
When I was asked what I wished for, I never knew how to answer. There were simple answers I could have chosen from;

"My mother's long life."

"To do work I love."

"Someday fall in love."

"To travel the world."

Simple answers, not the least complicated. But to lie especially to myself, I was always a coward to consider even that.

I wonder now, what is it that I exactly wish for…

To be in a moment before falling asleep, aware of where I'm going so when I enter the land of dreams, I don't only catch them but I release them from my thoughts.


I fall in love with these dreams and I wake up, I'm altered I want to always be with these dreams but they are…

These dreams aren't taken pictures,

They are built up thoughts

Alive only when I'm unaware

When I come around, they are

Like memories of someone I should know

Yet feels so much, I can't call her me.

What then is my wish? I'm not lost but wish to be so I wouldn't remember.

"To travel the world."

"Someday fall in love."

"My mother's long life."

Simple answers, not the least complicated.