"Why are there Zhang clan members here? Could it be that these auction houses are owned by them? If so then there is no way I can sell my wares here" The previous owner of this body was just a lowly slave of the clan hence he wasn't very aware of the businesses and the properties that the clan owned.

It was only now that Yang Chen learnt that. If the auction houses were owned by the Zhang Clan, there was no way he can do business there.

Wait, if the Zhang clan have their own auction houses then doesn't it mean that the other two clans would also have their own?

Yang Chen didn't have any enmity with the other two clans and they should be unable to recognise him if he used the robe to hide his face.

The idea was worth trying. Deciding so, Yang Chen started walking further and soon he came in front of a large building, the sign on which read, Lin Clan Auction House.