Chapter 299- Beast Summoning Skill

The first to attack was Yang Chen who utilised his advanced almost reaching perfect stage mastery over the High Tier Sky Grade battle skill [Ghost Steps] to charge ahead.

Feeling his advance, the Sandworm opened its hideous mouth seemingly wanting to swallow him. However, how could Yang Chen just let it swallow him?

He jumped away from his place, deftly avoiding the attack before coming down with a counterattack of his own.

[Bone Crushing Fist] …

BANG… he used another High Tier Sky Grade Battle Skill, the power of which was enough to open a large wound on the body of the sandworm.

KIEEEEE… the demonic beast lurched back throwing Yang Chen away. The latter was not in a hurry to connect as there was already someone onto it.

"Starfall Sword Dance— first technique… Thirty Three Swift Slash"

A soft voice mumbled out followed by multiple sword flashes that attacked the demonic beast from all directions.