Prologue pt.2

Waking up from his nap Tael rose to greet the setting sun, allowing the cool dusk air to brush over his skin washing away the last bits of his fatigue. The miriad hues of orange and purple swept across the sky as a painting over the wasted landscape. The small shelter colapsed in a few moments as he placed everything back within his storage bag. Savoring his last few sips of water he began walking toward the tower with long strides. His steps took him far further than they should have like space compressed itself to get to his destination quickly. His feet blured with sparks of energy as they touched the ground flinging him forward in a teleport-esk movement.

As nightfall touched the ground he finally saw life bloom in this wasteland for the first time. Even in the darkness a miriad of lights flashed across the place turning the night into day, vibrant trees wove themselves through the brick and concrete of the city, an urbanscape unlike he had seen before. This was, The Oasis a land teaming with life that sprang out of the wellspring of abundance that was the tower. Mana saturated the air smeling of nature bringing out the vibrancy of everything around it. No walls surrounded the place only an ethereal barrier covered the city like a dome that attempted to contain a flood of mana from saturating everything around it. As he walked he finally began to appreciate truly how massive the tower truly was.

Scraping the stars above the thing reached so high one could not see the top, it's base was a thick as 10 skyscrapers all smashed together. there was little resistance as he walked into the city the wall merly trembled a little before testing out a melodic ding and opening just enough for him to pass through " Must be some sort of detection spell or something?Wonder what would happen if I wanted to attack and wouldn't let me through?" He pondered this train of thought for a few moments before deciding to move onto more pressing matters."Bah it's no matter now where can I find some food!?" He was careful not to use his magic recklessly but bade his way through the city quickly. Brushing past the bystanders frome time to time in pursuit of his newfound mission.

Across the streets many picked out the odd man hurridy rushing through the town. The more interested saw thin panel blink into exsistance before their eyes, Sizeing up the newcomers like a peice of meat on the chopping block. Many tree quite surprised with the limited amount of status they could see interested in what secrets his restricted status held. Quite quickly many became quite interested in what he would do next. Soon he caught his breath stopping in front of what looked to be a tavern of some sort. hanging out infront was a small sign of a beer mug above a crossed fork & knife." This should be the place I'm looking for." He let out a small chuckle as a sly smile cracked across his face. Right as he stepped through the door a char was sent flying towards his face. Without thinking much his body snapped into action rapidly looking around as he had prepared to once again launch the chair that had been thrown at him. After a second glance he Immediately began to calm down sensing the source of the attack drunkenly stumbling over to wrestle with another equally intoxicated guest. The air was thick with the scent of meat and ale as he took in the refreshing sight. Sighing as he shook his head he paid the two no mind, the management must have troubles controlling the guests considering their strength best to not interfere. Walking past the chaos of the room filled with rowdy troublemakers and vagrants Tael made his way over to the bar, taking a seat down on one of the empty stools.

He flagged down the barmaid who should have been a milkman considering her certain 'assets' but he didn't pay much heed to the though as she walked over. "What can I get cha today hun?" She spoke with a light cheery voice undisturbed by trove of rift Raf she delt with on a daily basis.'Charming' he gave a soft smile as if to say the implied without speaking.

"Well dear could you get me some food, the biggest coarse you got! And could ya throw in a mug of ale while your at it. Must be some good stuff considering the rest of them." He geastured with a wave of his hands to the ensuing clamor that had filled the room around them.

"Why sure I'll be right back with all that." she had a cheery smile on her face as she began heading to the back, calmly throwing a recently emptied mug at the two men throwing down across the room. Knocking one's head smack into the other,and sending them both tumbling across the floor. The room paused for only a moment to witness the poor men's fate before clamoring up once again. Soon he was served his food & he began greedily Devouring everything in sight off of his plate. As gobbled up his portions he began to listen in and observe the people around him catching glimpses of their conversation.

"And then, Jenny the other day was like..."

"So when you finally gonna shot cha shot man..."

"So I was like..."

"Come on you wanna go bro..."

"Hey what's been going on with the mayor lately he seemed off the last time I saw him?"

Hearing the last peice of conversation he began tuning in even though the two began speaking in hushed voices they sounded crystal clear to his ears. His eyes darted across the room soon locating the source of the interesting discussion he began listening attentively to what they had to say.