
When I turn from a mirror,

it's neglect, I say so

I fell down once

now it's unclear where I stand.


if you're hearing this, it's past midnight.

I'm not a sad song

but a happy ending on a cliff.

When I glaze over her,

it's abandonment, I say so.

I don't walk too slow

I'm only walking with nowhere to go.

Desire, the sun has risen

if you're awake, make yourself desirable.

If, this is a written story...

I ask because tales can be retold.

When I never meet my eyes,

it's disregard, I say so.

Not long ago I saw a shooting star

but my tongue didn't shoot, did not.

Love, amongst the ethereal

build me a conscious home.

I want to be, be with myself

how do I sleep tonight?