Chapter 110- Lying in wait

The change in the temperature was not a gradual increase but an immediate change and nearly brought Lin Dan who had a smile plastered to his face all this time, on his knees.

Lin Huiyin fared much better; however, she needed a little time to adjust herself to the heat of the second floor. And so, she found herself a good place and started cultivating.

Lin Dan did the same. Yang Chen on the other hand had no problem, he could feel the flames surging inside his body. However, he did not feel any pressure nor did he have the need to sit down and cultivate like others.

Nevertheless, he nonchalantly found a place not far away from Lin Huiyin and observed his surroundings. Yan Zhuo was not here as for the participants from the Zhang clan, they were... as expected looking over here.

To be more exact, they were looking in the direction where Lin Huiyin was cultivating. Needless to say, their eyes carried no goodwill.