Cultivating to the Top

Seasons change, and life passes. Before Cain knew it he had fulfilled his deal with Ren He but decided to stay.

Cain did this for two reasons. One, he could explore the void, and two, he had already seen progress in cultivation and recovered more of his memory.

Now, as an Early Growth Stage Cultivator, he had higher prospects and planned to make it to the mid-stage before leaving the city to head deeper into the Dominion.

This might be a bad idea, in the first place Cain came to Jilian City because the Dominion was large, if he stayed on the edge of it he would eventually be found.


"You said this was where he was hiding? What about the farm, why is it destroyed?"

The Unmoved Spirit Sect Leader stuttered, "I-I, it was collateral in the fight. An old man came from the farm and was found to be an old member of a Demonic Cult."

"So you killed him?"

The Sect leader was timid, she didn't dare wish to upset the person before her for they were none other than an Inquisitor from the Yang Inquisition.

Inquisitors were the sole reason why no one wanted to mess with the Imperium, even if almost everyone living inside were mortals, even the Inquisitors themselves.

Yet these Inquisitors were nightmares for cultivators from the sects. As mortals, they could kill even Enlightenment Stage Experts.

Standing in a land of ice and fire, the Sect Leader had to deal with the aftermath while her sister fled, leaving her to deal with the Inquisitor.

There were 10 Inquisitors of the Imperium, though currently there were only eight since one died of old age while the other was killed mysteriously, it was an internal problem.

The Inquisitors held absolute authority over the country and formed a council, they were mortals after all, and each of them had fleeting lives and lived for their country. Because of this, Cultivators couldn't understand them, and because they couldn't understand, the fear was only that much more present.

"Sigh, we will not push this matter, it's obvious this "Imperial Demon" is at fault. I will look for him, you can leave now."

The sect leader became relieved but anger then built up.

'Leave,? I can leave? Who dares to tell me that?! I'm the leader of one of the 5 Great Sects, a powerhouse that would have people bowing to my feet in every part of the world!'

She rubbed her hands like a sleazy merchant, "Of course, let me know if you require anything further, Lord Inquisitor."

She consoled herself, 'It's best not to get on an Inquisitor's bad side, even sister left before he got here, there must be a reason!'

Leaving quickly, the Sect Leader headed home to contact her sister. Seeing her do so, the Inquisitor sneered, "Damn Cultivator bitch, I can't wait until we exterminate all of you. Hah, when the Weapon Masters allowed their Disciples to cultivate both paths, that was the day cracks began to show in our resolve..."

He clenched his fist, 'I refuse to let cultivators swallow our country too!'

For those in the Imperium, Internal Cultivation was spat on. As for External Cultivation, it was widely used, it was a path even mortals could use to a degree. Low-tier weapons didn't need Spiritual Qi to activate and the materials to create them were easy to gather, the weak Mystical Beasts were easy for the hardy humans to kill.

Looking at the horizon, the Inquisitor frowned. 'Going back into this rotten world again...I will put some effort into finding this "Imperial Demon". The faster I catch him the faster I can go home."

The Inquisitor was already in his middle age, he didn't want another mission to take half a decade, he had a wife and child. But serving his country came first. It always did.


"Haha! Mid Stage! I can prepare my other leg now! Then I just need to work to the Enlightenment Stage!"

Cain sat cross-legged in excitement, he had just broken through to the next realm.

In the Growth Stage, the cultivator can handle two more body parts, one when they first enter the stage and the other when they reach the mid-stage of the cultivation realm. Cain could now house another soul. Because of this, he planned to go into the void again.

He and Ren He have been scouting it out for the last year and found a field of spatial cracks, they suspect something important is at the center.

Of course, going through a field of spatial cracks is dangerous but both of them became skilled in traversing the void, the two became fish in water, and their teamwork was also improving.

In the last few months, they found much of nothing, this steeled their resolve even more to try the field of spatial cracks. Ren He even invited his sister, the city lord.

Cain had yet to meet Ren He's sister, she was well-versed in exploring the void, exploring two spatial cracks in her day, both gave her amazing benefits, allowing her to reach the Peak of the Growth Stage.


"You ready Cain? My sister will be here in a bit."

"Ready as always." Cain prepared himself and waited with Ren He.

After a few minutes, another person entered the chamber.

"Sister!" Ren He went in for a hug but a hand pushed his face away.

"You know I don't like hugs. I'm a busy woman, let's go in now."

Cain studied the new addition, she was the city lord, Ren Xing. A warrior who has taken many heads in her heyday, even now she was a force to be wary of. Her red hair cascaded down and her eyes were yellow like dandelions. 

Entering the void, Cain felt the familiar feeling of floating, there was no gravity at all in this place.

"Let's go this way, we should run into the field of spatial cracks in a day or two."

Cain and Ren Xing followed behind Ren He, Cain was last in line, behind the other two. Connections were good to have, but Cain had none, he could be considered close to Ren He but Ren He was closer to none other than his blood sister.

'I'm a stranger to these two, I'll need to be on guard during the time we're here if I don't want to be left to die. Ren He is a good person, I should be in safe company, but it's always good to be wary.'

Cain deemed it necessary to proceed warily even if he felt safe. He was a competitor in this place, not a friend.

"Sister see, a field of spatial cracks! At the center must be a treasure of great power or even a high-level creature whose soul we could harness! The possibilities are endless!"

"You idiot, although there might be something there's also the high likelihood there's nothing. Don't get your hopes up, I'm more interested in the area beyond this minefield than anything. Remember, dear brother, not everything tends to go how you want it." Ren Xing quickly divulged the harsh reality of the situation.

She was right, it was best to not expect there to be any treasure. The void was just that, a void. Although these cracks were strange and should be investigated one should not expect there to be treasure, only a fool would do that.