Blood purity

The war had mellowed their ambition. It was always their plan to conquer, in hopes that it will one day align them with the Gods. Vigar whipped his eyes on the back of his sleeves as he bowed to the king. 

"I did not give you leave to withdraw".


"I wish for you to look upon me one last time". He said this with such ease, surely, he understood the hidden agenda behind it. "This will be my last and final gift to you. Your home shall remain the Jade pyramid, no one shall take it from you, in your absence. That is where you shall stay and watch from the sidelines behind the castle gates like the rest". It didn't appear to the king that Vigar may be displeased by this notion. 

He only watched as he descended from his high seat. They now stood neck to neck. Vigar took it upon himself to fix his majesty Tokar a garment only freeborn men wear. (G.R.R.M quote) 

He eyed his dagger. The king took it upon himself to place it in his hands. "Promise me you will never show true fear to anyone, again". Vigar asked desperately as a sign of redemption for the one thing he once witnessed. Their eyes met. "Why did you not come to my chambers'?" 

"I may be many things but a whore is not one of them. We both have crossed a thin line between each over these years. Now promise me and I may go along my way in peace". The king held his wrist tighter. 

"You are worth more than a thousand whores. It is why I saved you back then and why I'm doing it again. Do not think you are the only one to regret what I witnessed, that day... I dreamt of that wretched boy". He said no more on the subject. "Your words always seem to cut me deeply".

"I promise", he whispered it upon his ear.

It was only until he left with sun-spear through the gates of his homeland did his heart begin to harden. He chose to pack lightly, only garnishing the third gift and the newly appointed one given to him today. At his side stood the harpy's fingers. Nine long leather lashes trail from the handle each tipped by a gilded claw. The gold pommel is a woman's head appointed with ivory teeth. 

"It has only been a few days, Aerion". He removes the spoon from his mother's lip as he hands the bowl to Alys.

"Will they survive?" 

"My mother and sister", he asked as he held her hand looking upon him for answers.

"I do not know". He looked upon the others in desperation. "You have been a great help. There are too many mouths to feed, and I fear that due to my negligence those forgotten in my absence may have died quicker". He was ashamed, the other men on board have refused to aid him. And in truth he only ever favored Vhaera, her health was his priority. He already foresaw their coming. 

"We have been at each other side on the whims of Vhaera. Yet I feel no stronger than I did that day on the harbor. It seems you are the only one among us that has found true comfort".

"Do not forsake her. We still do not know what truly happened". 

"I believe you've mistaken my words", before Aerion could continue, they heard a noise.

"Is there supposed to be anyone down in the hull?" He whispered letting go of his mother's hand. Alys shook his head. "Shh", Aerion pointed as he walked back up the stairs, sword unsheathed. He was blinded temporarily from the sun.

"Vaemond", he shouted, "Vale ryban".

"I hear a man; he is hiding below the hull". 

"Azantys honti rybas", Vaemond shouted for all to hear. "The knight hears a little bird". 

"Skorkydoso zentyssy se skorverdon korze issi?" "How are the guests and how many swords do you need?" 

"It is unlikely that they are sleeping, I just need four men". He nodded as the men picked up their arms and followed Aerion command. He entered the hull a dark round bottom stable which housed all their belongings. It would be most unlikely for these strays to poison their supply if they so happen to let them live. No torches were brought below what little light remained was enough if they were to be caught unguard, but he did hear them.

"If you come with us willingly it would at least assure you some sort of agency". He stood at the door waiting for an answer while his men were behind him. 

"Put away your sword and we will follow. It is clear to us that we are already outnumbered".

Aerion was the only one to do as he was told taking small steps back in case one of them decided to charge headfirst. It felt as though more than one was approaching. 

"Aerion", Vaemond called "What are you doing?" 

Immediately the two men in front of him were apprehended and put to rest on one knee, disarming them in the process. "Kirimvose se rytsas arli". "Thank you and hello again", he said as they pulled him up from his arse. "Issa, biarvose". "Yes, you're welcome". "These knives, one of the men recall belong to the citizens of Sarnoy. Who knew they had the galls in them to deface the pride of Ghis. For that alone we should let them live". 

"We don't know who truly defaced their Gods. You just gave them warrant to plead their case".

They spoke to each other unsure of what to do. The two men looked upon each other in doubt, never have they heard such a vulgar and strange tongue. For days they have heard it and pondered its origin. They only boarded this ship because of its destination. They did not realize the common ally in which they found.


The comforts of the palace have made him forget the vast oasis of the sand. The unflattering pattern it holds, to the poor tortured souls it unraveled on, that did not have a drop of water much less a stead. Many did they passed all begging for death, most likely some even escaped they're indenture. So much so that they began to pick up strays begging for servitude in exchange for a drop of sustenance. Most likely forgetting they were heading right back to the very forgotten city wished they escaped from.

They chose to travel by night under the company of the stars, it was easier to navigate. While during the day, they rested and hide in the surrounding dunes, hidden away by the merchants in their small, shrouded routes. A fresh new stead to carry them through until it felt like the sun scorched you clean it is only then that you would know you've arrived in Astapor. He took off his shemagh a head covering as he entered the city gates. Those that followed only held their head in submission. It was thanks to these few that Vigar was given an audience with the slave masters. A place to rest and dine for the day. He deemed it necessary. 

They wasted no time during the evening. They went from stale to door until his answers were met. He asked the very same question "has there been any new commers in the ports?"

"A merchant claimed three men with strange characteristics came looking for the 'wine of courage'. That they left a fortnight ago". It did not take a genius to put two and two together. The clicking of his tongue remained a warning. "What lovely trinkets you have, may I?"

The merchant nodded. "Bring him back with you. I have a marvelous idea, and I assume the great lords would enjoy my hospitality, as we continue this conversation".