
Dai Tian retreated, the wind pushing him away. All around, thousands of artifacts watched as he ran, none daring to get closer.

Each artifact belonged to an overlord of the current era, a hero or villain who outlived their enemies and made it to the top. They were the survivors of all the recent events and the Rulers of the Seven Provinces. Even so, they watched from far away, using these artifacts to gaze upon the unfolding scene.

None of them could come close to the power of the Immortal Sect Leader or his opponent.

Coming into being, Cain leaped forward from space in front of Dai Tian. In his hands was Bloodletter.

"I need that energy you stole!"

"You took this energy! It does not belong to you!" Dai Tian backed away, trying to use the power of the wind.

Cain's eyes flashed, and the white foggy image behind him became brighter.

"I don't think so."

Suddenly, the wind reversed and Dai Tian was brought closer to Cain.

"You're mine!" Cain's hands reached out but the leaf behind Dai Tian expanded and tried to swallow him.

"Damn Plant!" The fire spurred and burned the edges of the leaf, the Space Dao was beside the fire making sure the devouring force couldn't be used.

Onlookers watched the struggle, hands interlocked as the two fighters Dao fought for them.

Pressing down, Cain and Dai Tian crashed into the earth. The dirt and rocks scraped against the Immortal's back as he screamed in pain, tugging Cain to the side and lifting their fight back into the sky, hitting branches and trees on the way up.

Dai Tian continued to rise, trying to lose Cain's grip. Alas, Cain was physically stronger, the Immortal's only hope was in the sky, above the clouds.

"Help me! I'll give you anything!" He cried.

Behind the dark rolling clouds, a tint of blue shined through, the ray landed on Cain and Dai Tian. Basking in its light, Cain was shocked, screens filled his vision.

[Anomaly Marked! Backdoors Activated!]

[Core 0-11024 Sealed Temporarily!]

[Core 34-8761 Sealed Temporarily!]

[Core 187-490 Sealed Temporarily!]

[Core 92F Sealed Temporarily!]

Cain flew too high and overstayed his welcome too long. He began to plummet, his body drained, his lifespan trickling at an increasing pace.

'What?' His mind froze, bewilderment stalling his mental processes. Cain couldn't wrap his head around this development. Just like that, he lost everything he built.

Without the cores, he was nothing more than a mortal man who defied death. His natural lifespan long ran out and time was catching up. 

In the air, Dai Tian looked at Cain and madly laughed, his wrath reaching its peak.

"Time for you to die, invader!"

As one figure fell from grace, another happily chased, intending to kill the fallen villain.

'Closer....closer....yes! Die!' Dai Tian's Leaf became huge as thorns sprouted from its stem and zipped towards Cain.

Everyone watched the scene, a green projection descending upon a pale young man with his eyes still wide in shock. His body rapidly gained wrinkles, turning into a fossil, his fingers becoming bare bone, and his dark hair turning white.

Cain was dying. He was going to die, he was helpless against this fate of his.

'Shit...' Cain shut his eyes, he was weak, he felt himself lose everything, his energy to fight back gone in an instant.


Sword energy covered Cain as a sword strike cut the thorny stems to pieces.

A blurry figure moved to grab the withering man and quickly pulled back, retreating at inconceivable speeds.

"Who!" Dai Tian swept his hand and the wind raged, the fluttering hood over the figure peeled back to reveal a youthful gentleman with his eyes shut.

Everyone knew who he was.

"Fang Yuan!" Dai Tian was infuriated, he wasted no time to pursue the traitor.

Saying nothing, Fang Yuan took Cain away, deep into the crust of the earth. Blowing the land to nothing and heading below, past the Territory's deepest crust.

Below the Spirit Lands, below all lands, was where the earth roots of the Landfill were, twisting and turning, making sure there was a foundation for the Territories that were on top of them. Although the roots were nothing but colossal, there were large spaces between them that could fit cities, this was the area Fang Yuan retreated to, and where the Living Immortal and viewing artifacts chased.

