Long you have waited drown in the sorrows of a cold slumber, embraced by the wrongs of the past. You could not tell if this feeling was of your own sorrow or that of the vast black stone crypt that scurry in this desolate place. Vhaera remembered the chill, the suffocating feeling of the heat escaping from her body as the cold entered in its place. Now, she knew not where her spirit loiters. It was not desperation that left her wanting, however the need for another became apparent. She could not dawdle here in this place of watchful eyes.
It is not up to her for she will soon learn that the guidance she seeks is nought that of the gods. Be that as it may, a man whose aim that is one of corruption may lead the sheep to its slaughter. Whether friend or foe his laughter is one of spite. For cruelty often lingers when honor is forgotten. It is better the dead do not speak for their truths hold dire consequences. What they whisper in this place makes her skin prickle, yet she does not understand it all the same. Are they wrathful? Or do they only pity her? She is glad that she does not have to endure the pain of seeing her parents. A child must not seek that of the dead lest she is ready to join them.
Vhaera could only hear the sound of dripping water. Her eyes laid closed almost buried like that of a dead- eyed woman. (G.R.R.M quote)
She wondered... Every time she followed the sound; it grew more distant. It is only when she stops does it begin again. So, she no longer takes any strides. And for some time, she knows not when, but she is able to see again. When she looked at her feet it was dry, it was not water that surrounds her, but the color of blood. Whose blood does she toil in and why is there so much of it?
Perhaps it is a sign for she no longer had five toes on her left foot. This place was dark no light entered, but how could she see? Her body looked rotten from the outside, yet her nose gave no indication. This place does queer things to one's senses.
For a long time, she waited and the sound she heard before was no more. It was like a veil was being lifted. Vhaera could hear light footfalls. The kind that a child makes when they are in trouble, so soft and shaky that they do not yet even realize that they themselves have plotted their own demise.
"Come out", her voice rang out with such force that it caused the water to ripple. From the darkness did a raven grace her with its presence diverting her gaze. It spun her around like a wheel for it had no place to perch its weight, so it fluttered overhead repeating a common phrase.
"Beware of the children."
"What children do you speak of?" It did not answer as it flew back from once it came. The sound of the beast merging onto flesh had startled her for a man, stood watching her every move. How long had he been there? Why couldn't she feel his presence before? Too many thoughts plagued her mind. Now that it was known to her, she wanted no part, but she could not say this out loud.
Whatever the man had in store for her left her puzzled.
"What am I to call you?" Vhaera herself couldn't believe she even uttered those words.
"Blood Raven." Just from the utter of his name did the whispers that surrounds her came to a halt.
"Only the dead linger here. What are you doing in this place?" She asked as her head tilted to one side.
"That is not true. You still breathe." The air around her grew more chill. "I am to be, but a simple guide. Do you not wish to leave?" He knew her answer already.
They stood at odds with one another, both incapable of meeting the other's wants.
"You are the one they whispered about. The one with "A thousand eyes and one. The one eye on your face, and the thousand eyes of your spies." She could not see him clearly only the birthmark on his right cheek of a blood-stained raven. She doubted his reasons. Even from this distance she could feel the cold from his breath. It made her shiver. Vhaera was beginning to hate the cold.
"I will not follow you. You want something from me, why else follow me to such a place. I have nothing to offer you."
He spoke in a taunting manner. "But I do."
"I do not accept gifts from dead things."
"You will in time, my sweet summer child." Her body shivered at his words.
"There is no need to be so callous around me", he whispered it gently as he watched her body grow more tense. "These waters are not yours only. I myself have the blood of my enemies etched in its path." Vhaera did not avert her eyes. She wondered why the man would need a thousand spies. Who would he need to be so watchful of?
"I have made too many mistakes to allow you to venture from me. Wherever you go, I shall follow. The sound you heard, when you prayed that was me." Vhaera found it hard to believe that he could control the wind. But if in fact he did see her life stretched before him in pieces. Why now does he show his face.
"I did not mean any harm to befall your people. Cattle's methods were unjust. He hurt you and the last thing I desire is for you to be harmed. You will not falter with me at your side." He spoke to her as though he knew something she was yet to comprehend. Seers are tricky that way. It was one of the reasons she was not too quick to jump to the suggestions Alys would conjure up. "You're a skin changer, a warg, as well as a seer." He nodded. "You were always so quick to understand, to learn." He said this in a way that made it seem like he was enjoying some type of pleasure she was yet to offer.
Vhaera was beyond unsettled if she dared take a step back, she wondered if he would chase her. Ensnare her even more in his grasp. It was beginning to become harder to breathe. The only person who could give her answers was Valeanna during that year she was in morn. Maybe there are others who felt his presence, his schemes. Regardless of his involvement these are no games one should play upon a man's life. Her mind felt like it was scrambling in his presence she thought too much.
