This and That, Way Of Dreaming.

When I say, it belongs in my thoughts

It's the way of dreaming

They were unspoken

but I've to live

I can steal this and that.

It's gotten hard

not life, to know yet wait;

the night was once sanctuary.

When I say, truth be told from my view

I'm not cowering

I live for tomorrow in the end.

If the stars remain untouched

but drawn and spoken for

This and that belongs in that realm.

It's gotten harder

not life, but living

separately from those unspoken thoughts.

When I say, there's something missing

greed isn't new to me

I was young once.

But dreaming from nothing

turns even a blank page grey

see the tries made over and over.

It's gotten hard

not life, wondering if life

mysteriously knows itself.

I've to live, when I say I've to live

I've cowered

My thoughts have won; it's the way of dreaming.

The night was once sanctuary

but I've changed

not all seasons are at fault.

It's gotten harder

the day can tell you even without the sun

not life, wondering if I'm living…