Version Of Two.

When I was young,


The birds sang morning sunshine,

The clouds said where'd you like to go,

The sun gave hope to take a step.


Longing between beauty and the world

To hate myself while looking at someone else

Desire to be of the world and beauty

To hate myself while thinking I know the woman.

When I was young,


The night sang sweet dreams innocent,

The stars said we'll be with you till nowhere,

The moon have hope to stare into the dark.


I grew taller with wants that stayed heavy

To hate myself while loving the mirror's image

I grew tougher with promises I left behind

To hate myself while thinking tomorrow's a new day.

When I was young,


If I could remember which time

I was a girl of the dreams

If I could relive the day in time

I am the girl of dreams.


I cut the longing and bleed the years I wasted

To hate myself while hungry for any love

I cut the dreams but killed the girl

To hate myself while wondering who I'll be.

When I was young,


If I could ask her which sun

Look, I'm new; unfeeling but knew

If I could lift that cloud

I'd remain girl of the dreams.

With growth gone is the sunny day

To hate the woman when the girl is loved

I won't listen, I remain unscathed!

To hate myself while saying I love myself.