Beginning of the End (2)

Carnage, the only word to describe it.

The ground they fought on was already soaked in blood, but now it was turning into an actual swamp. Arrows flew as giant monstrosities swiped the battlefield, throwing tens of mercenaries through the air.

There was no sanity on either side; they simply charged at one another while swinging their weapons. Deaths piled up as the ground became so moist that a layer of blood soon blanketed it. Corpses were heaped together, becoming a source of new weapons and ground to stand on.

Those who were augmented held the vanguard as their bodies' abilities showed. One man could hold off ten, or another could survive losing a limb.

As the battle continued, the line where the fight was most concentrated spread so more soldiers could join around the edges. War beasts broke through the lines and went on a rampage, killing many of the Federation forces.

It seemed the Federation would soon lose, especially when they saw a crazed maniac rushing through the front line.

Cain was drenched in blood as he swung his maul again and again. The weapon hummed with delight as blood stained its body. Cain killed and killed as his weapon grew lighter, enabling him to kill even more.

As he passed through the battlefield, he saw many of his subordinates. He could see Sarah initiating a pincer attack, Borus clashing with a warrior the size of a bear, and even Cassian was killing those who tried to get behind their lines.

He switched his gaze to the two giant Siege beasts, the finished product. Controlling them were people who kept their sanity and had complete control of themselves, taking in more war beasts as needed throughout the battle.

'Truly admirable. Yonio... Kilvish, you have made this master of yours proud!'

Cain's teeth shone as he felt proud of the two subordinates who sacrificed themselves for the battle.

Both Yonio and Kilvish had little combat proficiency and decided to risk their sanity to finish the Siege Beast experiment. It had succeeded, and both of them became weapons of war that could think clearly and unleash devastating attacks on the enemy.

The only one he didn't see was Austin, but he didn't need to see him. Austin was a prodigy in Wistful Shadow; he even reached Cain's level in hiding, without the rune weapons! Cain would be surprised if Austin was visible to his eyes, but he didn't need eyes to sense Austin either.

So far, Austin had been trailing behind Cain, finishing off any stragglers, and reinforcing his back. Truly, this pupil was perfect. Cain was almost sad thinking about what he would soon do... almost.

Cain continued his rampage beside the forces he had spent years growing, only to see so much time accumulating something to be diminished so quickly.

In his thoughts, Cain left his body on autopilot as he reminisced about how he got to this point. He found himself in a strange place and was taken in by an old man. That old man was killed by his master, who experimented on him after he was beaten to the point that his bones were shards. He then traveled to a great city and found love and peace, but it was fate that it was not to be, as it just as quickly fell apart.

Cain's mind wandered as he mechanically swung his maul, letting muscle memory take over. He recalled vague flashes - an old man's kind eyes hiding greed within, a manor surrounded by fire and dead, elation and heartbreak in a far-off city.

The memories pained him, but not nearly as much as the actions that came after. The things he'd sacrificed and destroyed to become who he was today.

They fueled him now, driving his laughter manic. He couldn't linger on the past yet he did.

In the replaying of his memories, he witnessed the death of a loved one over and over as his mind was taken over by a typhoon of rage. He remembered his incompetence as he couldn't even kill their murderer.

'What was after that? Oh yes, I found Anders in John's manor. Isn't he in this battle? Perhaps I should find him?'

"CAIN!" Just as Cain was thinking of that old apprentice, his name rang in his mind, jolting him awake.

He checked his surroundings to see a man charging at him. The man had brown hair and eyes, as well as a stubbled beard. Cain looked into his eyes and saw hatred that was as bright as the fires that set Free City aflame.

"Anders? You haven't aged well at all."


Sparks flew from Anders's sword; what appeared to be lightning tangled itself around his arm and estoc as he thrust his blade into Cain.

Utter shock appeared on Cain's face as the sword pierced his abdomen, and he felt his insides boil and explode. His guts flew about as his charred flesh fell to the floor, and his body sagged to balance itself out.

Mist escaped from the wound as Cain's flesh came alive and mended itself.

"I didn't think you finished that technique. I am truly surprised you could do it. You could even rival a grade 4 if it wasn't for the wounds it gave. Even with that body, it's detrimental."

Anders looked at Cain, his mouth curving into a maddening smile. He took out a vial that looked similar to Cain's, and Anders poured the liquid down his throat. Almost like copying Cain, Anders's burnt arm regenerated well anew, only his clothes remaining the same.


Cain was interested in his forsaken apprentice. Such resolve and determination should be awarded, after all.

Cain's tongue licked his teeth, and he kicked off the ground, propelling himself toward Anders. Sparks flew as they clashed, forcing other soldiers to clear away for their own safety.

Lightning came off Anders as his body seemed to house Zeus himself, while Cain seemed to have bloody air surrounding him, sticking to his skin and weapon, like a war god in human form. The two clashed as Cain's body was destroyed and healed again and again.

After each attack, Anders would consume one of the numerous potions he kept on his body. Both fought for different reasons, but the goal was to kill the opponent.

Piercing strikes that seemed to break through the wind tore Cain's body apart while he laughed. Anders attacked faster and soon broke the sound barrier as his sword seemed to cause sonic waves when he thrust into Cain's immortal body.

The two danced in the swampy waters that reached up to their ankles. The blood stuck to their clothes as they splashed each time they moved. Cain allowed himself to be attacked as mist came from the blood and corpses of the surrounding battlefield. Here was where Cain truly was immortal; he could not be killed easily.

Cain let out an eerie, crackling laugh as Anders sliced through his chest again. Pain shot through his nerves, but it only heightened his twisted pleasure.

He lived for this agony, an immortal addict. It was as if it was his purpose - to suffer and be reborn, spill blood and watch it pool.

Somewhere deep in his mind, he knew this compulsion wasn't right and just a simple side effect of his broken mind. But it drowned under the sick joy he felt as he regenerated and dove back in for more.

It continued like this as both seemed to have unending stamina. Anders drank vial after vial, seemingly having an endless supply. Cain continued to laugh at this foolhardy endeavor as he savored Anders's expression turning darker and darker.

The fighting seemed to never end, but the roar of a specific person turned both their heads as they looked in the direction the sound came.

"Cain! Anders! Stop this now!"

They looked over at the woman; her hair was as red as fire, and her eyes were as yellow as gold. But she had features that made anyone who saw her astonished. Her stomach was the size of a pumpkin; she was pregnant.

Anders was dumbfounded; Alex had come to the battlefield, and Cain laughed in amusement.

Alex's shout interrupted Cain's vicious battle with Anders. He glanced over, an icy smile spreading across his face at the sight of her swollen belly.

"Right on schedule," he sneered. "Bring my heir to me, Alex."

Anders' eyes widened in shock and horror as the truth hit him.

Alex backed away, one hand protective over her unborn child. "I will die before I let you corrupt this child," she said defiantly.

Cain chuckled. "Your death can easily be arranged, I didn't expect you to honor your side of the deal anyway."

Cain slammed Anders aside in a burst of speed, the crash of metal and bone echoing. Anders struggled up, drinking a vial to heal before standing between Cain and Alex again.

Twirling his maul, Cain advanced on Alex. "Time to meet your fate."

No trace of surprise or fear showed on his face, only malevolent purpose. Alex had brought his goal to him and now he would collect on this dept.