Everything was dark, using fire to light the way Dai Tian saw the dangling roots the size of oceans. Their size was truly overbearing and grand.

"Fang Yuan, traitor! Come back here and give me my prize!" Dai Tian relentlessly screamed, sending out attacks, but in the deep earth, all abilities were naturally weakened.

Maneuvering around the roots, Fang Yuan was able to make some distance and set down Cain, preparing to fight in a last stand. As to why he did this; hope.

Fang Yuan never gave up hope that he could save his disciple, he needed to try, he needed to make sure there was nothing left that could work, and only then would he give up for good.

Cain wilted in on the earth's root, his cores sealed.

Taking Bloodletter, Fang Yuan turned to the guest approaching.

"Traitor! My sect raised you so well and this is how you repay me! Bah! I should've expected this knowing your personality, you grow attached and obsessed far too easily!"

Fang Yuan scoffed, "So the rumors were right, you're some old monster who's been every Sect Leader. How long have you been lying to everyone around you?"

Dai Tian didn't speak anymore, smaller roots sprouted from the earth roots and attacked, but only three out of ten listened to the Immortal, the rest rewrapped around the earth roots. Even as an Immortal, the power of the Landfill was evident.

"Die!" There was no need for Dai Tian to focus on Cain, he solely went after Fang Yuan, the Traitor. 

Nature struck while the Sword Saint focused on dodging. He moved around each attack like flowing water, his experience during the Time Lord's Inheritance fresh in his mind.

Like a bird in the sky, he closed the distance and swiped bloodletter, white sword energy whizzing through the air.

"I'll kill you with my Disciple's weapon and then gift him your head!"

White overlapped and became a wave flowing in every direction, Fang Yuan moved Bloodletter ceaselessly in his attempt to kill Dai Tian.

"You're still a greenhorn! You haven't even entered the fusion stage you brat!"

Fang Yuan smiled, "I don't need to!" Moving in, he got close enough and threw Bloodletter. Pulling out his actual Sword, Fang Yuan used more Sword Energy to guide and defend Bloodletter from any mishaps.

Dai Tian knew the attack was a deadly one, he focused greatly on buffing his defenses, creating layers of protection, but it was all for naught.

Bloodletter consumed any energy that tried to stop it, the leaves and vines wilted and were easily turned to dust under the white sword energy's protection. 

"How, when was this sword so good? Didn't I take most of its power?!"

Fang Yuan coughed out a bit of blood, "You did, but energy can be replenished."

"Y-You sacrificed some of your essence?! You go so far as to weaken your foundation?! Fool!"

Trying to block with his hands, Dai Tian caught Bloodletter, but its razor edge caused his hands to bleed and the blade to slip through his grasp.


The crimson blade seeped deep into Dai Tian's stomach and began to devour his power at a monstrous rate. He couldn't pull the sword out and neither could he stop its rate of consumption.

"To think I would lose my body one day!" He was resolute, his body bloating for a few seconds before a large explosion occurred, shaking even the earth roots.

From the dust, a soul escaped with rage plastered on its vague face.

"Idiots, even if you succeeded in destroying my body my soul is Immortal! There are very few means to destroy an Immortal Soul, and all such methods need the aggressor to be at the level of an Immortal! Hahaha! I win no matter what!"

Although he only had a Soul left and was greatly weakened, the only methods to stop Dai Tian would be to seal him or weaken him to a point he couldn't put up a fight, his Soul was immortal and basked in the light of the Dao, he could not be killed easily nor could he recover to his peak strength without eons of hibernation or other methods.

Suddenly, a blue screen appeared before everyone's eyes.

[Energy Source Located! Speeding Up Territory Destruction!]

The earth roots began to rampage, twisting and tightening. They started to rise and pushed those beneath the earth back out.

When Fang Yuan and Cain were back to the surface, the world was no longer the same, the lands were charred with no life in sight. A group of Cultivators floated in the air with despair on their faces and Dai Tian was being chained by the System.

But on the bright side, Cain's cores were no longer sealed.