We ask for forgiveness for those who carry the blood of gold

A fire only comes when theirs a storm, but the question is who calls upon the fire. Vhaera knew she wanted vengeance but she could not bear another loss. She now relied heavily on the elder's advice during her turmoil which led to a group discussion on this upcoming war. They all sat around each other near the fire as they watched the down pour. For months they have been plagued by toxic rain, a rare occasion since the sun shined so brightly yet the heat still disappears all the same.

The weather makes everything so gloomy even the stones on the path take the heat from that of a living person. Vhaera moved from the window as she started to feel a slight chill on her fingertips. "It was your idea to come here, to go back now would be a waste". One of the woman said. "I understand your confusion and anger. This place has made us feel special but it has been taking away our human traits. I want revenge but I worry at what cost". Vhaera continued to speak. " I and the children who stand beside you grow weaker if we are to stay here our cause must be united even if death were to befall us".

"We are no strangers to death, your worries for our safety has not gone unnoticed. If we are to defeat our foes we will become what is needed. When Valeanna came abroad our ship after escaping... the stories we all heard about her being... is not something I want for my children. It may be harsh but I rather they die than be in the service of another". The woman said as everyone shake their head in agreement. It seemed to Vhaera they have all made their own choices even if they're own children looked upon them with fright and worry.

"So we all agree then that war is the only solution" Valeanna spoke up. "Before you answer this question I must elude that the power we will soon find will come with a heavy burden". The prophet spoke. Alys is his name. He was reluctant in his answer as he gazed upon the children. "This has something to do with us with our lineage, Vhaera asked. I see the way you look at us every time a child is brought to your attention".

Alys sighed in distress. "I am not sure why we do this but in my dreams our dynasty is that of an incestuous one. They gasped in horror and denial at the thought. Vhaera could only look upon the flames as her mind tried reasoning with this new information. "And what have you all dreamed of recently?

They answered almost immediately. "Money, women, blood, fire, castles, and death. "Do we all have silver hair and purple eyes? she asked them. "No", they answered. "Then it is decided". "Explain, Alys, what exactly do you think this means?"

"In my dreams you are the one that brings life to our dragons. With all the knowledge we have acquired it seems the only way to protect ourselves is through family relations". "And if we choose not to do this", Valeanna asked. It surprised everyone since she is known to shy away from men. "If we choose not to I fear that our power will be used against us, Alys did not hesistate in his answer for it held some truth for the look on his face told them all.

"How many times must we do this?" Vhaera asked. "At least five generations so that madness may not overcome. Then we begin again".

"Do you know who will be our choices, Alys?" "I am afraid you already know the answer".

"I cannot, I will not, he is... " she fumbled with her words as the rest of the adults fathomed with their situation. They did not like this, nor did they want this. "Then we will not fight" Vhaera said as her emotion overcame her. She left the room as the group behind her bickered relentlessly. Her brother soon followed in suit not quite understanding the situation. "Vhaera", he called for her as he held her hand. She pulled away in disgust as though something flashed before her eyes.

''Im sorry I did not mean to make you upset its just everyone was talking about something that I didn't really understand and the talk of death and war is making me feel very anxious". Vhaera cried even louder for her brother. She would've of never believed this would be the cause of her vengenance. "Brother, I am not angry at you but myself''. She stooped down towards him as she gently rubbed his shoulders. ''I know that this may seem confusing but in order for us to go back we have to accept some things that others may not".

"War is an unhappy place but just like how you learn to wield a sword I must learn to bear it's burden. What has been spoken inside revolves around all of us and we are still too young to have to worry about it". Her brother wiped her tears as he gave her a hug. "I'm not worried I know you'll always protect me". His words pierced her heart as they returned to the small room that held the shouting families. Her blood boiled as they silenced themsleves soon after seeing her puffy swollen face. "Let the children grow we will speak of this when they have grown older. I still wish to have a brother till then".

The group said nothing more as they disperse into the background.

Nightfall soon came after. There was a time when they could not tell the difference between night and day but now if you looked closely, you could feel the temperature dropping and the stones growing more warmer every time the wind blows. Her brother's pet still guards the inn-keeps door. His scales no longered shimmered but his fire is still effective, as he slithers on the ground everytime a stranger passes.

The stones rid him of his heat but the flask accompanies him all the same. Her left ankle had fully healed sometime ago, the swelling left her mind completely just like her imagination. Something her brother has plenty of when she is need of a story. Cattle informed them of his company tonight and invited them to join. His obsession with the church combined with their eagerness to learn led them here. In the catacombs of the church, they found old glyphs on the walls about dragons. The history, they created a language so worn out that Vhaera decided she would learn more about it in the sanctuary. It contained all that has come before and will soon after.

Cattle allowed them to roam deeper as he spoke to the Vatican. "I suggest we..." the Vatican soon changed dialect which finally gave Vhaera the thought of making these old glyphs her new language. She told the elders of her plan as they existed the underground passageways. They agreed it was a suitable idea and hoped to send word to the velaryon's of their development. Even though they spoke high valyrian it could not compare to the words they saw it was hard to translate something that they believed was their own. Alys believed these could be their ancestors from the empire of the dawn. For just like the people in Asshai they could not give you an answer of how Valyria came to be. That was how they spent their night still uneasy about the lingering questions.