Chapter 148- The High Tier Sky Grade Battle Skill Of The Lin Clan (2)

"Good, as a reward, I will make your death a painless one" Zhang Fei sneered as he slowly walked forward.

"Stop right there, if you proceed any forward then don't tell me that I didn't warn you" Lin Huiyin threatened, battle energy accumulating around her sword.

"Whistle~ this girl is quite fierce. She is just our type. Won't you agree brother?"…

"Right. Elder Zhang Fei must we kill her? Slurp, she is so beautiful, can't we have our way with her and then kill her?"

The two bandits licked their lips as they scanned Lin Huiyin from head to toe with their lecherous gaze.

Their actions caused Lin Huiyin to involuntarily shiver as a feeling of disgust welled up within her. She glared at the bandits with the eyes of a tigress.

"You fools, do you know her identity? If you do, then just shut your mouth and do what I say. I will only honour our agreement after she dies. Do you get that?"