Chapter 294- Opening Of The Ancient Monolith (2)

Of course, the reason why not even a single soul could be seen anywhere around the desert ruin was because every single one of them were gathered in the plaza in the middle of the ruins where the giant monolith was.

"Wow look at the crowd, it looks like all the people from the desert ruins are gathered here" Amon spoke arching his head to look left and right while standing atop Yang Chen's shoulder.

To his side was Tang Xun'er adopting the same movement as the demon. And as for Yun, he was still hiding inside the pendant of hers.

"Woah, are all of these people also going to enter with us?" the girl questioned.

"How could it be that easy to enter the ancient sect? Don't worry once the formation weakens and the gate to the ancient sect opens, all of these people will be sifted out" the demonic spirit spoke.