Chapter 245- Injuring Huan Canghai

BANG… his attack was nullified and he was pushed back.


Grabbing his throbbing arm, Huan Canghai uttered in disbelief. He could accept if his previous attacks failed to destroy the barrier; however, in that last attack of his, he went out of his way and even used his full power against a juniour.

Yet the result was that he was the one who was pushed back in the hand. To be able to take on the attack of a battle overlord such as him and still not budge, how can a mere artefact of the young man be so sturdy?

As disbelieving as it was, his throbbing arm was evidence enough.

"What's wrong? Weren't you bragging about how great the yan clan was? Is this the extent of the power of that clan?" Yang Chen incited with a derisive grin on his face.