"You may perceive yourself to be innocent, but that will soon not be the case." Vhaera smiled triumphantly at the prospect of destroying her enemy. "I come from such a dynasty. It too will fall and leave the world in its shambles, forever in its shadow." He said this with a longing gaze. "I fear that in the pursuit to match its power with the olden gods, magic will forever become a thing of the past." Vhaera did not understand for her smile turned hesitant.
"Your time is different. I can understand your plight. For some time, me and those that called ourselves shepherds had no power. It was almost like being a cripple. One handed cripple's do not inspire much fear. (G.R.R.M quote) They are lifeless beings who desire things they should nought. I am slowly becoming one. I have already lost an eye and now due to the cold so is my body. That fleeting feeling of want is just as dangerous for those who are whole. But my question to you is, what does that have to do with me?"
"I want to change it." He sounded desperate.
"We created a dynasty", she whispered. "Then you are of my line." As her thoughts become fickle and frail did, he emerge. His eyes were that of a ruby blood crested red as his hair descended down his shoulders. She took notice of the similarities he had. Her silver hair, a slash upon his right eye, but his skin was milk white, paler than the old gods.
"Not exactly." Vhaera wondered about all of his hidden meanings. Things she was yet to witness. She could only utter the word.
"Beautiful," she told him. It was as though the world had revealed an unknown secret. We will be free of them at lasts so why does her hurt bleed at the sight of this man. He chuckles. "I have been called far worse."
"I am a bastard who was legitimized out of spite." Before she could linger too much on his words, did he say something she longed to hear. "You have a mothers gaze. In another time you would have made it out of this maze, but that is neither here nor there."
"I can hardly believe that. My own brother refuses to see me as such."
At the mention of her brother did he say a peculiar thing. "I'm sorry he was a gentle soul". He walked towards her in a slow pleading way. She soon found herself holding him as though he was a babe in need of a cradle. All of her feelings of past dread did not vanish under the guise that it would be vanquish. She could almost taste the spells as she felt the strain leave his face as his body engulfed her. No longer, did she feel the cold, but the heat underneath. He was a living soul nearing his end, she supposed. Yet the figure before her was that of a young man.
"I will return to you when your mind has settled." She had many questions for him. From her growing breast did a raven leave her side, echoing the same phrase as before.
"Beware of the children."
Slowly the darkness faded as the whispering taunts left her. She was regaining all her senses. She heard voices this time, loud and clear. It only left her more confused. At the back of her mind did she utter his name fearing it would be forgotten once she wakes.
"Do I frighten you child?" She could say little. "I have no magic, child only prayers." Who was Alys referring too. The more questions she asked the more her head began to spin.
The prophet guided Valeanna to Vhaera's sick bed. "Remember what we discussed. I shall not tell you what to do, she must wake if you desire your mother's soul." From her one good eye she could see her brother towering over her with Alys not far behind. She could tell from the sound of their voices though it was so dark, perhaps she must have been mistaken. Aboard the ship she called for him many times but only silenced answered her back. Hunger took over her senses. Her voice was low, and no one had yet heard her. Our mother is long gone from this earth, my brother knows this. Once he let him go, did she crumble at the side of her bed. Her hands found Vhaera's in an act of desperation.
"Iedar". She required water. Even in the quip of night did Alys find strength to aid in her endeavor. As soon as she drew breath did, she try to warn him. Even her speech felt impaired.
"Vale ryban. Yel majaqis."
"I hear a man. They are admiring us. He lingers in the depths of my soul, and he will not leave me. There was a deeper desire that I do not yet understand." Alys hovered over them curiously.
"Rijas". Daemond praises her. Vhaera shook her head. He was not truly listening.
"Iksan, glad that you are save." He told her too sweetly.
"Izugan". "I am afraid." She answered back in desperation.
This in turn scared Valeanna for what could their leader be taken with. She poured some more water hoping it would relieve some of her grief. It was then; did she feel the tears that sprung from her cheeks. The sound was muffled from the leather pouch. She was kirine Alys could not hear.
"It is alright. I am here; he will not harm you." In her attempt to hold him Vhaera dug her nails into the palm of his skin. "I'm sorry", she said weakly.
"Shh, we are home now it's alright."
"If that is so, let me rest for a little while longer brother. Once I wake, we will no longer dilly dally." This answer alone brought relief to those that heard it.
Now, Valeanna could rest.
Aerion dared not remove his sister from Vhaera's side. For his mother's sake she will be spared. He could not say the same about Daemond. Alys believes this is the will of the gods. (ao3 quote) He did not. This was a barbaric ritual set to claim more of their lives than that of their enemies. He has asked himself more than once why he would not stop it. Aerion knows the selfish desire they all shared. For what it is like to lose, so if the cost must be that of others why not? He will bare its burden in due time.