Chapter 160- Lin Clan Arrives (2)

Despite his indifferent exterior, Yang Chen couldn't help but notice the complex feelings that lingered inside her eyes. After what Amon said to him earlier, He was aware that Lin Huiyin held feelings for him, but the weight of those words only added to his confusion.

Yang Chen scratched his head, his thoughts turmoil as he struggled to find the right words at this moment. He had spent most of his life inside the hospital, as such he didn't know how to interact with a girl around his age.

The life he had led up until now left him socially inexperienced and detached. In the end, he could only come up with a little crude way of interacting with her.

With a subtle nod, he acknowledged her gratitude.

"Don't mention it. You were in danger so… besides you were too slow and those people were getting on my nerves"

His voice came out colder than he intended.