Chapter 269- Desert Ruins

The Sky Eagle Guild was in the air travel business and operated many Air Engines that offered safe passage through the great desert. Passengers from all corners of the sand city sought the services of the Sky Eagle Guild. After all, journeying the great desert on foot was a foolish decision.

Not only did it have numerous perils, but the desert was harsh and unforgiving where danger lurked around every corner. Powerful demonic beasts prowled the sands, their roars echoing across the vast expanse.

Without the protection of an Air Engine, travellers risked falling victim to these ferocious creatures. Moreover, the desert's ever-shifting sands made navigation a daunting task.

The scorching sun beat down relentlessly, blurring the horizon and disorienting even the most seasoned travellers. Sandstorms could whip up at a moment's notice, engulfing everything in their path and reducing visibility to zero.