I am conquered
This my admission
Mother said
Father denied
But I know
As I've always known
Theirs I'm not
I am of those
Their dreams came true
Being with those
Their fate captured
The sky and all
Mother denied
Father said
I am captured
By those theirs I carry
In words I speak
Belief I live
With dreams I flew
To be amongst those
My eyes aren't colourless
My thoughts corrupt
But belonging is mine
I can say my true name
Wanderer of the faith
Mother said
Father denied
I am fallen
Half to the world
Half to the heart
As it's taken me
To dance with all
Be it defeat
Changed to surrender
Or love unseen
Hate held within
I'm caged without struggle
As I am, to be what I was
Mother denied
Father said
But destiny always known
My identity
Wanderer of the faith
If the stars carry beauty
Then the sun carry life
This my admission.