Chapter 239- Youngest Tier 3 Alchemist Of Yan City (3)

With this badge, he could finally say that he was a tier 3 alchemist without needing to prove his ability. The badge itself was proof.

The next thing his eyes went to, was a box. It had a black cover and appeared quite old. When Yang Chen opened the box, a thick aroma enough to completely fill the room, immediately gushed out. The aroma had a calming fragrance and stirred one's soul energy.

"Hoh, a Soul Nourishing Pill. Not bad, a good reward" Amon mentioned sensing the effects of the pill.

"Quickly close the lid or else some of its effectiveness will dissipate".

As an alchemist himself, Yang Chen knew what would happen if he left the pill out of its container, as such he quickly closed the lid.