Chapter 87- Fulfilling the Requirements

Well, the reason Yang Chen chose this battle skill, was because depending on the wish of the user, the output of the flames can be controlled. It can be as strong as hellfire or as mild as a candle flame.

Additionally, this was one of the few battle skills that cost him more than its range. On average, a battle skill of High Tier Sky Grade would be around twenty five to thirty thousand mischief points.

However, the [Great Napalm Command] cost him more than thirty eight thousand mischief points. Yang Chen felt a pain in his heart when he saw his total mischief points go down by 38,000.

After deducting the cost of that battle skill the total mischief points he had was little over 145,000 points.

As he had thought, he need to find more ways of earning mischief points or at the very least find ways to reduce his expenses. Learning Alchemy might be one of them.